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Oscar Niemeyer: biography, works and characteristics

Oscar Niemeyer was an expoente of the Brazilian architecture and back of his traços hair nosso country and world afora.

Relembre as his most important works and conheça a biografia do gênio.

Oscar Niemeyer Biography


On December 15, 1907, Oscar Niemeyer Soares Filho was born in Rio de Janeiro.

Oscar Niemeyer


Niemeyer trained as an architect engineer at the National School of Belas Artes in 1934.


Logo for the first years of work, he was invited to work without writing the great architect Lucio Costa, next to Carlos Leão and Affonso Eduardo Reidy.

The first major work in the group that has been involved in the construction of the Ministry of Education and Health, known as Edifício Capanema, erected as a orientation of the Swiss modernist architect Le Corbusier that served as inspiration for the group and this person in Rio de Janeiro to make the initial traces of project.

Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa
Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa

The first Niemeyer project built in 1937 was at Obra do Berço (located in Rio de Janeiro). Two years later he was invited by Jucelino Kubitschek, then the prefect of Belo Horizonte, to idealize the Conjunto da Pampulha.

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As two years passed, or architect was increasingly invited to project works. There are two examples of his works at Banco Boavista headquarters, not Rio de Janeiro (1946), the buildings in Hansa, Berlim (1954), or Museu de Modern Art of Caracas (1954), as public constructions of Brasília (1956), a University of Constantine, in Algeria (1969), between others.

Niemeyer also opened his own house on Estrada das Canoas (not Rio de Janeiro).


O renowned architect received five great prêmios ao long ago from his career. Foram eles:

  • Prêmio Leão de Ouro da Bienal de Veneza (1949)
  • Prêmio Lênin da Paz, da USSR (1963)
  • Prêmio Pritzker for Architecture (1988)
  • Prêmio Príncipe das Astúrias de Arte (1989)
  • Medalha do Mérito Cultural do Brasil (2007)

Political life

For two years, Oscar remained a communist, joining the Brazilian Communist Party in 1945.

Niemeyer asked to be responsible for unleashing the headquarters of the Communist Party in Paris.

Headquarters of the Communist Party in Paris
Headquarters of the Communist Party in Paris


Or architect worked as a professor at the University of Brasília but, in 1965, alongside about two professors who protested against the military invasion, he asked for dismissal for political reasons.

Twelve years later, he was prevented from working in Brazil and moved to France, where he received authorization from General De Gaulle to continue practicing his profession.

In 1972 he inaugurated his office on the famous Champs Elysées avenue, in Paris. Na França he executes or project Bolsa do Trabalho de Bobigny and Centro Cultural de Le Havre.

Books published

Oscar Niemeyer published the following works for a long time:

  • A form na architecture (1978)
  • As curves do tempo - memories (1998)
  • University of constantine: universidade dos sonhos (2007)
  • Rio - from province to metropole (1980)
  • Minha experience in Brasília (1961)
  • Houses onde morei (2005)
  • Minha arquitetura - 1937-2005 (2005)
  • Architect conversation (1993)
  • Or be e a life (2007)
  • Chronicles (2008)
  • Niterói Contemporary Art Museum (1997)
  • E agora? (2003)
  • ? (2004)

Or architect who designed Brasília

Juscelino Kubitschek, then president, had never been a guest or architect to develop the complex of Pampulha when he was the prefect of Belo Horizonte.

When the politician is elected to the Presidency of the Republic, he invited Oscar to execute a series of buildings public such as or Palácio da Alvorada, or National Congress, or Palácio do Planalto and or Supreme Court Federal. As works were carried out between 1957 and 1958.

Pessoal Life

Oscar was married two times. Your first marriage was with Annita Baldo in 1928. He lived for 76 years, and ended up being widowed on October 4, 2004.

Beside Annita he has a unique filha-também architect and designer-chamada Anna Maria Niemeyer (1930-2012).

In 2006, the architect was married to a secret secretary Vera Lúcia Cabreira, who joined his side at the end of life.


Victim of a respiratory insufficiency, Niemeyer died in Rio de Janeiro (not Samaritan Hospital), no on December 5, 2012, aged 104 years.

Main works

Brasília Cathedral (Brasília)

Brasilia Cathedral

Or Oscar is a project of a peculiar, modernist religious construction, composed of sixteen reinforced concrete columns linked to a central circle.

Or temple that or architect built in Brasília was dedicated to Nossa Senhora Aparecida, god of Brazil. That is, aliás, or nome oficial do espaço: Metropolitan Cathedral Nossa Senhora Aparecida.

The church building was inaugurated in 1970 with many curves, a series of windows and four characteristic sinuses.

Conheça founded a Brasilia Cathedral.

Copan Building (São Paulo)

Copan Building

The famous Edifício Copan, built in concrete reinforced during the fifties not born in the capital of São Paulo, was inspired by a wave and has the objective of tracing a little movement in São Paulo.

The residential building with six blocks was built in the S format, it is located at Ipiranga Avenue number 200 (bem not the city center). A construção also shelters not walking on the ground in an art center.

Oscar Niemeyer Museum (Curitiba)

Oscar Niemeyer Museum

Or "museu do olho" or "olhão", as it is usually chamado, it is a building inaugurated in 1978 to house a series of secretaries of State of Curitiba.

In 2002, the construction of the new outlines because the olhão was accented - just now or space too, also a museum of art and design.

O complex currently houses a series of documents linked to the life history of architect Oscar Niemeyer (models, photos, records of works).

Sambadrome (Rio de Janeiro)


Popularly known as sambadrome, or official name of construction idealized by Oscar Niemeyer and Passarela Professor Darcy Ribeiro.

The building was inaugurated in 1983 to house or parade of Rio de Janeiro samba schools for a series of shows throughout the year. It does not also work as an ensino establishment.

A small construction in reinforced concrete of a new shape is the Marquês de Sapucaí and the most characteristic design of this work and the huge arch that crowns Praça da Apoteose.

Contemporary Art Museum (Niterói)

Contemporary Art Museum

O cultural building inserted not due to a rich landscape in natural beauty (in Praia do Ingá, Niterói region), was inaugurated in 1991 to house a series of contemporary art exhibitions.

Or it seems to have been inspired by a spaceship that flew to the sea, inviting the visitor to admire the landscape of Baía de Guanabara.

Ministry of Education and Health (Capanema Building) (Rio de Janeiro)

Ministry of Education and Health (Capanema Building)

The building was designed by Swiss Le Corbusier, two great names of modernist architecture and two months of Brazilian architecture. Niemeyer was still young when he was a project alongside Carlos Leão and Lucio Costa, his non-architectural colleagues.

The Ministry of Education and Health, known as the Capanema Building, was inaugurated in 1936 in the heart of Rio de Janeiro.

Conjunto da Pampulha (Belo Horizonte)

Pampulha set

O Conjunto da Pampulha was inaugurated in 1940. The idea was to build a complex employment of lazer com igreja, restaurants, spaces for social interaction.

Or a treat to carry out a piece of work by Juscelino Kubistchek, who was once the prefect of Belo Horizonte, and convened or architect to project or space giving his personal touch to the characteristic touch. We see above a complex image of the igreja.

Ibirapuera (São Paulo)


The public park that fica or heart of the capital of São Paulo was inaugurated in 1954 - the first proposal had been presented by an architect in 1951 and modified for years to follow.

Or feito treat to Oscar tinha for a special reason: or the park should celebrate 400 years of the city of São Paulo.

Headquarters of the French Communist Party (Paris)

Headquarters of the French Communist Party (Paris)

Niemeyer was a communist and teve or prazer of having been invited to unseat the party headquarters in the French capital.

No building that was inaugurated in 1965, or the architect chose to use curves that are characteristic of his style and to leave a free space in front of the building in order to promote social interaction.

Characteristics of his works

In general, it is possible to identify some guiding traces of Oscar Niemeyer's architectural works.

Among the parents that are repeated convém sublinhar or use of many curves providing an idea of levity nas construções. Second or architect:

Não é o angle challenge that attracted me, nem a linha challenged, tough, inflexível... or that I was attracted to a free and sensual curve.

Seus trabalhos, com modernist traços, he was deeply influenced by the Swiss architect Le Corbusier.

Embora has drunk a lot of architecture that looks outside, we have architectural projects and it is also possible to find a series of elements of Brazilian colonial art (Note for example not using tiles).

Ao long das suas works Oscar fez a lot of use of reinforced concrete and always pressed pela originality.

Conheça also

  • Main works of Oscar Niemeyer
  • Arame Opera Monument (Curitiba)
  • Escadaria Selarón Monument (Rio de Janeiro)
  • The most impressive Gothic monuments of the world
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