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7 strategies to combat hypochondria

The body itself is constantly sending us ambiguous signals, difficult to interpret; not because it is our organism, we know exactly everything that happens in it. For this reason, it is normal to worry from time to time about the possibility of having contracted or developed a disease.

However, there are also other types of cases in which the individual worries excessively and constantly, systematically, for their own health, perceiving normal biological processes as alarm signals or, at least, that do not imply pathologies of importance. This type of phenomenon is known as hypochondria., and it is a psychological alteration that can damage our quality of life, even if it is based on unfounded fears.

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Tips to combat and overcome hypochondria

Hypochondriasis can be understood as a vicious circle supported by two elements: the predisposition to interpret any apparent anomaly in our body as a a sign of illness, on the one hand, and a tendency to obsess over it and think over and over again in very pessimistic hypothetical situations linked to one's own health, which leads to constant self-checks and feeling that medical assistance is needed over and over again, even though no professional diagnoses the supposed disease. That loop of anxiety and repetitive thoughts gives rise to anxiety-type symptoms, which in turn

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They can generate other physical symptoms due to the wear and tear that this generates on the neuroendocrine system..


These symptoms, both physical and psychological, can be restlessness, agitation, constant stress, anguish, obsessions with one's own health, skin rashes, fatigue and insomnia. And since the situation worsens over time, it is advisable to do something to combat hypochondriasis and not let it fully establish itself in our daily lives.

Below we present a series of very useful strategies with which you can combat hypochondriasis and that can be applied on a day-to-day basis.

1. go to psychotherapy

Going to psychotherapy if you consider that you may be suffering from a true psychological disorder is the best way to put our case in the hands of a qualified professional in this type of intervention.

It is important to request the services of a psychology professional as long as our level of hypochondria does not remain in a simple discomfort, and can also cause us problems on a daily basis and interfere with our normal functioning. The mental health professional will be the one who will confirm if it is a psychopathological alteration and propose a therapy plan.

A professional psychologist who is an expert in hypochondriasis will thoroughly review our case and provide us with the personalized support we need.

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2. Review your own fears afterwards

One of the classic characteristics of people with hypochondria is the tendency to generate very negative or catastrophic about possible diseases that the person has contracted or will contract in the future next.

To combat these irrational thoughts and fears that are not based on fact, it is necessary to get used to reviewing and analyzing them afterwards, to see that they are only in our heads and do not fit with reality.

In this way we will verify that nothing of what we feared has been fulfilled and we will stop harboring these types of thoughts and worries progressively over time.

3. Lead a healthy lifestyle

One of the first things that professionals recommend to people with hypochondria of psychology and health is to put healthy lifestyle habits into practice for all levels. This will expose us less to anxiety, since physical exhaustion makes us more vulnerable to this type of alterations by being less prepared to face day-to-day problems or even physical discomfort itself, amplifying it.

Some of these healthy habits are: doing moderate physical exercise weekly, eating a healthy and balanced diet without excess carbohydrates, walking a minimum of 30 minutes a day and doing activities that activate the intellect, such as reading or hobbies.

Carrying out an active and healthy lifestyle based on these simple habits, you will see how your body can function perfectly in its entirety and that nothing bad happens to your body.

  • Related article: "10 psychologically healthy daily habits, and how to apply them to your life"

4. Avoid trying to block negative thoughts

As we have commented, hypochondriasis is associated with a series of recurring negative thoughts that the person who has this type of disorder harbors on a systematic and daily basis.

These unpleasant thoughts usually generate great discomfort in the person and to overcome them it is necessary that you do not try to block them and that you try to accept the occasional discomfort, so that in this way you do not give it more importance than it has by itself.

In this way you will become familiar with those thoughts, you will be able to analyze them within yourself and you will be able to find other, more positive, optimistic and adaptive substitute thoughts.

5. Remind yourself of the difference between the possible and the probable

The worries that people with hypochondriasis harbor are often based on an inability to distinguish what is likely to happen from what is likely to happen in their daily lives.

To address one of the main origins of hypochondriasis, it is recommended that you regularly remind yourself of the difference between the possible (what can happen with greater probability) than the probable (that is, what can happen but with less probability).

6. Learn to identify your emotions

Identifying one's own emotions is the first step to changing them, something that any psychologist specializing in hypochondria and emotional management can help us with.

The identification of emotions can be done, for example, by keeping a personal diary where we periodically write down our emotions, with the aim of not confusing feelings and interpreting them as the expression of a certain disease.

Knowing each of the emotions we feel and how they are triggered will help us to know ourselves better ourselves, to know our fears and concerns and to start working to change them.

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7. Stay calm with relaxation techniques

Something that we must always remember to overcome our hypochondria problem is to remain calm and achieve a state of relaxation and balance with which to master our fears and distressing or obsessive thoughts.

We can reach states of calm and tranquility with the help of a professional psychologist who trains us in the application of one of the various relaxation techniques that exist and are available to us provision.

Some relaxation techniques The most useful that we can find are meditation, conscious breathing, yoga, and progressive muscle relaxation.

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