30 books for entrepreneurs (totally essential)
In a society with a high rate of unemployment and unemployment, many people decide to take the risk of starting their own businesses. These are entrepreneurs, who run the risk of opening a new company or project in order to offer a new product or service, or take advantage of the needs and demands of the market.
But being an entrepreneur requires, apart from initiative, a series of knowledge that can be useful for the survival of the new company. Therefore, below you can find 30 essential books for entrepreneurs.
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About thirty books for entrepreneurs
In order to help entrepreneurs obtain useful knowledge for training and survival of their company (or to motivate them), we recommend a series of books that may be of utility.
1. The art of war (Sun Tzu)
This well-known writing by Sun Tzu reflects and reflects on different ways to achieve victory in conflict situations Thanks to the strategy. Although the proposed tactics are designed and focused on the field of warfare, their teachings can apply to other multiple facets, such as the business environment and competition within the market. There is also an edited version focused on business.
- If you are interested, Click here.

2. The black book of the entrepreneur (Fernando Trías)
Although it may seem a somewhat pessimistic starting point, this work delves into the different factors that cause more than three quarters of startups to fail. It allows us to see what elements to avoid or take into account in order to help our business work and be maintained.
- To know more about the book visit this page.
3. Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand)
This book, a novel by Ayn Rand, allows us to observe the philosophy that existed in the United States regarding the business sector during the 20th century. Economics is an important part of the argument, indicating that to achieve progress we need economic freedom. can be used for identify the dangers of individualism taken to the extreme (although this was not the intention of the author).
- Here You will find more information about the book.
4. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen Covey)
This book studies and indicates different habits that are useful for the entrepreneur can lead your company better, making it much more effective in managing its economic activity.
- To read more about this work, Click here.
5. Rich Dad Poor Dad (Robert Kiyosaki)
From comparisons between different ways of thinking, the author intends to indicate ways of acting that can lead to success, while helping to take advantage of the skills that each one possesses for the benefit of the company.
- visit this page to learn more about the book.

6. How to Start a Successful Internet Business (Miguel Ángel Florido)
The new technologies are nowadays a key piece and a fundamental part to achieve that our company expands and makes itself known, in addition to assuming a good base from which to start a company. It has a free ebook version.
7. 100 Ways to Motivate Others (Steve Chandler and Scott Richardson)
Having a company usually involves talking and managing contact with different people, from suppliers and employees to customers. Knowing how to motivate them and having techniques for it is essential.
- Interested? You can find more details in this link.

8. Guerilla Marketing (Jay Conrad Levinson)
Opening and maintaining your own business it requires being able to generate strategies far from the usual in order to stand out. The author seeks to use unconventional methods to achieve the proposed objectives.
- To learn more about the book, Click here.
9. The blue ocean strategy (W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne)
The blue ocean strategy is to find niche markets that have not yet been discovered. Not competing with other companies is an advantage when it comes to creating a profitable business. In other words, it is proposed that the business to be created be elaborated in a that the existence or non-existence of competition is not relevant.
- To purchase the book or learn more about it Click here.

10. The Entrepreneur's Handbook (Steve Blank & Bob Dorf)
A small guide that can help us orient ourselves in the complex process of assembling, maintain and develop our own company. It is a very useful and quite exhaustive work.
- In this page you will find more information.
11. The art of beginning (Guy Kawasaki)
Simple and motivating book that can help us reflect about what is important and most essential when creating a company, service or product.
- Learn more about the book here.

12. Ideas That Stick (Chip Heath & Dan Heath)
This work attempts to analyze the principles and main factors that possess the ideas that are attractive and they survive. Simplicity, specificity, credibility, emotionality, successiveness and unexpectedness are the main properties that this type of ideas usually gathers.
- Consult more information about the work in this link.
13. Permission Marketing (Seth Godin)
Marketing is a fundamental element when it comes to publicizing your product in an attractive way for the public. However, the general population is saturated with advertising, so it is necessary to develop good strategies so that potential users do not feel manipulated and are attracted to the products.
- Do you want to know more about the book? Check this website.

14. Steve Jobs (Walter Isaacson)
The story of Steve Jobs and the passage from him to his success as the founder of Apple can serve as a great example of entrepreneurship. This work reflects the life and numerous interviews of Steve Jobs, which can motivate the reader and help him understand how success can be achieved.
- To learn more about this bestseller, Click here.
15. The Lean Startup method (Eric Ries)
This book reflects how the methodology of continuous innovation can be used in order to create successful companies, thanks to management based on interaction with current or future customers.
- Consult more information here.

16. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Robert B. cialdini)
The art of persuasion is a very useful element to convince customers, suppliers, promoters and investors of the need to acquire or promote the use of a certain good or service. In this book are offered different techniques oriented to how to convince others.
- To learn more about this title, Click here.
17. The entrepreneur's factory (Jorge Moruno)
A global vision of the phenomenon of the rise of the entrepreneurial spirit and its transformation during the years after the 2008 financial crisis. A book to understand how the markets and the new job search paradigm have evolved.
- If you are interested, you can find it here.
18. The Purple Cow (Seth Godin)
This book tells us about the need to differentiate yourself from the rest and stand out in order to get your business off the ground and keep it up. especially through marketing. It seeks to attract attention and make an attractive product.
- If you are interested, consult this page.

19. Who has taken my cheese? (Spencer Johnson)
Through the story of four mice that have gone from having their object of desire to being left without it, the author makes a representation of four different ways to adapt to novelties (or not doing it), being these resisting, adapting, overtaking too quickly or not even detecting them.
- use this link if you want to read more about the book.
20. Zero to One (Peter Thiel)
Pioneering products tend to be the ones that attract the most attention and the ones that carry the greatest profit opportunity, but also the greatest risk. This book indicates that the important thing in order to achieve great success is not to pull elements already created but starting from original and own ideas.
- on this website you will find more information.

21. The 4-Hour Work Week (Timothy Ferris)
This book aims to help the reader to take advantage of time through different strategies, avoiding downtime and excess stress and health problems associated with having too much job. The search for a correct use of one's own time is raised and a good management of one's life, without being the objective to obtain large sums.
- By clicking here you will find more information.
22. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (John C. Maxwell)
Good leadership is key when it comes to that a company can be managed correctly. The author makes a study about the abilities and ways of doing and acting of leaders and how we can become one of them.
- Interested? Click here.

23. The Starbucks Experience (Joseph Michelli)
Starbucks is currently a company known worldwide. In this book we can see an example of a company that has achieved a high level of acceptance and success, being able to learn the different strategies they used.
- To know more, consult this website.
24. Little capitalist pig (Sofía Macías)
This book represents a small help in order to learn to manage the economy and get the most out of your income.
- Click here to know more.

25. The One Minute Executive (Ken Blanchard)
Running a business is complicated. In order to help the entrepreneur, this book teaches different techniques to improve the work environment and make workers more efficient and productive.
- Check this website to get extra data.
26. The entrepreneur's guide to customer development (Patrick Vlaskovits)
Focused on conducting business between companies, this book encourages us and teaches us the importance and the way to validate and work with the client regarding what needs must be covered. One of the most interesting books for entrepreneurs.
- To know more, Click here.

27. Generation of business models (Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur)
The business model of a company It is something to take into account and that will structure the company and its way of operating. In this book, the authors show the most common types, how they can be designed and adjusted, and how the different components that are part of a business are related.
- If you are interested, here you can read more about the book.
28. Making Ideas Happen (Scott Belsky)
Having good ideas can be somewhat complicated, but it is even more complex to translate them into real life. The book raises the need for innovation and let creativity be allowed of all members of a company. We try to motivate the reader to put into practice what we believe in.
- Check this website to read more about this work.

29. Never eat alone (Keith Ferrazzi)
This book tells us the need to have contacts and keep them, establishing effective networks under the consideration that achieving an objective will depend not only on oneself but also on the environment and the support given to the idea.
- If you consider reading this work, Click here.
30. The myth of the entrepreneur (Michael, E. gerber)
In this work the author describes the challenges faced by small businesses and how large companies manage to manage themselves effectively. It seeks to give clues and help so that the small entrepreneur can run his business effectively.
- Consultation this website to know more.