Education, study and knowledge

The 8 benefits of Multiple Intelligences in the classroom

Human intelligence has been an important topic of discussion in the field of Psychology. And, without a doubt, one of the most important concepts is that of Multiple Intelligences, a theoretical model proposed by howard gardner.

Unitary intelligence had been talked about for a long time; However, Gardner's proposal turned the traditional belief about human intelligence on its head, and the model of multiple intelligences appeared as an alternative to the paradigm until then dominant.

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A theory that changed the course of education

Howard Gardner, introduced his theory to the world with his book Structures of the mind: the theory of multiple intelligences, a work that expresses the idea that intelligence is not unitary, but that there are many nuances to define this construct. Despite the fact that the first edition of this text was published in 1983, it was not until 1987 when it appeared in Spanish.

For Gardner, intelligence is too abstract a construct to speak of just one, since it is possible to find cases of

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people who are very good at certain mental tasks and very bad at others: geniuses when it comes to composing music or moving their body to dance, but not very skilled in mathematics, for example. That is why psychologists have been very interested in this topic and today there are different conceptions about cognition and behaviors. higher psychological processes.

According to the theory of multiple intelligences, we can talk about the following types of intelligence.

  • linguistic intelligence: It is the ability to master both written and oral language.
  • Logical-mathematical intelligence: It is the ability to reason logically and the ability to solve mathematical problems.
  • spatial intelligence: It is the ability to observe objects from different perspectives, just like the world, and it is the ability to manipulate mental images and create them to solve problems.
  • Musical intelligence: It is the ability to elaborate musical pieces or interpret music.
  • body intelligence: Ability to move one's own body and coordinate its movements.
  • Intrapersonal intelligence: It is the ability to know and manage your own emotions and thoughts.
  • Interpersonal intelligence: It is the ability to relate to others.
  • naturalistic intelligence: It is the sensitivity that an individual has towards the natural world.

Benefits of Multiple Intelligences in the classroom

Multiple Intelligences have changed the educational landscape, and according to Gardner they provide a series of benefits in the classroom.

1. Motivate students

One of the benefits of this intelligence model is that contributes to each child or student developing their talents. This is key for them to feel motivated on a day-to-day basis. For example, if a child is good with music, with this model it is possible to detect it and help it develop its great passion.

2. Personalize learning

Howard Gardner's theory goes to say that Each student has unique characteristics., that make you different from others. If we manage to discover what each child can contribute and what they are good at, we can make them grow and we favor their learning.

3. Provides a more complete learning

This learning model is much more complete than the traditional one. Since he has a broader view of intelligence, promotes the acquisition of a wide range of skills by the students.

4. teaches to learn

Students learn different creative strategies and tools that help them develop their talents themselves.

5. Power more skills

It is a more complete model and in which there is room for different types of skills. Therefore, students develop those skills in which they stand out.

6. Promotes educational innovation

This model breaks with the classical teaching model and encourages creativity. At the same time, in him, there is room for the most innovative educational tools.

7. Practical application

Since the student develops what really motivates him and what he excels at, he is more likely to be able to apply it in his future.

8. More precision in the evaluation

This model allows knowing and developing the strengths and weaknesses of each student, so gets a more accurate view of what each one is like and what needs to be done to stimulate their learning.

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