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Mythical thought: what is it and how does it direct our mind?

The human being has tried since its inception find meaning in existence, who we are and what happens around us.

To do this, he has used many different strategies, which have ended up leading to scientific thought. current, which works based on empirical evidence and the contrasting of hypotheses with the media available.

However, before this there have been different types of explanation of reality that have been based on different elements. One of the types of thought that have preceded scientific thought when interpreting the different phenomena and unknowns of life is mythical thought.

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What is mythical thought?

We call mythical thinking a type of worldview or attempt to explain reality characterized by the use of a logic based on symbolism. It tries to satisfy the need to give meaning to what surrounds us, based on the beliefs and values ​​of the time and the situation in which it occurs.

In mythical thought it is intended to account for various aspects

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based on fantastic stories, in which subjective elements and references to heroic figures abound. A metaphorical use is made of such narrations, which are called myths, using them based on the association between contiguous or similar elements. The way in which the content of this thought is maintained is through tradition and the transfer of myths from generation to generation, either orally or in writing.

It is common for references to deities and supernatural elements to be made that allow us to personify the aspects whose cause is unknown in such a way that what we know is used (such as for example, purposeful human behavior), to explain what is extraordinary to us (such as falling from a ray). In addition, it has a mainly practical purpose in seeking explanations for phenomena that have an effect on us.

Offers a direct explanation of reality so focused on the culture that works it, without in the mythical thought itself there is a questioning or an attempted falsification of said explanation. Likewise, the type of answers they offer are usually deterministic and based on the belief regarding the destiny, so that it usually gives rise to the belief that one's own acts cannot alter the course of nature.

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Differences between mythical thought and scientific thought

Mythical thought is, as we have seen, the predecessor of philosophical thought. and scientific. They have in common that both types of thought try to offer the human being an explanation of why reality is how it is and the origin of the different phenomena, as well as the fact that they are based on theories that are usually based on the stability of the reality.

As regards the differences, one of the main points of divergence is that while mythical thought focuses on offering an explanation based on subjectivity and beliefs scientific thought seeks to obtain knowledge based on empirical evidence, which can be directly observed.

Likewise, scientific thought allows the falsification and contrast of its results, which allows self-criticism and the refutation of what has already been stipulated. The mythical thought, on the other hand, tends to be dogmatic and does not accept alterations nor look for visible evidence of its veracity.

Another divergent aspect is found in that we can see how scientific thinking has tried to overcome ethnocentric conceptions to focus on establishing an explanation as universal as possible of the events.

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Link with religion

mythical thought is often assimilated with religious thought. The reasons for this are varied, such as the fact that indeed many religions have created their own myths as explanatory elements of reality, many of them They are of an ethnocentric nature, that use supernatural elements in their interpretation of it and that have been transmitted through the generations until reaching the present. In fact, in many cases it has been proposed that the origin of religions can be found in this type of thinking.

However, although linked and despite the fact that they share some characteristics, mythical thought does not necessarily overlap with religion.

Among other differences, we can highlight that religion does not have to offer a deterministic conception of reality and generally religious faith is elaborated in such a way that it establishes an ethical code and conduct among those who share the same beliefs. Furthermore, some religions do not use explanations based on personification or supernatural elements to explain natural phenomena.

Its importance

Although today it is considered that mythical thought has been superseded by the scientific, it must be taken into account that mythical thought has had a great influence and importance in societyboth in the past and at present.

Among other things, it has allowed us to move little by little towards ways of explaining reality that are more circumscribed to what is observable. It has also contributed greatly to the development of culture, allowing different perspectives on life, reality and the unknown to exist. Religious beliefs have also been able to develop thanks to this type of thinking.

Ethics has also been influenced by mythical thought. In myths we can observe the values ​​of our ancestors, which have been able to develop in different ways thanks to culture. Likewise, also in the world of art it has had and continues to have a great influence, serving many artistic inspiration myths in all existing art forms.

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