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Brintellix: uses and effects of this drug

The evolution in the field of pharmacology does not stand still, and new drugs constantly appear. Regarding the area of ​​neurology, there are several alternatives on the market to contribute to the treatment of mental illnesses.

Brintellix, for example, is a drug belonging to the family of antidepressants.. This drug has shown quite good effectiveness when it comes to treating major depression.

In this article we will review the uses and effects of Brintellix, we will see its contraindications and side effects, and we will talk about the indications for an efficient consumption of this medicine.

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What is Brintellix?

this drug It is responsible for inhibiting the absorption of serotonin within the body, which can translate into benefits for people affected by a depressive disorder.

As we mentioned before, due to the potency of this drug, it is one of the most prescribed in the cases of patients affected with major depression.

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Serotonin, among other functions, is responsible for regulating the mood of people when the raphe nuclei, which are located in the brainstem, they do not secrete the sufficient amount of this neurotransmitter and the subject is immersed in a depressive state of organic origin.

What Brintellix does is increase the flow of available serotonin, thus helping the patient to remain emotionally stable.

One of the advantages of this drug, compared to other alternatives on the market, is its high degree of tolerability in the organism, and in addition to being useful to stabilize the person in terms of the mental part, it also works very well to treat the cognitive wear and tear of major depression.

Before the appearance of this drug on the market, the alternatives most used by specialists to treat depression went through selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drugs, on the one hand, and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (IRSN).

Inhibitory methods are generally used when the depression is not as severe, but If the subject does not respond well to this treatment, Brintellix can be indicated as a fairly effective alternative..

Difference with inhibitor treatments

Fundamentally, what differentiates these drugs is their degree of action. While inhibitors are limited only to preventing certain cells in the brain from absorbing serotonin (SSRIs), so that this can be better used by the brain structures that need it to emotionally stabilize the subject, the Brintellix has multiple functions.

Apart from fulfilling the functions of a selective serotonin inhibitor (SSRI), it also functions as a regulator in the activity of specific receptors of this substance.

Specialists in the field of neurosciences who are familiar with this drug express that this duality in how Brintellix works is what makes it so effective for the specific treatment of depressive disorder elderly.

In short, this drug acts as an antidepressant and anxiolytic, in addition to reducing the symptoms of cognitive impairment of major depression. But like all medicines, you must be responsible with your administration, to avoid some of the contraindications that could have if used improperly.

Side effects

The side effects of this medication vary in how serious they are. It could happen that they only generate a temporary discomfort for the subject, as it can also happen that he must be hospitalized due to them.

Let's look at some of these side effects according to their degree of severity.

1. mild side effects

These side effects do not generate a clinically significant alert for the patient.

  • dry mouth.
  • Lack of sexual appetite.
  • Diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Gastrointestinal discomfort.
  • Dizziness and nausea.
  • Nightmares.

2. severe side effects

These side effects of Brintellix are serious. If any of these occur, see a doctor immediately.

  • Dermatological alterations.
  • Swelling of the face, or specific sectors of it, including the tongue.
  • respiratory distress.
  • Trouble eating, due to difficulty swallowing.
  • Headaches.
  • Hallucinations and loss of consciousness.
  • Fainting.

If signs other than these occur, but which may be related to the time the drug is consumed, its use should also be discontinued and the doctor should be seen immediately.

efficient consumption

To avoid the previously mentioned side effects, you should talk openly with the doctor and refer if we present any particular type of condition, such as allergies of any kind, or if we are taking any other drug, regardless of whether it is prescribed or No. Especially if they are monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor drugs, since the effect that consuming the two drugs simultaneously would have on the body would be detrimental.

Regarding the state of pregnancy, the effects of this drug are harmful to newborns, this drug should not be prescribed if there is a pregnancy involved or if the patient plans to be in the short term.

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