Education, study and knowledge

Where to train in Human Resources? 4 recommendations

The field of Human Resources is one of the professional contexts with the most output in the business world. And it is that practically all organizations need experts in the treatment and management of workers, as well as their working conditions.

However… Where to train in Human Resources? How to choose a specialization program to become professional in this area of ​​work? Let's see several recommendations and tips.

  • Related article: "Psychology of work and organizations: a profession with a future"

How to choose where to train in Human Resources?

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the following; both the management of business activities in general and the management of Human Resources in specifically cover a large number of processes and practices that require very theoretical and practical knowledge. various.

This means, among other things, that postgraduate courses and Masters that allow professionalization in these areas can be very different from each other. There is a lot to choose from, and precisely for this reason we must know how to make the choice that best suits our needs.

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However, beyond the characteristics that make each HR professionalization program unique, there is a series of qualities that tell us if it is possible to learn in an effective way and based on a content of quality.

In the following paragraphs we will see what these main characteristics are, criteria to know if a training program in Human Resources is of quality or can be recommended. All these recommendations are based on the idea that specializing in this area should aim to perform well in fair work. after finishing the postgraduate or Master's degree, knowing both the most general aspects of the profession, on the one hand, and the day-to-day details, on the other. other.

1. The teaching team must be made up of professionals

It is important that the main activity of the majority of the teaching team is concentrated in the subject area of ​​which they teach: selection of personnel, labor relations, psychology of organizations, etc.

Dedicating yourself solely to teaching can allow you to achieve a high level of theoretical knowledge, but this would be decontextualized and easily leads to biases. Being able to count on professors capable of resolving doubts regarding what happens in practice in the operation of companies provides great added value to training.

2. It does not focus only on quantitative aspects

Training in Human Resources runs the risk of being biased towards a purely mechanical and quantitative approach when analyzing what happens in organizations, which implies falling into the mistaken belief that all workers are substitutable pieces and essentially equivalent to each other Yes, and that for a company to work, all you have to do is ensure that there is a sufficient number of professionals who are profitable and a minimum number of them who do not reach their goals. goals.

Although there is no doubt that effectiveness and efficiency are very important in an economic environment as competitive and turbulent as the one we are experiencing these years, we must not forget that each worker is a unique human being, and that precisely for this reason offers unique and unrepeatable potentialities, both for himself within the company, and for the company itself.

3. Teaches theory and practice

This is essential: you have to know the practical aspects that, if not mastered, can paralyze everything else. Sometimes, never having done a certain task, no matter how small, can be very expensive.

4. It goes beyond the Selection of Personnel

Human Resources they are much more than a recruitment and filtering process so that the best candidates reach the jobs vacancies.

Once in the organization, it is necessary to know how to offer them a fit between their skills and effort, on the one hand, and what they can get not only from the rewards for their work, but from the entire organizational environment in Yeah. For example: training programs to qualify for promotion, ergonomic workspaces tailored to your needs, a good work environment, etc.

Good training programs in Human Resources take into account both the recruitment of talent and the way to take advantage of the potential of professionals.

  • You may be interested in: "Assessment Center: what it is and how it is used in Personnel Selection"

A recommendation: Own University Master's Degree in Talent Management

One of the examples of Masters to train in Human Resources capable of addressing both the most general aspects of HR and the most daily technical details is the University Master's Degree in Selection and Talent Management from the University of Malaga, which takes place in the capital of Malaga.

It is a two-year Master's Degree that is based on three learning pathways.

On the one hand, it has a learning program on Personnel Selection techniques and strategies and all its associated processes; on the other, it has another program aimed at the promotion and retention of talent within the company or organization, and finally it has a totally applied and practical element, which are the practices and the elaboration of the Master's Final Project (although the two previous programs also have a practical part based on the completion of tasks and exercises).

Besides, It is possible to take only the Selection program or the Talent Management program, something very useful for those who prefer to specialize in more specific job niches; In these cases, instead of obtaining a Master's Degree, an Expert in Training and Development or Expert in Selection is obtained.

In this Master linked to the University of Malaga it is possible to learn processes as interesting as the choice of the type of selection interview to apply to candidates for a position, the conduct of the interviews themselves, the management of worker training, recruitment strategies, conflict management, and also tasks apparently simpler but essential on a day-to-day basis, such as hiring management and payroll control.

  • You can find more information about this Master by clicking here.

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