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Thought stopping technique: characteristics and use in therapy

The thought-stopping technique, also called thought-blocking or thought-stopping, was invented by Bain in the 1920s, and adapted and developed by Wolpe in the late 1950s. It is an effective self-control technique to reduce or avoid ruminative thoughts.

In this article we will know exactly how it is applied, its characteristics and the objectives pursued by the technique.

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Thought stopping technique: what is it?

The thought stopping technique consists of interrupting ruminative thoughts through an associated word. In other words, and according to Wolpe, the person is trained to end up excluding any ruminative thought (undesirable or unproductive) even before its formulation.

All this leads to reducing the chain of thoughts that are accompanied by negative emotions; thus, negative emotions are “cut off” before they can arise.

ruminative thought

The thought stopping technique is a type of exercise that is applied when we have ruminative thoughts (rumination), that is, when we think about things without reach conclusions, only reviewing in detail what worries us in a totally dysfunctional way (since we do not obtain solutions, we just "think" in a kind of circle vicious.

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In other words, ruminative thoughts are unwanted thoughts that are continuously repeated in our head and that lead to unpleasant sensations; They even affect our mood. The ruminative thinking style is common in some disorders such as depression.

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How is it applied in therapy?

The thought-stopping technique consists of the following: firstly, when we find ourselves in the start of rumination, we should go to a quiet space where they can not disturb us (for example a room). This is recommended the first times, but that when we have already acquired the practice, it will not be necessary to "isolate", and we will be able to put the thought-stopping technique into practice in almost any environment or context.

Once alone and calm, we will dedicate ourselves to thinking intentionally (or unintentionally, letting it "flow") in that thought that disturbs us so much. We will try to focus on it, instead of trying to avoid it., ignore it or run away from it.


We will focus our attention on it (even if our anxiety rises), and we will stay like this for at least a minute. Right at the moment when the thought is at its “peak” moment and/or the anxiety or fear is intense or even unbearable, we will shout loud and loud the word “Stop!” or "Enough!"

You can also use other words that serve us; the important thing is that when we say it we realize that all those thoughts in our minds stop. Is the ultimate goal is that the action of shouting "X" word is associated with the arrest of thought.


Once we carry out the procedure, we will leave the room or the place where we are. If the thought-stopping technique is applied correctly and systematically, little by little we will realize that after shouting the word, we feel slightly more relaxed, and that the thoughts have really stopped.

It is also about being constant and acquiring some practice; the mind must get used to it and associate these two actions.

After all this, we will have to re-enter the room or place that we have chosen, and repeat the process again. This time, we will say the word in a slightly lower tone. We will repeat the process, going in and out of the room, and reducing more and more.

If the thought-stopping technique works well, in the end we won't even need to say the word out loud anymore, we can even think it, having the same effect of stopping thought.


The more we practice the technique, the more likely the association between the thought and stopping when yelling, saying, or thinking the key word will occur.

The time will come when we can carry out the thought stopping technique without anyone around us noticing, in situations such as in public spaces, in meetings, at dinner with friends, driving, etc. We can even do it unconsciously. In the end it will be our mind that reacts like this without the need to "give orders", when it understands that it has started a thought loop.


Through the thought stopping technique, we can either reduce the frequency and/or duration of our ruminative or obsessive thoughts, or remove them entirely or make them less intrusive.

If we achieve any of these three things, it is likely that our quality of life and our psychological well-being will increase, thus allowing us to enjoy our day to day more and even that we can focus on work or on other things that interest in.

Bibliographic references:

  • Horse, v. (2010). Behavior modification manual. Guayaquil: University of Guayaquil.
  • Gonzalez, I. (2009). Cognitive-behavioral strategies for managing craving. RET, Revista de Toxicomanias, 57,12-17.
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