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Dysania: when waking up is a martyrdom

Getting up every day is almost a heroic act for many people. They postpone the alarm many times, they go around a lot, they need more time than the others to finally get going.

In most cases we are not dealing with sleepyheads or lazy people, because This difficulty is called dysania by experts.; For those who suffer from it, it is a real problem when they wake up. The normal time to reach alertness is 10 minutes, but with this condition it can take up to 30 minutes to reach it with symptoms such as lightheadedness, bad mood and a feeling of confusion.

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dysania symptoms

We define dysania as the inability to wake up in the morning repeatedly. The individual knows that he must do it, he is aware that his alarm clock is ringing, but he does not feel able to get up, because the mind and body encourage him to continue sleeping.

  • You may feel angry, irritable, demotivated and frustrated with respect to what is going to happen the rest of the day.
  • You set the alarm clock well in advance so you can stay in bed long before you get up.
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Causes: what does dysania tell us?

Dysania as such is not a diseaseTherefore, as a pathology it is not included in any sleep disturbance manual. However, it is a symptom that can show us other types of problems that are related to bedtime or our emotional states. If the dysania becomes disabling, it may be a symptom that the individual is experiencing an anxiety or depressive disorder that requires medical attention.

In the event that there are great difficulties getting out of bed, but they are finally resolved on a daily basis, the dysania It may be alerting you that you have a problem with sleep, since it is not being restful. Among these problems I can mention restless legs syndrome, delayed sleep phase, obstructive sleep apnea or sleeping a low number of hours.

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What to do in these cases?

It is important to discover the origin of the dysania in order to resolve it. In many cases it usually responds to inadequate sleep patterns. It is increasingly common to see our dreams altered by the use of screens in bed, a event that takes away hours of rest and that, due to blue light, the production of melatonin is seen altered.

  • For a light but nutritious dinner, try to find dishes that are easy to digest.
  • Before going to bed, take relaxing infusions like valerian, lemon balm, passion flower.
  • Before you go to bed, decompress. Take breaths, rest your mind and be quiet for a few minutes.
  • Since we can't slow down suddenly, take advantage of an hour before bed to slow down in your day. Stop using mobile devices and computers.
  • Listen to relaxing music, a good shower, help, a soft foot massage, aromatize your room, the sheets and pillows.
  • Enter your bed connecting with your body to disconnect your mind: feel the touch of the sheets and observe if it is pleasant, enjoy the sensation of your body resting in the position that you are most comfortable.
  • Do not think about your agenda for tomorrow, the next day you will consult it
  • Lie down in bed, breathe, feeling how your abdomen rises when you take a breath and how it falls when you let go. Every time you think about what you have done or what you have not done, let go of the thought and return to focus on the breath.

In case the pathology is restless legs syndrome or sleep apnea, your specialist doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

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