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Historiology: what it is and what it is for

What is historiology? What is he in charge of? What differences does it present with history and historiography?

In this article we will answer these questions about this discipline of knowledge related to history and, in addition, we will mention two of the most outstanding authors in this field.

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Historiology: what is it?

What is historiology? The DRAE (Dictionary of the Spanish language) defines this discipline as the "study of the structure, laws and conditions of historical reality".

Etymologically, the word "historiology" comes from the Greek "iotopia" (which means history), and also from the verb “iotopeiv” (which means to investigate past knowledge) and the term “logy” (which means science, treaty or study). It translates as the discipline that studies (scientifically) history or historical facts.

It is also translated as the theory of history, and has the function of studying the structure, laws and conditions of historical reality. Thus, it consists of a discipline of knowledge, which studies, describes and analyzes historical facts. As it does? through different

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Historiology is closely related to other branches or disciplines of knowledge, such as: historiography (similar to historiology, it is the science that studies and writes history) and the methodology of history (which encompasses the methods used by historians to manage their sources and, ultimately, to work).

Historiology encompasses the set of explanations, methods and theories that allow us to understand and explain how and why certain historical events happened in such a way and not in another.


The word historiology was born in 1971 by the Spanish philosopher and essayist José Ortega y Gasset. Specifically, Ortega y Gasset uses this term for the first time in a text of his called History as a system (1971).

Through this text, the philosopher exposes the human being as a historical subject, which has the intrinsic need to analyze the events of the past to understand the present, as well as their own identity.

Ortega y Gasset gradually introduces the term historiology when he explains that, according to him, historical data is not important (and cannot be understood) without observation through a method that analyzes and describes it.

Thus, he defines historiology as the "epistemology of history" (later we will see what epistemology is). According to him, historiology is the discipline that is based, among others, on historiography, and that has the mission of identifying what causes and what consequences are hidden behind reality historical.

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What does this discipline deal with?

Historiology is concerned with describe and explain the historical events that occurred throughout the history of mankind. In addition, it also focuses on analyzing the different aspects or logical elements that allow explaining the historical reality (that is, that "X" event occurred in such a way and why).

Thus, historiology has two central functions or missions: to describe and to analyze. More specifically, it is also in charge of identifying which keys, patterns and/or causes allow us to understand the events or processes that took place throughout history.

What does a historiologist do?

The historiologists are the professionals of historiology, and as such, they deal with the scientific study of historical events.

These people are specialists in their field, and know part of the philosophy and history. They are in charge of studying the norms, causes, precepts and/or conditions of history. (This is called epistemology.)


For its part, epistemology is a branch of knowledge (“independent” of historiology, although it is related to it) in charge of study scientific knowledge, that is, its origin, scope, nature, foundations and possibilities.

So, in reality, historiology and epistemology are strongly interrelated.

Historiology, historiography and history

In the study of historical events and history in general, we find disciplines and sciences so similar, with names so similar… that this can cause us a bit of confusion.

Therefore, we are going to clarify the role of each of these disciplines: historiology, historiography and history. In addition, we will see how each one differs from the others.

1. historiology

It is an epistemological area, propose a theory of knowledge about the historical event. It is the discipline that we describe in this article, and that includes all the explanations, theories and methods used to explain how, when and why certain events or processes happened historical.

It also analyzes sociopolitical trends, and why they occur in certain places or places and not in others.

2. Historiography

For its part, historiography (not to be confused with historiology), only encompasses the different techniques and methods used to describe historical events (already recorded). In this discipline, the historical method is essential (as well as its correct use).

3. History

Finally, history is the science in charge of studying historical facts, that is, the past, as well as the influence and weight that these have had in the present. Besides, the study of these facts also serves as a basis for understanding future events or events.

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Two of the most prominent authors of historiology were:

1. Jose Ortega y Gasset

Already mentioned in this article, he was the author who introduced the term historiology, and the one who made possible, to a great extent, its birth and consolidation. Spanish philosopher and essayist, José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) surely he is the most prominent and important figure in historiology.

A relevant contribution from Ortega y Gasset was the following: he maintained that history had mistakenly introduced the structure of scientific knowledge, and therefore this encourages the new historiologists to do it properly, that is, through a more accurate interpretation of knowledge scientist.

2. Karl Marx

Karl Marx (1818-1883) was an intellectual, philosopher, economist and sociologist well known for his movement called "Marxism". Marx conscientiously analyzed historical events, through the current of materialist philosophy.

According to him, the way in which man has developed production (that is, the different economic activities that we develop as a society), is the one that has been defining and making possible the different historical events of all cultures, and throughout the world.

In other words, according to Marx, modes of production influence culture, politics, and even legal laws, and allow us to approach the why (and even the how) of events historical.

Bibliographic references:

  • Guang, J. (2007) Practical historiology. The questions of epistemology and methodology of historiology study. Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College.
  • Huizinga, J. (1934). On the current state of historical science. Western Magazine, Madrid
  • Martha Howell and Walter Preventier. (2001). From Reliable Sources: An Introduction to Historical Methods, Cornell University Press: Ithaca.
  • Ortega y Gasset, J. (2004). Complete Works, Vol. YO. Ed. Taurus/José Ortega y Gasset Foundation, Madrid.
  • Pedro Aullón de Haro (ed.) (2015). Historiography and theory of the History of Thought, Literature and Art, Madrid, Dykinson.
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