Education, study and knowledge

Webinar: Learn to introduce the use of Virtual Reality in psychology

Are you aware of advances in psychology? Technology is very present both in our personal and professional day-to-day lives. Training and being up to date with the new tools that are used is essential to help you carry out more effective therapies.

It is then when a new way appears with which to combat certain obstacles that were previously difficult to deal with, we are talking about Virtual Reality. With it we achieve that psychology professionals can help patients in different cases and situations.

At Psious, a Virtual Reality therapy platform, training is essential. That is why this year, within the 2019 Summer School, they have prepared an introductory session for non-customers.

Psious, Virtual Reality

What is Virtual Reality therapy?

This is a free and open session for psychologists, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals. During this online session you will learn:

  • What is virtual reality
  • Advantages over traditional therapy
  • Scientific validation in psychotherapy
  • Uses and applications
  • Real clinical cases
  • How to apply Virtual Reality in your practice
  • Live Demo of Psious VR Tool
  • Question Time
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When and where?

It will take place online and live on Friday, July 5, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. (CEST (UTC +2), time zone of Spain). When you register you will receive the link to access the webinar from your computer.

VR Therapy Webinar


The speakers are two experts in the field. Firstly Joan Miquel Gelabert) will make a more theoretical introduction and later Marc Martín) will be in charge of teaching the more practical part.

Joan Miquel is a general health psychologist with a Master's in Conduct. Clinical Research Assistant. He is also an associate professor at the University of the Balearic Islands as well as a therapist at the Quirón Palmaplanas Hospital. He author of several publications. Since 2016 he has directed the scientific department of Psious, where he is in charge of coordinating scientific studies with various hospitals, universities, and national and international foundations.

On the other hand, Marc has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. In recent years he has specialized as an expert consultant in cognitive behavioral therapy and virtual reality, advising clinical psychologists on the use of new technologies in their practice.

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