The 70 best phrases of Alfred Adler
Alfred W. Adler He was a famous Austrian doctor and psychotherapist, born in 1870 in the city of Vienna.
Known in the world of psychology for being the father of the so-called individual psychology, his studies on the human mind gave him led him to be one of the greatest references of his time, collaborating on several occasions with the also famous psychologist Sigmund Freud.
Great phrases and reflections of Alfred Adler
Some of his most recommended works are: "The doctor as an educator", "The neurotic character" or "The education of children”, some excellent works that if we are interested in the study of the mind, we should undoubtedly know.
Next We present you a compilation of the 70 best phrases of Alfred Adler, who was undoubtedly one of the most interesting psychotherapists in history.
1. The main danger in life is taking on too many worries.
We should not worry about problems that may not have a solution, the sooner we turn the page, the better for us.
2. Experience is one of the causes of success or failure. We do not suffer the impact of our experiences, called traumas, but we adapt them to our purposes.
The experiences we live in our day to day shape us as individuals, some for the better and others for the worse.
3. We must never neglect the use that the patient makes of his symptoms.
A patient can use his ailments to try to influence third parties, since pity can be a very powerful asset if we use it intelligently.
4. See with the eyes of another, hear with the ears of another, feel with the heart of another. For the moment, this seems to me an admissible definition of what we call social feeling.
Knowing how to put ourselves in the shoes of others will help us understand them much better. Empathy can be a very beneficial skill for us.
5. Geniuses are admired, rich men are envied, men of power are feared; but only men of character are trusted.
Our character will reveal us to others as trustworthy people, a fact that can be very useful to us in our further development in society.
6. The greatness of man lies in the power of his thought.
Intelligence is undoubtedly the most powerful weapon that human beings have.
7. A lie would be meaningless if the truth was not perceived as dangerous.
It is logical to make use of lies when the truth will necessarily harm us. The truth may be morally the most correct option, but it may not be our best option in practice.
8. The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well.
When we know a person in depth, it is when we really realize his virtues and defects.
9. The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
The mind can become a great maze, whose exit is really difficult to find.
10. There would be far fewer outbursts of temper if one did not offer the possibility of thus assuring one's own importance.
Bad mood can actually be a convoluted way of trying to get attention, just as a child does, an adult can also throw tantrums.
11. Meanings are not determined by situations, but we are determined by the meanings we give to situations.
The situations in which we will find ourselves will undoubtedly define the person we will become and how we act during certain moments. It is totally true that experiences can drastically change our lives.
12. Exaggerated sensitivity is synonymous with a sense of inferiority.
If we feel inferior, everything that happens to us will overwhelm us. Self-confidence is very important in anyone's life.
13. All wanting is wanting to compensate for something.
An appointment that we can see represented in the lives of many people, those goods and services that most we wish they can be our way of trying to alleviate those emotional deficiencies that cause us the most pain cause.
14. God who is eternally complete, who directs the stars, who is the owner of destinies, who elevates the Man, who speaks from the cosmos to every human soul, is the brightest manifestation of the goal perfection.
Undoubtedly, the concept of God reveals to us a highly abstract entity, a way of life that is really complicated to understand.
15. The greatest danger in life is that you may take too many precautions.
In order to live life to the fullest we must take certain risks, we must not waste our lives being afraid of the unknown.
16. Tears and complaints - the means I have called "water power" - can be an extremely useful weapon in disrupting cooperation and enslaving others.
When we see that third people have a hard time in their lives, we cannot help but feel some empathy towards them. The government knows that by manipulating the emotions of the population, they can submit it to their will.
17. In the dream the vital problem of an individual is revealed in symbolic form.
Dreams can tell us about our fears and concerns, many dreams that seem to make no sense can actually have great meaning.
18. It is the patriotic duty of every man to lie for his country.
In politics, lying is the order of the day, since it is usually the politician who lies the most, who also gets the most votes.
19. War is the organization of murder and torture against our brothers.
War is undoubtedly a very unfortunate scenario, which all people should try to avoid. Living in harmony can be possible if we all make certain concessions.
20. We have to interpret bad mood as a sign of inferiority.
He who feels trampled on by others will always tend to be more moody.
21. It is easier to fight for your own principles than to live up to them.
Our principles are very important, if we are consistent with them we will manage to become our best version.
22. Trust only in movement. Life happens on the plane of events, not on words. Trust the movement...
Facts are more relevant than words, since they are the ones that tell us what a person is really like.
23. Our modern states prepare for war without even knowing the future enemy.
Countries always invest permanently in armaments, even if they don't have any war to face. Deterrence has now become a very effective weapon.
24. Overcoming difficulties leads you to courage, self-respect, and getting to know yourself better.
Life will always bring us difficulties which we will have to overcome and thanks to them we will learn what really has authentic value.
25. The opinion that a person has of himself and of the environment, can best be deduced from the meaning that he finds in life and from the meaning that he gives to his own life.
The opinion we have of ourselves may have more meaning than we thought. After all, we are all a small representation of society as a whole.
26. The individual cannot be divided, man is a complete human being.
The man is a set of certain attributes, if one or more of these attributes were missing, perhaps we would not really be in front of a man.
27. No experience is a cause of success or failure. We do not suffer from the shock of our experiences (the so-called "trauma"), but we make of them what suits our purposes.
Experiences can be both negative and positive depending on how we use them.
28. We can understand all the phenomena of life as if the past, the present and the future together with a superordinate, guiding idea, were present in them as clues.
We do not know what will happen in the future, but surely there will be indications that can give us an approximate idea.
29. Defiant individuals will always persecute others, and yet they will always consider themselves persecuted.
Human beings usually tend towards dissatisfaction, we seek to achieve a certain objective by doing everything that we should not do to achieve it.
30. War is not the continuation of politics with different means, it is the largest mass of crimes perpetrated in the community of man.
War is a disaster for life, a situation where people's rights simply cease to exist.
31. The educator has to believe in the potential of his student, and must use all his art to transmit his experience to the students.
To be a good teacher, the vocation must be carried deep within, only those people who love their work the most will become magnificent professionals.
32. The educator of a child must know the tendentious apperception of him and eliminate it.
A good education will be something totally essential for a child to achieve his maximum potential.
33. Death is really a great blessing for humanity, without it there can be no real progress. People who live forever not only hinder and discourage the young, but lack sufficient stimulus for creativity.
According to this psychotherapist, death is a beneficial process for the human being, because thanks to it we achieve a total regeneration of the world of ideas.
34. It is very obvious that we are not influenced by the facts, but by our interpretation of the facts.
The facts can be seen in very different ways depending on our particular point of view. Our own perception can deceive us on more occasions than we think.
35. Each individual acts and suffers according to his peculiar theology (the study of ends or purposes), which has all the inevitability of fate, as long as he does not understand it.
Our way of approaching life will be a factor that will largely decide which destination we are heading towards.
36. When we know a person's goal, we know approximately what will follow.
Our individual goals will compel us to make certain compelling concessions. Some realistic goals will be something that will help us live in a much more coherent way.
37. The psychologist can only call attention to errors; the patient, on the other hand, is forced to give life to the same truth.
His speedy recovery depends on the patient himself, it is true that the psychologist can only try to guide him.
38. There is no human individual who finds rest under the yoke of a feeling of inferiority.
Self-love and the ability to believe in ourselves are essential conditions to find happiness.
39. I think that I am not bound by any strict rules or prejudices, but prefer to subscribe to the principle: Everything can also be different.
Where we go in life depends solely on ourselves, because with our daily actions we build the future we will reach.
40. Neurosis is the natural, logical development of an individual who is comparatively inactive, filled with a personal, egocentric, longing for superiority, and for this reason he is behind in the development of his social interest.
Logically, we are not the center of the universe and the sooner we understand it, the sooner we will be able to exploit our maximum social potential.
41. We cannot say that if a child is malnourished he will become a criminal. We must see what conclusions the boy has drawn.
It is up to us to understand life experiences as positive or constructive, negativity will undoubtedly lead us towards a much darker future.
42. Follow your heart but take your brain with you.
Emotions and thoughts are equally important, but it will ultimately be up to us to choose what will motivate our actions.
43. A simple rule to deal with those people who are difficult is just to remember that those people are trying to assert their superiority, and you must deal with them from that point of sight.
Certain attitudes can tell us about the personality of the person we are talking to, knowing and understanding them can help us moderate our language when interacting with him or her.
44. You can heal yourself from depression if every day you begin first thing in the morning to consider how you will bring true joy to another person.
Getting out of depression is an arduous task, which only those who are immersed in it can do. In order to get out of depression we will have to change our way of thinking, something that can take us a long time to achieve.
45. The truth is often a terrible weapon of aggression. It is possible to lie and even murder with the truth.
The truth can be very painful, and some people may not even be ready to face it.
46. The greater the feeling of inferiority that a person has experienced, the more powerful the drive to conquer and the more violent the emotional turmoil.
Inferiority can have a very negative influence on a person's mind, it is even capable of changing his character over time.
47. There is no such thing as talent. There is pressure.
When you put someone under a lot of pressure, some people are able to show their best version. But we must also be aware that not everyone works correctly under it.
48. Hurting another person through repentance is one of the most subtle resources of the neurotic, as when, for example, he indulges in self-accusations.
Repentance can be a way of trying to influence another person, because if we repent of what happened and the other person does not forgive us, it will be their fault if the discussion does not come to fruition port.
49. Man knows much more than he understands.
Human beings are sometimes not able to digest all the information they receive, meditation can be a good tool that allows us to order our thoughts.
50. Trust only the facts. Life happens in deeds, not in words.
The facts are what he really counts, a person will always show us his love for us with facts, not with words.
51. The science of mind can only have as its proper aim the understanding of human nature by every human being and, through its use, bring peace to every human soul.
The study of the mind is a truly exciting field, about which Alfred Adler theorized throughout his career as a psychotherapist.
52. To all those who walk the path of human cooperation, war must seem repugnant and inhuman.
War is a truly terrifying situation, the human being suffers the greatest of calamities, when he is unfortunately forced to live a stage as hard as this one.
53. There are thousands of degrees and variations, but it is always clearly the attitude of a person who finds his superiority in solving the complications of others.
The attitude we have towards life will largely determine our success in it. Maintaining a positive and proactive attitude will be something that will always benefit us.
54. Let yourself be guided in your pedagogical interventions, especially by the observations you have made about the results of your previous interventions.
The experiences that we live and the information that we accumulate over time will be what will guide us on our way to professional success.
55. If the truth is there, bad writing won't hurt!
Knowing the truth is always something very important, regardless of who is the person who writes it.
56. One of the most interesting complexes is the redeemer complex. It characterizes people who conspicuously but unknowingly take the attitude that they must save or redeem someone.
A very interesting complex, without a doubt, many times we ourselves are the ones who inflict great pressure on ourselves in the face of adversity.
57. If someone asks me why he should love his neighbor, I would not know how to answer him, and could only ask myself why he should ask that question. It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties.
The human being is destined to live in society and for us to live in peace with others it will be very advantageous for us to have the ability to love them.
58. There is a law that says that man must love his neighbor as himself. In a few years it should be as natural to humanity as breathing or walking upright; but if he does not learn it he must perish.
For society to be fruitful, we must understand that we are equal to all those around us.
59. My passions are the grapes that I trodden for humanity.
Thanks to our passion we will be able to get a great knowledge about those things that interest us the most. They are the most passionate individuals, the ones who undoubtedly influence our lives the most.
60. We live off the contributions of our ancestors. Nature is a good scavenger. He soon gets rid of his trash.
Much of the wisdom we have today comes from those who came before us. Respect for those people who are no longer with us must always be the greatest of our principles.
61. Every spoiled child becomes a hated child... There is no greater evil than the pampering of children.
Pampering our children can make them extremely unhappy people, because the sooner we learn that life is not easy, the sooner we learn to fend for ourselves.
62. The widely held belief that yuppies as a class will perish from Brie poisoning turned out to be too optimistic.
As we can see in this funny quote, some social classes were not viewed very well by this famous psychotherapist.
63. Every generation has its few great mathematicians, and mathematics wouldn't even notice the absence of the others. They are useful as teachers, and their research does no harm to anyone, but it is of no importance. A mathematician is great or he is nothing.
The mathematician's life can undoubtedly be very unsatisfactory, since only the best are recognized over time.
64. It is one of the triumphs of human ingenuity... conquer with humility and submission... make yourself small to look big... such... they are often the resources of neurotics.
From a position of submission we can also take control of a certain situation. Knowing the way of thinking of our adversary will help us in this task.
65. The mathematical life of a mathematician is short. Work seldom improves after the age of twenty-five or thirty. If little has been achieved by then, little will be achieved.
Great mathematicians often manage to stand out at a very young age, as geniuses cannot hide their great natural gifts for long.
66. In the company of friends, writers can talk about their books, economists about the state of the economy, lawyers about their latest cases and businessmen about their latest acquisitions, but mathematicians can't talk about their math in absolute. And the deeper your work, the less understandable it is.
Advanced mathematics is a great misunderstood, the vast majority of the population knows absolutely nothing about it.
67. Every neurotic is partly to the right.
Our personality can be a factor that greatly determines our political affinity.
68. Being human means feeling inferior.
When we usually say “I am human”, we really mean “It is normal for me to make mistakes”.
69. I am grateful for the idea that has used me.
No one knows where ideas really come from, some can come out of nowhere and change our lives from the moment they appear.
70. My psychology belongs to everyone.
Alfred Adler's psychology will be with us forever, this 19th century genius will undoubtedly be remembered forever, through his brilliant works and contributions.