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Homer's Odyssey: summary, analysis and book characters

The odyssey is an epic poem that narrates the adventures of Odysseus, also known as Ulysses, on his journey back to his homeland, Ithaca, from the moment the Trojan War ends, narrated in the Iliad, until the moment when he finally returns home, many years later.

The authorship of this work, written in ancient Greek, is attributed to Homer, a poet who lived in the region of Ionia, present-day Turkey, during the 8th century BC. by C.

As far as we know, The odyssey, as well as the Iliad, They were part of the ancient oral tradition, and were sung from town to town by the rhapsodies, until in the 6th century BC. of C., Pisístrato, governor of Athens, decided to compile the Homeric poems, moment from which these are fixed in the written word.

The oldest known version of The odyssey It is that of Aristarco of Samothrace, dating from the second century BC by C.

Summary of The odyssey

This poem is structured in 24 songs and is usually divided into three parts: the telemachy, the return of odysseus and the Odysseus' revenge.

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He integrates the first songs of The odyssey, specifically from the first to the fourth, where the story of Telémaco is told when he decides to leave his home in search of his father.

Song 1: The gods decide in assembly the return of Odysseus

Homer, the narrator, asks the Muse to tell what happened to Odysseus after he razed the city of Troy.

The gods meet in assembly and Athena is in favor of Ulysses returning to his home, which has been a captive on the island of the nymph Calypso for eight years.

Then, Athena herself, under the image of Mentor, advises Telemachus, son of Odysseus and Penelope, to start the search to find his father.

Canto 2: Telémaco gathers the people of Ithaca in an assembly

Odysseus's son tries to solve the situation that occurred in the surroundings of the palace, where a massive group of men seek to pretend to his mother, Penelope.

Then, the young man gathers the town in an assembly to expel Penelope's suitors. After this fact, Telemachus heads towards Pylos on the trail of his father.

Canto 3: Telemachus travels to Pylos to find out about his father

Once Telemachus reaches Pylos, Nestor tells him that he has no news about his father. He knows the return of other heroes to their homes from Troy. Likewise, Nestor proposes that Telemachus travel to Sparta so that he can ask Menelaus, who has just completed different trips.

Canto 4: Telemachus travels to Sparta to find out about his father

Odysseus's son arrives in Sparta. There, Menelaus confirms that his father has been kidnapped by Calypso and has been held on his island for years.

The return of Odysseus

It comprises from canto five to twelve, where the adventures and misadventures of Odysseus on his journey back to Ithaca are recounted.

Canto 5: Odysseus arrives at Esqueria of the Phaeacians

Zeus orders Calypso to let Odysseus go during an assembly of the gods.

However, on the journey, Odysseus encounters the fury of Poseidon, god of the sea who he finds himself angry with Ulysses, because he blinded Polyphemus, a monstrous giant, who is his son favorite.

Song 6: Odysseus and Nausícaa

Odysseus finds help in Nausícaa, daughter of Alcinous, to whom Odysseus will relate his adventures since he left Troy, on his way to his homeland Ithaca, almost ten years ago.

Canto 7: Odysseus in the Palace of Alcinous

Odysseus is led before King Alcinous. Then, he relates what happened with the cyclones and the lotus eaters, he tells of his impasse with Polyphemus, whom he left blind to escape his cave alive, with the misfortune of having to bear his curse and the wrath of Poseidon; he tells of his meeting with Circe and his trip to Avernus, the episode with the song of the sirens on the high seas, among other multiple adventures.

Alcinous, who has listened to the whole story of Odysseus with great attention, upon learning all this, promises to help him on his return home.

Canto 8: Odysseus entertained by the Phaeacians

Alcinous organizes a party in honor of Odysseus, his guest. Different games take place in it and one by Aedo Demodocus, one of those present, tells a story in relation to the Trojan War. So Odysseus can't hold back his tears.

Song 9: Odysseus recounts his adventures

Odysseus narrates his adventure from the end of the war to his misfortune on the island of Calypso. Likewise, he recounts his experience in the Phaga Nation, where three of his companions ate lotus and did not want to return. Later, he recounts his feat on the island of the Cyclops.

Canto 10: The Island of Aeolus

Ulysses narrates how he reaches the island of Eolo, there Eolo de Hipótada gives him a bag with powerful winds from the west capable of driving him to any destination.

One day, while Odysseus sleeps, one of his men decides to see what is in the bag, then the winds are expelled and a strong storm originates.

After six days sailing, the crew manages to reach the island of Lestrigones, where some giants devour some members of the team.

Finally, Odysseus arrives on the island of Circe, whom he asks for help to return to her house. So, she warns him that if she wants to return to her home, she has to go down to the underworld.

Song 11: Descent into Hell

Odysseus descends to the gate of hell, where he invokes the spirits of the dead. Then, Elpénor appears, who asks Ulises to bury his body.

Later, the protagonist consults the soothsayer Tiresias, who predicts a complicated journey back to Ithaca.

On the other hand, Anticlea, the mother of Ulysses, dies waiting for her son.

Canto 12: Sirens Scylla and Charybdis. The island of the sun. Ogygia

This song tells how Odysseus and his men manage to escape the voices of the sirens thanks to the help of Circe.

On the other hand, when they arrive on the island of the sun, Ulysses 'travel companions ignore Circe's advice and ingest forbidden cows from Helios' cattle. Then, Zeus fires a ray that causes the destruction of the ship. All men die, except for Odysseus.

Odysseus' Revenge

It is the third part, it goes from the thirteenth to the twenty-fourth song. In them the return of Odysseus to his land is related, as well as the gestation and subsequent execution of the protagonist's revenge on the suitors of his wife. Also, the reunion of Odysseus with his family.

Canto 13: The Phaeacians dismiss Odysseus. Arrival in Ithaca

After finishing his speech in the palace of Alcinous, Odysseus arrives on the island of Ithaca, his homeland, where he arrives disguised as a vagabond in order to go unnoticed.

Canto 14: Odysseus in the Eumeo sheepfold

Odysseus goes to Eumeo, his faithful servant, disguised so as not to be recognized. Then, Ulysses finds out about the current situation in his homeland and, together with Athena, prepares revenge against Penelope's suitors.

Canto 15: Telemachus returns to Ithaca

Telemachus is very far from his homeland following the trail of his father. Athena indicates to him, through a dream, that he must immediately return to his home.

Also, the goddess warns the young man to be careful, since the suitors of his mother want to set a trap to kill him.

Canto 16: Telemachus Recognizes Odysseus

Telemachus reaches Ithaca, after dodging his mother's suitors. Then, he goes to Eumeo's house, where he recognizes with great joy his father. Later, father and son plot revenge against the suitors.

Song 17: Odysseus begs among the suitors

Odysseus returns to his house, where he is only recognized by his old dog, which dies in his presence. There, Ulysses pretends that he is a vagabond among the suitors of his wife, from whom he asks for food.

Song 18: Suitors vex Odysseus

A beggar named Iron challenges Odysseus to a fight. When the confrontation takes place, Odysseus wins. On the other hand, Penelope's suitors make fun of him.

Canto 19: The slave Euryclea recognizes Odysseus

Euricle, the maid of the palace, discovers the true identity of the beggar, Odysseus, when she helps him wash his feet and recognizes one of his characteristic scars. Afterward, he promises to keep the secret.

Canto 20: The Last Supper of the Suitors

Odysseus tries to fall asleep while he thinks about how he can kill the suitors. Suddenly, Athena appears to calm him and put him to sleep. At the same time, Penelope cannot sleep either and pleads for her death.

Afterwards, the suitors' supper takes place, which, despite the refusal of the rest, Odysseus also attends at the request of Telemachus.

Likewise, a prophet warns Telemachus that the walls will soon be stained with blood.

Canto 21: The Bow Contest

Penelope proposes to her suitors a test, the reward of which is to marry her. To do this, his followers must shoot an arrow that will pass through the eyes of 12 lined axes.

One by one, the suitors try without success. However, Odysseus, who insists on participating in the test, manages to overcome the challenge.

Song 22: Revenge

Odysseus carries out his plan and the dispute takes place against the suitors of his wife. Thus, he shoots an arrow and kills Antinous. Afterwards, he continues to mercilessly murder all the men present.

Song 23: Penelope Recognizes Odysseus

Once the bloody fight with the suitors is over, Odysseus appears before Penelope. At first, she doesn't recognize him and she thinks he's dead and his appearance has changed over the years. Later, the woman is convinced and hugs her husband.

Song 24: The Covenant

All souls go to the underworld guided by Hades. There, Achilles and Agamemnon realize what happened.

On the other hand, Odysseus is reunited with his father Laertes, who can hardly recognize him.

Likewise, the relatives of deceased suitors seek revenge. Then, a battle takes place in which Laertes kills Atinoo's father.

Finally, the dispute ceases thanks to the intervention of the goddess Athena who proposes a peace agreement.

Analysis of The odyssey

Technique in media res

On The odyssey This literary procedure is used, which consists of starting the narration in the middle of the story. That is to say, this poem starts when most of the events have already occurred or are evolving.

Afterwards, the story goes back and goes on to explain the beginning of the story, where events such as the departure from Troy or the island of the latophages appear, among others.

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Reason for trip

This work is inspired by the reason for the trip, a traditional theme of Western literature, in which the hero faces a thousand dangers, from which he comes out strengthened and transformed, with a deeper understanding of the human soul, to finally achieve his goal, which, in this case, is Odysseus's desire to be with the his.

Unconditional love

It has also been used to read in The odyssey a deep love story, in which Odysseus and Penelope, separated for twenty years by wars and misadventures, they will have to overcome the temptations to which they are exposed to be together again.

In this sense, it is also a story about the importance of fidelity.

Family value

Also, in The odyssey there is the story of Telemachus' search for his father, whom he practically does not know, but in whose He trusts back, to regain family honor and expel suitors who consume his estate.

It is also a story about filial love and the importance of family ties to give meaning to our lives.

Homeland and home

The main objective of the protagonist is to return to Ithaca, his place of origin, where his family is found, whom he has not seen since he left for the Trojan War.

Ulysses during the trip back home experiences loneliness. This feeling leads him to continually miss his home and getting there becomes a necessity.

The revenge

This theme is clearly reflected in the history of Penelope's suitors. The woman has been harassed since her husband left Ithaca. However, upon his return, Odysseus discovers that his wife's courtiers intend to replace him and take control of his wealth.

Then, the protagonist decides to retaliate in the matter and plans a cruel revenge that involves the murder of all the suitors.

The omnipotence of the gods

On The odyssey, as in the Iliad, the future of humans is the will of the gods. In this case, the goddess Athena takes on special importance in the poem. She controls Ulysses' movements and alerts him to the possible dangers that he may face during his journey. Likewise, Zeus is the one who decides to mark the end of the dispute between Ulysses and the relatives of suitors of his wife.

Characters of The odyssey


Odysseus or Ulysses is a character that appears both in the Iliad like in The odyssey of Homer. In the second poem he appears as the protagonist.

He is the son of Leartes and Anticlea. Likewise, he is the king of Ithaca and the husband of Penelope, with whom he has a son named Telemachus.

His main characteristics include his ingenuity and his skill as a good warrior. His presence in the Trojan War is decisive, as he devises the Trojan Horse plan.

After leaving his homeland to participate in the war, he returns twenty years later. To do this, he has to go on a journey full of adventures. On her return, he finds her son and her wife Penelope besieged by her suitors. Then, Ulysses, come this affront


She is the wife of Odysseus. Homer describes her as a beautiful and faithful woman. For twenty years she does not lose hope of seeing her husband alive again.

Penelope has countless suitors who want to replace Odysseus, although she disagrees and she weaves a shroud with the promise that she, when she finishes it, she will make a decision. However, during the nights he unravels what was done during the day.


He is the son of Odysseus and Penelope. Fed up with suitors who consume and damage his father's estate, he leaves Ithaca in search of him encouraged by his mother.

She lacks the courage and experience of her father to face adversity at the beginning of the poem. However, towards the end, when Odysseus returns, Telemachus helps him plot his revenge against the suitors, then he shows a stronger attitude.


She is a magician, beautiful and wise. It offers lodging to Odysseus and his family. He delights and entertains them. She warns Odysseus of dangers on his journey back to Ithaca.


He is the god of the sea, also known as Neptune. Odysseus blinds his son, Polyphemus, thus unleashing the wrath of the ocean god, which greatly hinders Ulysses' return journey to his homeland.


He is the son of Poseidon, a fact that he does not make into a demigod. He is a terrible and very strong giant who possesses only one eye.

Odysseus and his men have to confront him and blind him when they try to escape from the cave to avoid being killed by it.

Then, Polyphemus curses Odysseus, unleashing the wrath of his father, Poseidon, who makes Odysseus' journey back to Ithaca an adventure full of adversity.


She is a nymph of great beauty, who hosts Odysseus for a long time. He offers Ulysses immortality in exchange for him staying with her, however, he misses Penelope and decides to continue on his way to Ithaca.


She is the goddess of wisdom. On The odyssey his main role is to protect Odysseus and help him return to his homeland.

About Homer

Homer is the name by which the author is traditionally attributed works such as the Iliad Y The odyssey. It is believed that he lived in the 8th century BC. by C. in Ionia, a region of Greek cultural influence that is currently in Turkish territory.

Homer's works are considered the basis of all Western literature. To this day, the debate about the real existence of Homer survives. Some argue that he could be not an author but a group of oral poets who sang traditional poems. This debate is known as "the Homeric question."

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