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Russell A. behavioral inhibition disorder Barkley

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition involved in discussions and controversies, in which the community itself scientific evidence differs both in the symptoms and in the treatment, and even in some sectors the existence of this.

The psychologist Russell A. Barkley, created an alternative explanation model called behavioral inhibition disorder, which jeopardizes the role of attention in ADHD and which will be discussed throughout this article.

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What is behavioral inhibition disorder?

Behavioral inhibition disorder is an explanatory model created by the American psychologist Russell A. Barkley, his intention was for this to be established as an alternative to the label attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

This alternative explanatory model of ADHD revolves around executive function known as response inhibition. According to Barkley, the main advantage of behavioral inhibition disorder is that it fits much better with the symptoms associated with the subcategories of ADHD: hyperactive and combined.

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To better understand this model, the term executive function is described below.

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Executive functions

Executive functions correspond to terms used in neuropsychology. This expression refers to all the cognitive abilities that a person resorts to when her efforts are oriented towards the achievement of an achievement or an objective.

These executive functions are essential to manage cognitive, emotional and behavioral processes. that enable the person to respond to any situation. In the same way, these are vital for carrying out most of the tasks and functions that a person must carry out throughout the day; especially those actions that imply the generation of plans, decision making, problem solving, self-control and emotional regulation.

The processes to which the term "executive function" refers can be subdivided into two groups: basic functions and functions derived from these. These functions are:

  • Basic functions: response inhibition, cognitive flexibility and work memory.
  • Derived functions: Planification and organization.

The role of behavioral inhibition

Of all the executive functions that human beings use, Barkley focuses on the inhibition of behavior, giving it a crucial role when creating its own explanatory model of ADHD.

By inhibition of behavior is understood the suspension of a response or a series of behaviors that the person has previously internalized or learned and that are usually automatic. The objective of this inhibition or containment is to solve any type of problem or task.

The operation of the inhibition of the response consists in, before the appearance of depending on which stimulus, suspending certain behavior or action and replace it with another sequence of acts or responses. Another option is to delay this sequence of actions in time until the person perceives that it is the right moment to carry them out.

Barkley's explanatory model

In his work "ADHD and the nature of self-control", published in 1997, Barkley is dedicated to structuring all the information about ADHD collected during more than 25 years of study and constitutes the explanatory bases of Conduct Inhibition Disorder.

Barkley starts from the basis that the symptoms associated with ADHD can be divided into three groups or genres. These categories are: hyperactivity, impulsivity and attention deficit. However, Barkley only takes hyperactivity and impulsivity into account. Barkley argues that considering attention as a main symptom of this disorder can be misleading when treating it.

Also, within the executive functions named above, Barkley emphasizes the role of response inhibition. It also investigates how this can exert a series of detrimental effects on the other functions, which are subject to it in order to function correctly,

The following shows the relationship that behavioral inhibition has with the rest of the executive functions and the symptoms that it causes as a result of this interference:

1. Alterations in nonverbal working memory

Behavioral inhibition causes problems in the representation and transformation of information, as well as deficiencies in the ability to anticipate future actions and difficulties in time management.

2. Verbal working memory problems

In this case, both verbal working memory and speech internalization are seriously affected. The main associated symptoms include obstruction of the capacity for reflection, problems to abide by rules and to integrate regular behavior patterns, decreased ability to solve problems, deficiencies in reading comprehension and deficits in moral reasoning.

3. Deficits in emotional and motivational self-regulation

Problems in the ability to express feelings and emotions, which become wildly disproportionate; deficiencies in perceiving the other's point of view and alterations in the regulation of motivation are typical symptoms caused by behavioral inhibition in people with ADHD.

4. Deficiencies in the reconstitution

Finally, the person can also find obstacles when carrying out behavior analysis and synthesis procedures; as well as deficits in the ability to imitate, copy, or reproduce behaviors and a smaller variety of action strategies when solving problems or reaching an objective.

The role of attention

As mentioned above, Barkley removes the effect of attention as a major factor or agent from the Conduct Inhibition Disorder model.

Even so recognizes the existence of two types of care. That attention that is controlled externally through immediate reinforcements and the attention that originates and controls the person himself from within, which requires the inhibition of behaviors that are underway and is more effective for achieving long-term objectives term.

In this way, Barkley accepts that attention is also included in his model but that it is subordinate to other factors and that all people diagnosed with ADHD have difficulties in care originating from the inside.

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