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95 phrases of illusion and desire to focus on the future

The term illusion has different meanings. From sensory illusions, for example, those visual illusions that we have due to the visual perception of images that are false or erroneous; to cognitive illusions, in which our knowledge of the world intervenes.

But illusion is also synonymous with hope or desireFor this reason, phrases like "we begin to age when we lose our illusion" or "I have recovered my enthusiasm by playing again" are part of our everyday language.

illusion phrases

Maintaining the illusion is essential for us to keep moving and fighting for our dreams. Below you can find a selection of phrases about illusion from which to interpret your vital experiences.

Also, remember that you can also find inspiring quotes and reflections in articles like these:

  • The 55 best phrases about Psychology... and its meaning
  • 123 wise phrases to reflect on life

1. Limits, such as fear, are often an illusion

Fear can be an illusory belief that prevents us from growing.

2. We were talking about the space between us and people who hide themselves behind a wall of illusions. The truth is never glimpsed. Then it's too late when they're gone
instagram story viewer

If we are not aware in the present moment, we may regret it in the future.

3. What is life? Crazy. What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a story. And the greatest of benefits is small, since all life is a dream, and dreams are nothing more than dreams.

Being able to enjoy this life is the best gift of all.

4. Romantic love is an illusion. Many of us discover this truth at the end of a love affair or when the sweet emotions of love lead us to marriage and then douse its flames.

Love is feeling, it is hope, it is illusion.

5. The problem lies in how you are going to spend this strange and precious life that you have been given. If you are going to spend your time trying to look good and creating the illusion that you have power over people and circumstances, or if instead, you are going to try it, you are going to enjoy it and you are going to find the truth about who are

Life must be experienced, it is useless to live on expectations or dreams.

6. You have to know that there is no country on earth where love has not turned lovers into poets

You also live from illusion. Especially if you're a loving heart.

7. [Horror fiction] shows us that the control we think we have is a pure illusion, and that at all times we teeter between chaos and oblivion

Clive Barker leaves us a curious phrase that will make you reflect.

8. How strong it is when an illusion dies. It's as hard as when you've lost a child

Having no hopes and no goals is what it's like to be dead in life

9. Dreams deliver us to dream, and there is no end to the illusion. Life is like a train of moods, like a beaded necklace, and as we pass through them, they show us that they are multi-colored lenses that paint the world with their own hue.

Having dreams and illusions is what keeps us alive.

10. Religion is an illusion and its strength derives from the fact that it fits our most instinctive desires.

A quote from Sigmund Freud dealing with religious beliefs.

11. If it looks real, and feels real, do you think it matters if it's real?

Illusions can look and feel very authentic.

12. An illusion is an illusion. Reality always exists despite the facade

Many times we hide inside what we really are.

13. Death for the young is shipwreck and for the old it is reaching port

When one has fulfilled his illusions and his wishes, death is the end of the journey.

14. Don't be fooled by what you see around you, nor be influenced by what you see. You live in a world which is a playground full of illusions, full of false paths, false values ​​and false ideas.

A quote stating that the world is a grand illusion.

15. There is an old illusion. It's called good and bad

A short phrase from Friedrich Nietzsche, which, despite its brevity, is full of meaning.

16. There is an optical illusion about every person we meet

For us, people are what we perceive of them.

17. If you can talk brilliantly about a problem, it can create the comforting illusion that the problem has been mastered.

When there is no rancor, it means that the bad has already been solved.

18. It is much more difficult to kill a ghost than to kill a reality

When the past haunts us, it's hard to forget it.

19. What a strange illusion it is to suppose that beauty is goodness

The great Leo Tolstoy gives us this beautiful quote full of meaning.

20. Photography is a kind of virtual reality, and it helps if you can create the illusion of being in an interesting world.

The world we live in is the world we interpret and perceive.

21. My biggest illusion is to continue to have illusions

Having illusions is what keeps us motivated and keeps us alive.

22. Television gives us things to think about, but leaves us no time to do so.

New technologies make us receive an excess of information.

23. Don't reject your dreams. Without illusion, what would the world be?

In bad times, the illusion of a better place can keep us going.

24. If you want your children to be grounded, place some responsibility on their shoulders.

Illusions are the engine that makes us circulate through life.

25. You will never be able to have me without opening your desire on the nakedness that seals the ineffable, nor will you find my lips while something concrete roots your love

A beautiful phrase of the illusion that a person we love awakens

26. The only thing we have to fear is the sky falling on our heads. It is useless to return to what has been and is no longer

The illusion is in the future. The past can no longer be recovered.

27. Intelligent people have a right over ignorant ones: the right to instruct them.

A very real phrase that says a lot and makes you think deeply. One of the most inspiring phrases about illusion.

28. Only illusions help us to live. A man who knew the whole truth should sit by the roadside and cry himself to death.

The real truth can be really depressing.

29. The lost illusions are leaves, detached from the tree of the heart

You cannot live a happy life without hope.

30. Fortune gets tired of always carrying the same man on her shoulders

Money is a motivation and an illusion for many.

31. The castle of his illusions has come without a crash, without a trace, it has vanished like a dream; and he doesn't even realize he's been dreaming

A poetic phrase of how the illusion can vanish

32. There is something that gives splendor to everything that exists, and it is the illusion of finding something just around the corner.

Illusion can make us reborn. It can help us stay afloat.

33. Losing an illusion hurts. Losing them all kills

A man without illusions is a man without life.

34. The difference between the past, present and future is just a persistent illusion.

Albert Einstein, a phrase full of meaning that deals with the illusion over time.

35. How long are we going to continue to believe that happiness is nothing more than one of the games of illusion?

Happiness can only be lived in the present moment.

36. The only nice thing about being imperfect is the joy it brings to others.

Many enjoy the misfortunes of others.

37. It is undoubtedly an evil, to be full of defects; but it is still a greater evil to be full of them and not want to admit it, because it is to add that of a voluntary illusion

The illusion, if it is an irrational belief, it can seriously harm us.

38. Love doesn't exist, it's just an illusion

Love lives on expectations, on the image we have created of the other person.

39. Let me escape from the lying and criminal illusion of happiness! Give me work, fatigue, pain and enthusiasm

Pursue the illusion of happiness constantly and obsessively makes you really unhappy

40. What we call family pride is often founded on an illusion of self-love. A man wishes to perpetuate and immortalize himself

An expression by Alexis De Tocqueville about the belief in pride in the family.

41. People reject what they don't understand because it makes them feel small. People would prefer to believe in another reality, even if it is a mere illusion, as long as it makes them feel bigger.

Seeing things as they really are can mean breaking with old patterns.

42. In our natural state, we are glorious beings. In the world of illusions, we are lost and imprisoned, slaves to our appetites and our will to false power.

Living on illusions may seem calm, but in the long run it is bad.

43. I have realized that the past and the future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and only what there is.

The only moment we can live is the present, the rest are illusions.

44. The distinction between the past, present and future is just a stubbornly persistent illusion.

Living in the past is an illusion. Living in the future is an illusion. The only thing we can experience is the present.

45. Before I got married, I had six theories on how to raise children. Now I have six children and no theory

When you don't have kids, you have an imaginary idea of ​​what it's like to have them.. Living it changes that idea, because you realize that you were wrong.

46. If time is not real, then the dividing line between this world and eternity, between suffering and well-being, between good and evil, is also a simple illusion.

Everything that goes through our mind is interpreted by us, whether we want it or not, since we never see things as they are.

47. Rootedness is the greatest manufacturer of illusions; reality can only be reached by those who are uprooted

Emotional detachment is one of the best ways to be happy

48. A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values ​​is a mere illusion, a completely vulgar conception, which has no sound in it and has nothing true.

A phrase from Socrates that deals with morality and how it is built by human beings.

49. The action is comforting. It is the enemy of thought and the friend of flattering illusions.

Nothing happens to have illusions. But if we want to achieve what we propose, it is necessary to move and act.

50. Illusory joy is often more valuable than genuine pain

If we firmly believe in something, this has an effect on how we feel.

51. Decorate your house. That gives you the illusion that your life is more interesting than it really is.

The idea that our environment affects us is not new.

52. The illusion? That is expensive. It was hard for me to live longer than I should have

The illusions we have can keep us alive and active.

53. It is excellent to have illusions in life... But meanwhile, do not seek to materialize them... They are only dreams!!!

Illusions can make us spend pleasant moments, but they are not always possible.

54. The ugliness is irrelevant. It is an immeasurable insult to a woman, and also, presumably, it is the worst crime that can be committed as a woman. But ugliness, like beauty, is nothing more than illusions.

A curious quote from Margaret Cho that can have different interpretations.

55. Any journey into the past is complicated by delusions, false memories and the false names of real events.

the disappointments They make us feel enormously sad. An illusion phrase that deals with the other side of the coin of desire.

56. The people never renounce their liberties except under the deceit of an illusion

The illusion of something better can make us sacrifice something we have

57. Illusion is the first of all pleasures

Illusion can be positive because it makes us feel good.

58. Usually dream women are an optical illusion

Many will never get to have a relationship with pretty women

59. Photography, as we all know, is not real at all. It is an illusion of reality with which we create our own private world.

What we see is not the real world, but the construction we make of the world.

60. Tradition is the illusion of permanence

The always great, Woody Allen, leaves us this great phrase.

61. Fantasy is an exercise bike for the mind. It may not get you anywhere, but it tones those muscles that can.

The brain can trick us into filling the void.

62. Tango is the pain of disagreement, the agony of waiting and the illusion of a hug

Sharing tango steps with a woman can make a man excited.

63. Whatever happens in the world is real, what one thinks should have happened is a projection. We suffer more from our fictitious illusions and from expectations of reality

It is not what happens that causes us suffering, but the idea we have about what happens.

64. I yearn in the daily light of my existence... To tell you that you are my best illusion, my life, my charm, my tenderness, my everything

Loving that person you consider special is, without a doubt, a beautiful illusion.

65. To have illusions is to live

without illusions, a person can't be motivated, since he remains immobile.

66. In the shadow, far from the light of day, melancholy sighs on the sad bed, pain at her side, and the migraine in her head.

When the illusion is lost, one walks aimlessly.

67. No, our science is not an illusion. But it would be an illusion to assume that what science cannot give us we can find elsewhere.

a quote from Sigmund Freud which deals with illusion and science.

68. Love poetry... cheap words to break the soul and create an illusion

A phrase that talks about poetry and how words can excite us.

69. The painting is an illusion, a piece of magic, therefore what you see is not what you see

What we see is a construction that we have made about How can reality be interpreted?.

70. It is typical of the philosopher to be able to speculate on all things

Speculation is not something real and tangible, but an expectation or illusion.

71. Illusion is the younger sister of disappointment

Oliver Wendell Holmes, in a phrase that relates illusion to disappointment.

72. All religions my friend are simply made of fraud, fear, greed, imagination and poetry.

Religions, although some do not believe it, live on the illusion of people.

73. What is life? A frenzy. What is life? An illusion. all life is a dream

What we believe to be real is actually a construction that we have made.

74. We waste valuable time in dreams, born of imagination, fed by illusion, and brought to death by reality.

We waste too much time of our lives navigating unrealistic expectations.

75. I do not deny the rights of democracy; but I am under no illusions as to the use that will be made of those rights while wisdom is in short supply and pride abounds.

Living in a democracy is not the same as living in the illusion of democracy.

76. The young man is happy because he has the ability to see the beautiful

This phrase by Kafka highlights the positive perception that characterizes youth.

77. The world is full of magical things waiting to be discovered.

An inspired phrase about the wonders of nature and culture.

78. Write on your heart that every day is the best day of your life

This famous phrase by Ralph Waldo Emerson fills everything with optimism.

79. Who wants to find a positive side to all his experiences, gets it

An anonymous phrase about how desire influences our illusion.

80. The happiest and wildest hearts are the only ones truly free

Character and vitality make the difference.

81. You have to know how we manage the time we dedicate to marveling

Experiencing life is something that also depends on decisions.

82. Making discoveries a habit is something that characterizes happy people

every day can be filled with little moments of glory.

83. In a moment we can feel everything we haven't felt in a year

The feelings follow a logic that seems to transcend time.

84. Illusion makes us achieve incredible goals

The desire moves us to improve ourselves.

85. It's never too late to go for it with all our might

We are always ready to set goals.

86. Be careful what you wish for because it can come true

A phrase from Oscar Wilde that encourages us to move forward with our dreams.

87. All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.

One of the most famous quotes from Walt Disney, who believed above all else that dreams always come true when there is courage and will.

88. One must desire something to be alive.

A message full of hope delivered by the poet Margaret Deland.

89. Man has illusions like the bird has wings. It's what supports it.

The French philosopher Blaise Pascal speaks to us in his quote about the need to have illusions for the human being.

90. I think I can, I know I can

A phrase pronounced by the singer Kurt Cobain, full of inspiration and positivity.

91. It is in you the illusion of each day

Pablo Neruda's verses tell us about the illusion of romance and the desire to live it.

92. Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it can perform very good or very bad acts. Everything depends on the principles that guide them

Napoleon Bonaparte knew the power of the will and his ambitions were limitless for much of his life.

93. Fear does not exist anywhere else except in the mind

When we understand that fear is within us we are capable of achieving anything.

94. Courage is like love, it must have hope as food

A phrase from Napoleon Bonaparte that tells us about the importance of having hope in life, to achieve everything we set out to do.

95. Beware of fears, they love to steal dreams

Fears are what can prevent us from achieving our goals in life.

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