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60 great Sunday phrases (and famous quotes)

Sunday is perhaps the most anticipated and desired day of the entire week.. It is a day of relaxation, in which almost everyone rests from their work obligations and can dedicate themselves body and soul to their families and the most varied leisure activities.

After the whole week of effort, Sunday arrives to de-stress our lives.

  • "25 fun phrases (to enjoy every moment)"

sunday phrases

In this article we are going to know the best Sunday phrases so that you can enjoy this day and share the happiness you feel on your social networks. Are you prepared?

1. Always take some of the play, fun, freedom, and wonder of the weekend into your week and your work. (Rasheed Ogunlaru)

The weekend is a time to have fun and forget about work problems.

2. Sunday... the day I plan a lot but actually do nothing. (Lovely Goyal)

There is no need to feel guilty for doing absolutely nothing.

3. Sunday afternoon, the ideal moment like no other for, if you have a friend at hand, feel the need to open your heart and tell everything. (Jane Austen)

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The British novelist leaves us this Sunday phrase.

4. I am always happy to see my friend, and my friend is my weekend. (Debasish Mridha)

Optimistic phrase that is repeated after a long week of sacrifice.

5. Get in the habit of getting up early on weekends. Why waste so much time in bed? (Marilyn you Savant)

The vital attitude must be maintained even on holidays.

6. Nothing beats a Woody Allen movie on a Sunday night, with a glass of wine and some leftovers. (Kate Fleetwood)

An incomparable plan to enjoy before returning to the work routine.

7. A Sunday well spent brings a week full of new content. (Anonymous)

One of the most remembered Sunday phrases, authorship unknown.

8. Sunday of joy and relaxation, Monday of sacrifice well carried out. (Juan Armando Corbin)

Useful reflection to start the week off right.

9. The weekend arrives to solve all the doubts and accumulated cold sweats. (Marta Gargoyles)

After the effort, comes leisure.

  • It may interest you: "80 powerful phrases of effort and hard work"

10. Today is Sunday and the question arises, what am I going to do tomorrow? (Kurt Vonnegut)

The existential crisis it can arise when you notice the breath of Monday.

11. Sunday, for me, is being at home with the family without any plans. (John Lasseter)

And little else to do, to clear our minds of pressures and obligations.

12. Sunday clears away the rust and grime from all week. (Francis Castel)

Famous phrase of the Spanish psychologist.

13. They never make love on Saturday night. Well, if it rained on Sunday, they wouldn't know what to do anymore. (Sacha Guitry)

Ironic reflection on moments of leisure and love.

14. There is nothing to fear, because this is not a Sunday like any other. (Haruki Murakami)

Famous phrase of the Japanese author.

15. Nothing ever happens on Sundays. You never find a new love on Sunday. It is the day of the unhappy. (Tove Ditlevsen)

A somewhat pessimistic phrase about the staticity of this day of the week.

16. The digression is the Sunday of the thought. (Henri-Frederic Amiel)

A parallelism that can stimulate our creative abilities.

17. If a Sunday is not used, a Monday reminds us that we should not sleep forever. (Justin Moon)

Metaphor for not resting on our laurels.

18. Sunday is that day of the week when nothing matters too much. (Louis Armstrong)

Great reflection of the American musician.

19. Today Sunday and tomorrow party, good life this. (Anonymous)

About the experience of not having work or obligations.

20. Some like Sunday, I don't. (Celia Imrie)

Leisure may not be welcome on some occasions.

21. Lutheranism has no priests, there are no Sundays, every day is Sunday. Marx says that Luther's phrase sounded very good to the capitalists, who interpreted it as saying that every day was a working day. (Gustavo Bueno)

The Spanish philosopher, who recently disappeared, thus reflects on Marxism and free time.

22. There are many people who imagine that Sunday is a sponge that washes away all the sins of the week. (Henry Ward Beecher)

Going to Sunday mass does not expiate all the sins that are committed during the week.

23. I think God made Boston on a wet Sunday. (Raimond Chandler)

On the weather of the American city.

24. If God had not rested on Sunday, he would have had time to end the world. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Ironic reflection on the gaps in reality.

25. Sunday puts an end to the rust of the whole week. (Joseph Addison)

A day to rest and dedicate to what we want.

26. Blessed Sunday, the day when nothing remains to be done, but everything is to be done. (Horace)

Famous Sunday quote from the Latin poet.

27. Sunday rest is not only welcome, but necessary. (Richard Sennett)

And tremendously deserved.

28. Sunday is the finishing touch that unites the volume of the week. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

Poetic sentence that encourages us to enjoy Sunday.

29. Happiness is a hot bath on a Sunday afternoon. (A.D. Posey)

Nothing more to add.

30. Take it easy and give your soul a chance to catch up with your body, this is what Sundays are all about. (Anonymous)

Undoubtedly, a moment to recreate and distance yourself from the problems that concern us all.

31. Imagine living a life where every day is your Saturday and Sunday. Make every day your weekend. Make every day a game day. (James A. Murphy)

A good way to take advantage of every day of our life.

32. I would be very happy if I spent Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment. This is how I refuel. (Audrey Hepburn)

This great Hollywood star had, like everyone else, her preferences on the weekend.

33. Well, there's nothing better than putting your feet up on a Sunday afternoon and picking up a good book. (Chris Klin)

It doesn't seem like a bad plan.

34. Although I understand that all days are the same with 24 hours each, most of us agree that Friday is the longest day of the week and Sunday is the shortest. (d. S. Mixell)

A truly accurate assessment.

35. Sunday is the finishing touch that unites the volume of the week. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

A good way to conceive Sundays.

36. After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. (Matthew 28:1)

In ancient times, Sunday was considered the first day of the week.

37. And God blessed the Seventh Day, and sanctified it, because in it he rested from all the work that she had done in creation. (Genesis 2:3)

The first reference we find in the Bible about Sunday.

38. And after having risen, very early on the first day of the week, Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons. (Mark 16:9)

Sunday is Lord's Day because it was when Jesus rose from the dead.

39. Is there anywhere on Earth that smells better than a laundromat? It's like a rainy Sunday where you don't have to get out from under the covers, or like lying on the grass your dad just cut: comfort food for your nose. (Jodi Picoult)

Without a doubt, a truly beautiful image and a very suggestive journey for the senses.

40. Sunday Bloody Sunday (U2)

This U2 song recalls and pays homage to the massacre that took place on "Bloody Sunday" in 1972, when British soldiers shot 26 unarmed civilians.

41. And on a Sunday folk abounds. Under the honeysuckle. Drinking, while talking and smoking. (Théophile Gautier)

This French poet was a great exponent of romanticism in his country and his work offers us truly bohemian scenes.

42. It was the typical Sunday for which one longs for Monday to arrive. (Joan Didion)

Some Sundays can be hard to get through.

43. Sometimes I have loved the peace of any given Sunday. It's like standing in a newly planted garden after a warm rain. You can feel the silent and invisible life. (Marilynne Robinson)

A beautiful allegory about how some people feel on Sunday.

44. Now, as for the offering for the saints, you also do as I instructed the churches of Galatia. On the first day of the week, each one of you set aside and keep as he has prospered, so that when I go, no offerings will be collected then. (Corinthians 16:1-2)

Sunday is the day of Christian prayer since it was established in the Bible.

45. Millions yearn for immortality... Yet they don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. (Susan Ertz)

An observation as humorous as it is true.

46. Poetry is the truth in its Sunday clothes. (Philibert Joseph Roux)

A metaphorical way of saying that it is the truth embellished in the best way.

47. Sunday is a time when you sit down and reflect on all the blessings you have received. Smile at all the good things you are enjoying. (Sera Train)

The reflection that Sunday allows us helps us become aware of the direction we are taking in life.

48. Don't let them take away your Sunday. If your soul does not have a Sunday, it is orphaned. (Albert Schweitzer)

Sunday is a very important day for Catholics and has great spiritual importance.

49. After a week of the contained chaos that is my job, I need some time to run alone. On Sundays I can relax and reconnect with the natural world. (Linda Jones)

Some of the most relaxing plans of the week are made on Sunday.

50. Sunday morning brings the sunrise. (The Velvet Underground)

The song "Sunday morning" is one of the most remembered songs of this band from the 60s.

51. Sunday was always the best of days to be the "me" you wanted to be, but weren't, for one reason or another. (Jesse Ball)

An appointment full of positivity and that can inspire us in a way.

52. I'm sad, every Monday I'm thinking about Sunday, because it's the only day I'm with you. (Frank Sinatra)

Some Sundays become special days based on who we see weekly.

53. The goal on Sunday is to leave my house as little as possible. (Mark Morris)

An approach followed by many people around the world.

54. Sunday, Sunday, you are again in your elegant suit. (Blur)

The song Sunday Sunday by the British band Blur tells us everyday situations on any given Sunday.

55. There is always something new to learn and feel every Sunday. (Gerald Cause)

Every week can be the ideal time to learn everything we have always wanted.

56. Super Bowl Sunday is more about the food than the sport.

It is one of the most important festivals on the American calendar and the different shows that are broadcast on that day put sport in the background.

57. Now I know why the Lord took the day off from him on Sunday. That is my favorite day. And the day we can really relax. (Jason F. Wright)

Some people love Sunday above all else, as it allows us to rest one more day on the weekend.

58. Super Bowl Sunday is the only time of the year when people are excited about commercials.

The annual Sunday that the Super Bowl is celebrated in the US is accompanied by a series of iconic traditions, such as watching the halftime show or the announcements of the day.

59. I am always happy to see my friend, and my friend is my weekend. (Debasish Mridha)

The weekend is the long-awaited moment of rest in which we can recharge our forces to face the week again.

60. On Sunday, the day of the language of leisure. (Elfriede Jelinek)

A very surprising way to sum it up.

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