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Fault In Our Stars movie: summary and analysis

Under the same star (The Fault in Our Stars) is a dramatic film directed by the American screenwriter and director Josh Boone.

The film, based on the homonymous novel by writer John Green, revolves around Hazel Grace Lancaster, a teenager suffering from cancer and who has managed to survive thanks to treatment experimental. One day his life takes an unexpected turn when he meets Gus, a boy with whom he learns to enjoy life's most insignificant moments.

The film, like its predecessor novel, became a hit with audiences, especially teenagers. But where does the secret of her triumph lie?

Under the same star is a story about love and death, told in the key of drama and humor, in which cancer appears as the main background to warn about the importance of valuing life and enjoying the Present.


Hazel Grace Lancaster is a 16-year-old girl who has been fighting thyroid cancer for three years. The disease affects his lungs and he needs an oxygen machine constantly to breathe.

Although she gets ahead thanks to an experimental treatment, the life of the protagonist is not like that of any teenager. Hazel lives with her parents and her mother believes that she is going through a depression. That is why she encourages her to attend support groups, where the young woman shares her experiences with other patients.

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One day, during these therapy sessions, she Hazel meets Gus Waters, a boy who has managed to fight lung cancer, with whom she soon establishes a friendship.

Young people have different meetings, in which they share their tastes and hobbies. Also, they challenge each other to read their respective favorite books. Hazel shares with Gus a work entitled "An Imperial Pain" by a writer named Van Houten, for which the young woman feels great admiration.

Soon, an interest arises between them to discover what happens after the abrupt end of the novel, which ends in the middle of a sentence, when the protagonist dies.

Afterward, Gus plans a trip to Amsterdam for Hazel to meet her favorite writer. However, days before her departure, the young woman relapses and her health deteriorates.

After this event, Hazel's mother decides to fulfill the will of her daughter and travels with the teenagers to Amsterdam.

Once there, they are in for an unexpected surprise when they discover that Van Houten is an alcoholic and headstrong man who treats Hazel with contempt. After this unfortunate meeting, the young people decide to enjoy their stay and their love is consolidated more and more.

Everything changes when Gus, during the trip, confesses to Hazel that her illness has reversed and he is in a terminal state.

Upon his return to Indianapolis, Gus relapses and is immediately admitted. So the young man prepares a funeral prior to his death in order to spend his last days with his friends.

Finally, the young man dies and during the celebration of his funeral the writer Van Hounter appears, who tells him explains to Hazel the true meaning of her novel "An Imperial Pain", where she captured the illness of her daughter.


There are three fundamental components that make this fiction a movie to watch and recommend.

On the one hand, it is an adaptation of a successful book. Added to this is a cast that manages to meet the expectations of the public. And finally, a soundtrack whose songs are fused with the story in order to thrill the viewer.

Adaptation of the book Under the same star

Film adaptations, especially those based on a novel, run the risk of being subjected to grand judgments by the most loyal readers.

In this case, director Josh Boone was facing the great popularity of the book. Under the same star by John Green. But what fits? What elements get in the way when it comes to bringing the book to the big screen? Is this version worth it?

There is something that is clear if the film is compared with its predecessor novel and that is that the film version manages to incorporate to perfection the premise of the novel: a young woman suffers from a disease, whose experience could be narrated from her suffering. However, the protagonist knows her condition, she accepts it, describes it without reservation and does not resign herself. She prefers to live and enjoy life.

Thus, the main message of the book is perfectly integrated into the film. Although some subplots of the novel are omitted in the film version. Also, some characters are omitted, such as Hazel's best friend.

Another aspect that reinforces this story in the film adaptation is the soundtrack, which manages to give it great emotion. The music also reinforces the inspiring metaphors and messages rescued from the book, which are perfectly integrated into the film.


The choice of cast is also important to meet the expectations of those fans of the novel.

In this case, the difficulty of the two main actors, Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort, was in giving credibility to those characters devised by the readers. In this film it happens and, in addition, both interpreters manage to capture the complicity of the characters with total naturalness.

Likewise, the film adaptation leaves some characters from the book on the way, however, it integrates those who star in the main plots. These are the ones that appear in the movie:

Hazel grace lancaster

Image by Hazel Grace Lancaster

She is the protagonist of Under the same star played by the actresses Shailene woodley (16 years old) and Lily Kenna (13 years old).

Hazel grace lancaster she is a 16 year old girl. She is the only child of the marriage formed by Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster.

From a very young age she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, from which she manages to survive thanks to an experimental treatment. Also, due to her illness, she carries an oxygen apparatus wherever she goes.

One day, during a session in a support group, he meets Augustus, a young man who changes his life and reminds him that his illness is not an impediment to leading a life like any teenager. It is he who makes possible his dream of meeting the author of "An Imperial Pain", his favorite novel.

Augustus Waters

Still from Gus in Fault In Our Stars

Ansel Elgort he plays Augustus Waters (Gus), an 18-year-old whose greatest fear is being forgotten. So he insists on doing something to be eternally remembered for.

Gus is an optimistic young man who tries to enjoy life to the fullest. He suffered from cancer, which caused him to lose one of his legs.

Also, he attends the support group with his friend Isaac, with whom he usually meets to play video games.

During a session he meets Hazel, to whom he tries to convey the idea of ​​squeezing every moment as if it were the last.

Mr and Mrs Lancaster

Lancaster Marriage in Fault In Our Stars

Sam trammell Y Laura dern they embody Hazel's father and mother, respectively. The couple have been struggling with their daughter's illness for years.

On the one hand, Mrs. Lancaster believes that Hazel is depressed and encourages her to go to support groups so that she can connect with other people.

On his part, Mr. Lancaster fears that his daughter's health will worsen when he meets Gus, as she begins to have a more hectic routine than usual.


Still of Isaac in Fault In Our Stars

Nat wolff he plays Isaac, Gus's best friend, with whom he shares his love of video games. He has cancer that affects her vision and is about to lose an eye, which will completely nullify her vision. He is also in a relationship with a young woman named Monica.

Peter van houten

Still of Peter Van Houten in Fault In Our Stars

Willem dafoe it is Peter van houten, the writer of the novel "An Imperial Pain". He is Hazel's biggest idol and is in Amsterdam, where he lives apart from his writing career. He has been drunk since he lost his daughter to illness.

Lidewij Vliegenthart

Still from Lidewij in Fault In Our Stars

Lotte verbeek it is Lidewij, Peter Van Houten's assistant. She is the one in charge of answering the emails that Gus sends to Peter. Also, she grants him an appointment so that Hazel can meet her favorite writer.

One day, the woman decides to quit her job due to the attitude of her boss. So, she takes it upon herself to teach Hazel and Gus the city of Amsterdam.

Songs Under the same star

The soundtrack of Under the same star It is one of the strong points of the film. It is composed, almost entirely, of musical themes created expressly to accompany the images and give meaning to the narration.

Each of the songs is intended to perfectly capture the tone of the film. The melodies, the lyrics and each sound come together in harmony to take the audience in one direction: understand the messages and teachings implicit throughout the film.

These are some of the most representative songs of the film and the most transcendental ideas they convey, in relation to the plot.

No One ever Loved

It is an unreleased theme for the film created by the Swedish singer Lykke Li. It is a ballad accompanied by piano and is one of the saddest songs in the film, whose main message is heartbreak.

Hazel and Gus are two teenagers who meet in one of the most difficult moments of their lives. The young woman feels very good with her friend, however, at first she sees her relationship as a real madness. This song evokes that, whatever happens, they will always be remembered.

Let me in

It is a song written by the American alternative rock band Grouplove for the film.

The theme portrays very well the love story that the protagonists are living and manages to convey that feeling to the viewer.

Stranger things will happen

This song is part of the album Lesser matters of the group The Radio Dept and is included in the soundtrack of the film.

The song fits the story very well, as it talks about letting go and enjoying the little things in life. There is no need to fear that strange things will happen since those experiences can fill life with color.

Hazel, at first, is afraid of getting carried away since, as she herself affirms when she refers to her illness, "it is a grenade that can explode at any moment". Finally, she bets on allowing life to surprise her.

Best shot

It is a song composed by the American singer Jaymes Young and the English singer Birdy expressly to be part of the soundtrack of Under the same star.

It is a slow song that alludes to the unconditional love of the protagonists, despite the adversities.

Boom clap

It is a single that singer Charli XCX had previously written for another film, however, she later adapted very well to this story.

This song appears during the trip to Amsterdam made by the young couple. The song speaks of an intense and epic romance. Likewise, music manages to transmit energy.

All of the stars

It is the main theme of the film, composed ad hoc by Ed Sheeran. It is part of the credits and very well sums up the romantic and, at the same time, emotional character of this film.

Gus dies and Hazel manages to survive. This song manages to capture nostalgia and melancholy from the point of view of a person (Hazel) who thinks of a being that she loves and who is no longer present.

Finally, she raises the idea that love exists beyond death and that, possibly, one day the two protagonists "will meet again."

Movie trailer

Under The Same Star | Extended Trailer Subtitled HD

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