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14 great poems in Nahuatl translated into Spanish

Nahuatl is a Yoto-Aztec language, prevailing in the ancient Aztec Empire, with more than a million speakers today.

From Nahuatl we find beautiful poetic pieces that, generally, were created for oral transmission, with which their creators intended to reflect on the most transcendental aspects of life, understood as a difficult enigma to sort out.

Some poems are anonymous, however, today great figures such as Tecayehuatzin or Nezahualcóyotl, among others, resonate.

Next, let's discover the beauty of these timeless creations through a selection of 14 short poems, originally created in Nahuatl, translated into Spanish.

1. Friendship

Friendship It is a short poem by Tecayehuatzin de Huexotzinco, a pre-Hispanic philosopher and poet from Puebla-Tlaxcala. In his poetic creation, the songs of melancholy (icnocuícatl), joy of living (xopancuícatl) and ephemeral beauty (xochicuícatl) stand out.

Like a quetzal feather, fragrant flower,
friendship shudders:
like heron feathers, in finery they
A bird that rumors which rattlesnake it is

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our song:
How beautiful you sing it!
Here, among flowers that form a fence,
between flowering branches you are singing them.

2. The flower and the song

This short poem of anonymous authorship reflects on poetry, a common theme in Nahuatl poetry. In this case it could be understood that poetry springs from within its creator and he shares it with the world.

The flowers bloom, they are fresh, they thrive,
opens its corolla.
From within you come the flowers of the song:
you, oh poet, pour them out on others.

3. Bird

The following poem in Nahuatl encourages us of the importance of valuing what we have around us, no matter how small. Despite adversity, we must always find a reason to "sing" to life. The mere fact of being alive is already a reason to be able to rejoice.

Little bird, why do you sing?
I sing because I'm happy
I sing because it always dawns,
and you, why don't you sing?

Little bird, why do you sing?
I sing because I have life
I sing because I'm not hurt
and you, why don't you sing?

Little bird, why do you sing?
I sing because there is sun,
and you, why don't you sing?

4. Enigma of living

Enigma of living It is an anonymously authored poem. Through his verses, this song tells us that we are not immortal. On the contrary, life is short and fleeting. Therefore, we must enjoy every moment and make bad experiences something beautiful.

It is not true that we live,
it's not true that we last
on earth.

I have to leave the beautiful flowers,
I have to go in search of the mystery site!

But for a short time
let us make the beautiful songs our own.

5. Thirst for immortality

Thirst for immortality It is a poem associated with Nezahualcóyotl, better known as "El Rey Poeta". Among his creations abounds the theme of death. In this song the author reflects on the inevitable destiny that is death, alluding to the desire to be immortal.

I feel out of my mind
I cry, I grieve and I think,
I say and remember:
Oh if I never died
if it never disappeared! ...
I go where there is no death,
where victory is achieved!
Oh if I never died
if it never disappeared ...

You may also like 11 poems by Nezahualcóyotl, the Poet King

6. Dream of words

Among the creations of the poet and ruler Tecayehuatzin, this song about friendship stands out.

Friends, please hear
this dream of words !:
in spring time does not give life
the golden bud from the cob:
the tender red cob gives us refreshment,
but it is a rich necklace that we know
that our hearts are faithful to us

7. Spring song

The Xoxicuícatl or songs to poetry are also part of the composition of Netzahualcóyotl. In this song, the Poet King reflects on poetry and its creator, the poet, who pleases men with his singing.

Over the flowers the beautiful pheasant sings:
the Owner of the world unleashes their songs.
And only their own birds respond to them.
They are the beautiful red birds that sing.
A book of paintings is your heart:
you came to sing, oh poet, and you play your kettle.
It is that spring delights men.

8. We only came to dream

Tochihuitzin Coyolchiuhqui was a contemporary of Nezahualcóyotl, son of Itzcóatl, Aztec ruler. What is life but a dream? In this poem the author attends to what is our mission on earth.

So Tochihuitzin said,
This is what Coyolchiuhqui said:
Suddenly we come out of the dream,
we only came to dream,
not true, not true
that we came to live on earth.
Like grass in spring
it is our being.
Our heart gives birth
flowers sprout from our flesh.
Some open their corollas,
then they dry.

9. The posthumous life

The posthumous life It was created on the occasion of the death of Prince Tlacahuepan. In Nahuatl poetry the theme of death is very present and this is an example of it:

Golden butterfly is already sucking:
the flower that has opened is my heart,
oh my friends, it is a fragrant flower,
I already scatter him in the rain.

10. My heart understands

Nezahualcoyotl reflects in this song, in a more transcendental way, on poetry. A song that is born from the depths, from within. Does Nehualcoyotl affirm with this song that he has managed to find the true meaning of poetry?

At last my heart understands:
I hear a song
I contemplate a flower:
May they not wither!

11. Singing pain

The following poem by Nezahualcóyotl warns about the shortness of life for it uses elements of nature such as the sun and flowers.

Hear a song my heart:
I refuse to cry: I am filled with pain.
We go among flowers:
we have to leave this land:
we are on loan to each other:
We will go to the Casa del Sol!
Put on me a necklace of stranded flowers:
in my hands are:
Bloom in my garlands!
We have to leave this land:
We are on loan to each other:
We're going to the Casa del Sol!

12. Love and death

Love and death it is an anonymous song that supposes a reflection on the own death. These verses hide the poet's lament at the impossibility of avoiding fate, and the anguish caused by this inevitable end by reiterating that he "has to go."

Let your heart open!
May your heart come closer!
You torment me
you give me death.
I have to go there,
where I will perish.
Will you cry for me one last time?
Will you feel sadness for me?
We were really just friends
I have to go,
I have to go.

13. My poem

This creation dates from the beginning of the 16th century and deals with the theme of poetry and song. Its authorship is assigned to Totoquihuatzin, king of Tlacopan.

I prefer emeralds,
I am melting gold:
It's my song!
In thread emerald rich emeralds:
It's my song!

14. Life passes

Life passes It is an anonymous song that encourages us to enjoy life and everything that surrounds us because, despite everything, we will leave and the earth will continue. So it is not worth lamenting but, rather, you have to live in the moment.

Oh flowers that we carry
oh songs that we carry,
we are going to the Kingdom of Mystery!
At least for a day
let's be together, my friends!
We must stop our songs:
and yet the earth will remain permanent!
My friends, let's enjoy: let's enjoy, friends!

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