Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Francisco de Jesús Vásquez Martínez

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I have been an online clinical psychologist for more than a decade, accompanying people individually and couples in their process of stabilization and personal growth. With extensive experience in EMOTIONAL DEPENDENCY, ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, SELF-ESTEEM, COUPLES, BIPOLARITY, obsessions-compulsions, gender violence, mourning, aging, etc.

By doing my work through virtual platforms, you can have the facility to optimize time and do it without interruption without matter where you move, so if you feel that your life needs a change, stability, improvement, I would be happy to help you achieve it. Remember that POWER resides in ourselves.

I carry out my clinical practice as a psychotherapist under an eclectic approach, evaluating each particular case and designing the appropriate strategies to achieve the desired change. I have several master's degrees and a PhD (in progress) in Psychology.

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Is shift work bad for our health?

Is shift work bad for our health?

At night, our body asks for rest, and by day it wants to be activated. This is a maxim of chronob...

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