8 main ideas of MARXISM

One of the most influential thoughts during the Contemporary Age was the Marxism, being the origin of communism and socialism that had so much relevance during the 20th century. To understand this relevant ideology, in this lesson from a Teacher we must talk about the main ideas of marxism and, thus, understand the main contributions that it brought to societies. Let's start!
Before analyzing the main ideas of Marxism, we are going to know what this thought consists of. He Marxism is a doctrine political and philosophical created in the middle of the 19th century by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, both being German philosophers who were looking for a new economic system to replace capitalism. The years of the emergence of Marxism vary depending on the sources we consult, but we can say that it was already fully spread in 1848, when through the Manifesto of the Communist Party, reached all the nations of Europe, becoming one of the most important beliefs in history.
Marxism was born a critique of the capitalist system
, being the economic model at that time, and emerging to look for alternatives to a system that Marx and Engels considered was going to end at some point. For this reason, Marxism seeks the end of capitalism, ending social classes and private property, in order to achieve a more egalitarian world, where everyone has the same rights.Marx considered that capitalism was an outdated system and, therefore, reform was needed, or create a new system like Marxism. For this reason we can say that Marxism was born as a kind of solution to the problems of the world economy, its main objective being to make a world equal where we all have the same opportunities.

To understand Marxism in depth we must talk about its main ideas, as this will help us understand the concepts on which it is based. Thus, we will understand the influence it has had on our world.
The main ideas of marxism are the following:
- One of the main ideas of Marxism is the make social classes disappear because Marxism considers that the existence of these only brings inequalities, so they must disappear so that all people are equal. Marxism has as its main idea the search for a only social class, making all people belong to the same, and thanks to this we are all socially equal.
- Marxism considers that the private property is one of the big problems of society, since people seek to have possessions over the rest of things, causing problems and confrontations between the people that make up the states. Marxism considers that all property must be public, so that the state can distribute the property and therefore no one has more power than another person.
- Marxism believes that businessman earns too much money compared to the worker, so it defends the idea that the employee must earn a salary depending on the benefits that achieve by his work, so that each one gets the money given by the fruit of his work, and no one can take advantage of the work of the others. the rest.
- Marxism believes that the law of supply and demand does not work, so his idea is that the value of a product is fixed by the amount of time and work necessary for its production. The idea is that each product can have a fixed price, and thanks to this the consumer has an easier purchase.
- Marxism believes that rulers can be a problem because they are taken for their personal benefits and that is why they end up being corrupt, for this reason the Marxists suggest a single administrative class that controls everything, but that is elected by the people and that does not get more than the rest.
- The economy and the means of production must be centralized, since if the state manages everything, it will be much easier to control the economy, and with that, ensure that all people have a similar economy.
- Banking must exist, but it must be centralized in a single foundation, and it must be controlled by the state so that it serves the interests of the people. Marxism considers that the big banks are one of the problems of capitalism, for seeking their own interest and benefit, and therefore must be controlled by the state, to seek the good common.
- All basic systems must be state controlled and they must be public, so anyone can make use of transport, education or health completely free of charge. The idea is that all people are equal, so we should all have the same facility to acquire the so-called basic systems.
These are the main ideas of Marxism on which this ideology that was so influential in our time was based.