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The 80 best phrases of Robert Redford

Charles Redford is a celebrated American actor and director, born in the Californian city of Santa Monica during the year 1936.

This winner of 5 Oscars and 2 Golden Globes, he has been without a doubt one of the most relevant actors in the second half of the 20th century, achieving truly remarkable fame throughout his career professional.

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Great phrases and reflections of Robert Redford

Some of his most famous films have been: "All the President's Men", "Out of Africa", or the also well-known "The Man Who Whispered to Horses". Some excellent movies that if you have not seen, this may be a good opportunity to discover them.

Then you can enjoy Robert Redford's 80 best quotes, an actor that we can consider as one of the most famous and acclaimed leading men in the entire history of cinema.

1. I believe that the environment should be placed in the category of our national security. Defending our resources is just as important as defending abroad. Otherwise, what is there to defend?

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The natural environment should undoubtedly be much better preserved, unfortunately the big administrations rarely worry about it.

2. Generally speaking, I went through it. I got to a place where I realized what true value was. It wasn't the money. Money is a means to an end, but it is not the end.

Material wealth is not the most valuable thing we can possess, as some things, such as health or family, are undoubtedly much more important.

3. Golf has become so careful, so perfect. The greens, the fairways. I don't like golf carts. I like to walk. Some clubs won't let you in unless you have a cart.

Golf has always been considered an elitist sport but currently the situation in it is radicalizing a lot.

4. It's supposed to be the classic Homer, Ulysses, Hercules, a character who comes out or has some kind of gift. He goes on a journey of discovery and part of it is falling into the dark: the temptations of life.

Life will always bring us both positive and negative experiences, how we deal with them will be what really identifies us as people.

5. I'm not interested in a movie about golf, but I am interested in golf as a metaphor.

As we can see, golf is a sport that has always interested Redford, thanks to it this famous actor has undoubtedly managed to live a much fuller life.

6. Sport is a wonderful metaphor for life. Of all the sports I played: skiing, baseball, fishing, there is no better example than golf, because you play against yourself and against nature.

In golf we have to take into account a large number of factors, both physical and climatic, some handicaps that make it a much more interesting sport.

7. You can't completely control the sport: Tiger Woods is coming. The test is against yourself and against the way of nature. Golf strikes me as a particularly good metaphor for this story.

Golf is a fight against adversity, as is the life of any of us.

8. Healthy food may be good for the conscience, but Oreos taste so much better.

Junk food is very tasty but if we do not consume other types of food, our health will inevitably suffer in the long run.

9. As an actor and as a person you join in being on familiar territory, although that hasn't been my entire life. That has been part of it. I think a lot of people associate me with the West because of Sundance.

Cinema has always been a fundamental part of his life, thanks to it this famous actor managed to find his place in the world.

10. I am a cynical optimist. Grand opening weekends are like cotton candy. The movies that you will remember over time are movies that stick to the audience's consciousness in a good way.

Some films we will remember throughout our lives and perhaps in more than one of these works, Robert Redford is his most relevant interpreter.

11. I believe in mythology. I think I share Joseph Campbell's notion that a culture or society without mythology would die, and we are close to that.

Mythology teaches us how we should live our life. Well, it is thanks to mythological fables that we have all learned basic notions about how we should act in the face of the vicissitudes of life.

12. I don't know what your childhood was like, but we didn't have a lot of money. We would go to the movies on a Saturday night, then on Wednesday night my parents would take us to the library. It was a big deal to go in and get my own book.

Being able to go to the library and having a book about your life must be a really interesting experience.

13. Like my children and people today, I did not grow up with television as a part of my life.

During his childhood and youth, television was something that had not yet been implemented in homes, something that allowed him to be able to live in those years a life very different from the one that currently all We enjoy.

14. He had just arrived in New York from California. He was nineteen years old and excited beyond belief. I was an art student and an acting student and I behaved like most actors young, which means there was no such thing as a good actor, because you hadn't performed still.

In those days, actors led very fast lives, a way of life that luckily is no longer in style today.

15. I am not a facelift person. I am what I am.

Easy operations have never represented any interesting contribution to him, as life progresses and old age catches up with us, it is natural for all of us to become wrinkled.

16. Today it is difficult to pay attention due to the multiple effects of information technology. You tend to develop a faster and faster mind, but I don't think it's necessarily broader or smarter.

The bombardment that we receive through the media is constant, we could even say that we are all really suffering from a serious lack of information.

17. It is an honor to put art above politics. Politics can be seductive in terms of reductive things for the soul.

Politics in most of the world's nations is totally corrupted, which is why Robert Redford wisely knows how to put many other things before it.

18. In fact, your hands are tied behind your back when someone chooses to take a low path towards you, there's nothing you can do about it, so you just live with it and move on.

We will all suffer betrayals throughout our lives, since most of the people around us are not usually what they appear to be.

19. Radio, newspapers, they were normal parts of my life. In those days, you had to go somewhere to watch TV and put something down to watch it.

Currently we all have many more means by which to be informed, in other times the world could seem to turn much more slowly.

20. Once the festival reached a certain level of notoriety, people started coming here with agendas that were not the same as ours. We can't do anything about it. We can't control that.

In 1980 Redford founded the Sundance Institute, a teaching center for young filmmakers, where in the summer they hold their own film festival.

21. Never revisit the past, that's dangerous. You know, keep going.

Life only has one direction and that direction is forward, everything that has already remained in the past does not have to have any real relevance for us.

22. Lastly, connect emotionally with your story so you can convey it, you know, if you can't convey the emotions to your script, your story is meaningless. The story is the key.

The great stories are those that manage to strike a chord with the viewer, so that For this to be possible, the actors who play her must have a great emotional connection with their character.

23. There's nothing I can do about these things and I'm pretty cool with the fact that I don't think Sundance is going to be stopped for that, because the Festival is right now, and you don't need me to talk about it like I did before. years.

The Sundance festival is currently in great health, so Redford can now breathe easy knowing that this festival will most likely outlive him.

24. The technology available to make movies now is amazing, but I am a firm believer that it's all in the story.

Without the right plot line our movie will never be a big hit, no matter how many special effects we can cram into it.

25. In general, I like to improvise. Sometimes, depending on the nature of the piece, I like to improvise because I think it brings a certain freshness and reality to it, as long as it doesn't go too far out of the box.

Spontaneous improv can bring a scene to life, a performance that this celebrated actor has always loved.

26. Sundance began as a mechanism for the discovery of new voices and new talent.

Cinema is an art that is always in full swing and this actor knows very well that the only way to be able to innovate in it is by looking for new talents to promote it.

27. Butch Cassidy was the only movie I ever enjoyed making.

"Butch Cassidy" was a Western genre film starring Robert Redford and Paul Newman, a work that as we discovered at the root of this quote was very fun to interpret for this famous actor.

28. What I would do is when I was younger I would draw in a sketchbook something that happened in my life and then I would write something small about what happened or the story.

Drawing is a practice that can allow us to express all those emotions that we feel regarding a certain situation, Redford very commonly used this art when he most needed to express everything he wanted. felt.

29. While money is a means to an end for a filmmaker, for the corporate mind money is the end. Right now, I think independent film is very confused, because there's just too much pressure in the market to make entertainment worthwhile.

For any filmmaker, being able to express his art must be his greatest task, since simply going in search of of the economic benefits, it can be something that seriously undermines the creation of a possible movie.

30. Because, you know, you're in Utah. And because of his political conservatism, if you can get there, you can get anywhere.

Some states within the United States are much more conservative than others, a curious fact that even significantly affects the laws within each state.

31. I work because I want to work. Work keeps me going.

Work could be said to be life, because only by staying physically and mentally active will we be able to reach old age in really good shape.

32. Moviegoers are hungry for new ideas, voices, and visions.

Cinema is always in constant evolution, the new generations that are making their debut in it today will very possibly be the great stars of tomorrow.

33. We programmed the festival, after 20 years, exactly as we did on the first day.

The festival that Robert Redford created in his day is still fully valid today, we all hope to enjoy many more of them in the future.

34. If he talks about a problem, what comes back is a description of what he's wearing. The journalists just want to know how tall you are and if you have clogged teeth.

Many journalists tend to be more interested in the simple image than in the true personality of an actor. Something that certainly should not happen today.

35. The important thing about a sport is the people who dedicate their lives to it.

Sport is one of the most valued activities by human beings, some people even dedicate their lives to it, undoubtedly considering it their greatest passion.

36. People say that I went against Hollywood, but I tried to be independent within Hollywood, I tried to be my own person.

Just like he did, we must all be fully consistent with our ideals. We must never allow society to tell us what to think.

37. Ambiguity is something I really respond to. I like its complexity.

We should never show our cards prematurely. Not showing our true intentions may be something that may bring us closer to our goal.

38. For me personally, skiing has it all. I used to race cars, but skiing is a step beyond that. It removes the machinery and brings you a little closer to the elements. And it is a complete physical expression of freedom.

Skiing is a truly complete sport that under certain circumstances can also be quite dangerous, an ideal exercise for all those great lovers of strong emotions.

39. If you want to move to America, it's pretty much red, white, and blue in terms of how it all works, but there's a gray area there, and I've always been interested in where the tricky stuff is.

The United States is so huge that an endless number of different societies live within it, starting with simple social classes and ending with numerous ethnic groups from different nationalities.

40. It's good to say: Look, I can't always be right, but my gut tells me this, and then you confirm with your gut.

We must always be true to our thoughts, regardless of what everyone else thinks.

41. When you get older, you learn certain life lessons.

Over the years we all mature, little by little we all learn from the mistakes we make in the course of our lives.

42. Every time I saw people treated unfairly based on race, creed, whatever, it caught my attention.

Respect must be a totally fundamental value within any society, since we all deserve to be treated in the same way in our day to day.

43. I was never a good student. I had to be dragged to kindergarten. It was hard to sit and listen to someone talk. He wanted to be outside, educated by experience and adventure, and he didn't know how to put it.

School was never interesting for him, his instincts always told him that life had much more to offer him out there.

44. I think a lot of people thought my career started with "Butch Cassidy."

Although Butch Cassidy has always been a great film for him, before working on it Redford had already appeared in half a dozen films.

45. It seemed to me that the United States always wanted to solve things too quickly, without thinking about what the costs and consequences would be and how that affects a person living in that world. Then as I got older and moved on with my life, I think I became more and more interested in that gray area where things aren't so easily quantified.

In life, not everything is black or white, the gray areas in it are usually more common than we think.

46. In previous years, family members and people in authority saw me as someone wasting his time. I had problems with conformance restrictions. He made me nervous.

His environment thought that acting was not a really appropriate job for him, some foolish words that a young Robert Redford always knew how not to listen.

47. I started out doing a lot of character work on TV, just fun acting parts.

Television was the springboard to fame that he needed, an interesting strategy that many actors also follow today.

48. I have been able to create spaces for myself. At Sundance, I'm in the mountains, my property is private. I get on a horse and ride for three, four hours. Sometimes five. I get lost. But when I'm in, I'm in.

His ranch in Utah must be a simply enormous property, a secluded spot where this celebrated actor can lose himself without fear of being observed by prying eyes.

49. When I was successful, I put a warning. I didn't think it was fair to have the shadow of that kind of success in my family. And I was cautious about being taken over by things that could destroy you.

Redford was never carried away by fame or success, keeping his feet on the ground was always something that allowed him to live his life the way he really wanted.

50. Hollywood was not a place he dreamed of going to. He could never take seriously the obsession people have about being a celebrity or making it to Hollywood: I was born next door.

Since Redford was born in Santa Monica and was always only two neighborhoods away from Hollywood, it could be said that for him Hollywood was a place that was always just around the corner.

51. A part of me is drawn to the nature of sadness because I believe that life is sad, and sadness is not something to be avoided or denied. It is a fact of life, as are contradictions.

Being honest with our emotions we can begin to deal with them, if on the contrary we deny them we will never be able to really heal them.

52. Beware of success; It has a dark side.

Success has its lights but also its shadows, because the envy that we will often raise when we finally achieve it, can be very harmful for us.

53. I started out as an actor in the theater playing a lot of characters, and all of a sudden, I found myself in this place where I felt like I was getting trapped in some kind of stereotype, and it bothered me.

Theater and cinema are two very different art forms, because as spectators we will never be able to feel the actor as intensely as we will in a theater.

54. Journalism fascinates me. I put a keen eye, not a negative eye, on his role, particularly how it changes with the times we live in.

Journalism is a job that, as we can see, is very interesting for him, a job that is actually much more complicated than is usually thought.

55. The big moment for me was doing “All the President's Men”. It wasn't about Watergate or President Nixon. I wanted to focus on something that I thought many people didn't know: how do journalists get stories?

“Todos los hombres del presidente” is possibly one of his best works, a great film released in 1976 which, without a doubt, cannot be missed.

56. I remember my father came from Ireland and Scotland, so he carried with him the fear of poverty. So when he wanted to let me go, he would make him very nervous.

Coming from a humble family, Redford received values ​​that many actors today do not have, family was always one of the most important aspects of his life for him.

57. Journalism has changed enormously due to the democratization of information. Anyone can put something on the Internet. It's getting harder and harder to find out what the truth is.

The so-called "Fake News" spreads on the internet like wildfire, we should never assume that the information we receive through this medium is completely lawful and truthful.

58. The times change; Hollywood is not the same as when I first got into the business. It seemed to me that it was starting to narrow down and centralize around what... I would earn money.

After so many years, Hollywood has changed and evolved both the way of working and the people who inhabit it, they are simply not the same as before.

59. All the movies I've made are about the country where I live and grew up... And I think that if you are going to put an artist's eye on it, you are going to put a critical eye on it. I've always been interested in the gray area between black and white, or red and blue, and that's where the complexity lies.

American society is profoundly diverse and complex, after all, the United States are a relatively new nation, populated by people from a myriad of nationalities.

60. I never had a problem with my face on the screen. I thought it was what it was, and I was put off by the actors and actresses who tried to stay young.

Knowing how to carry our old age with dignity can help us live it in a much more honest way. We should all be aware that time is something that happens for everyone.

61. I don't look so beautiful. I was a freckle-faced boy, and they used to call me hayhead.

As we see in this quote, he has never considered himself an attractive man, because although over the years he has achieved the title of "Don Juan", Redford is actually a man like any other.

62. I'm always drawn to stories that people don't know, particularly when they're inside a story that everyone knows.

The details can totally change the possible moral of a story, because as they say the devil hides in the details.

63. I think people should be paying a lot more attention to other topics, instead of who is the top 10 for this or... who is the sexiest or the most beautiful.

Society is often governed on many occasions by purely superfluous concepts, we should all try to be a little more upright in our personal lives.

64. The celebrity is a big part of the American social system. I'm certainly grateful for what he's done for me, but I think fame is overblown in our society. I think it has a dangerous side.

Fame can become very tedious at times, and it deprives those who possess it of all privacy.

65. I have always liked speed. I have a car I shouldn't talk about because I'm an environmentalist, but the 1955 Porsche Spyder 550 RS is the best sports car ever made.

Cars are usually a weakness for almost all men and the Porsche Spyder that Redford tells us about in this quote is quite possibly one of his greatest possessions.

66. You see a lot of celebrities switch gears. They range from the environment to animal rights to obesity or whatever. That's why I don't have much respect.

It is very common for many celebrities to be interested in certain revolutionary ideas, but only a few really get involved in them.

67. I have a lot of land I bought it because I had a very strong feeling. He was in his early twenties, and he had grown up in Los Angeles and had watched that city slide into the sea from the city he had known as a boy. He lost his identity: suddenly there was concrete everywhere and the green was gone and the air was bad, and he wanted to get out.

Having a good place to retire is something very pleasant for everyone, a luck that this famous actor has gladly been able to enjoy.

68. When I go to a project, I wonder what support a project will have that will give the public emotional access.

Only those well-thought-out stories manage to really connect with the audience, a movie must be very good if we want the target audience to always remember it.

69. Movies don't always tell a story; some movies can achieve effect simply by being flashy or rock n' roll. That's part of the fee that's out there. And that's fine. For me, I value a story more.

For this famous actor, the plot line is the most important part of a film, a way of understanding cinema that he will surely share with many of us.

70. Storytelling is important. Part of human continuity.

Stories tell us how we should act in certain complicated situations, thanks to them we all learn very valuable lessons since we are children.

71. I am not very interested in sports as sports. He wouldn't be interested in doing a golf movie or a baseball movie or a fishing movie.

Sports movies are not interesting to him, it's just a subject which has never interested him.

72. I'm interested in what happens when there's a breaking point for some people and not for others. You go through such difficulties, things that are almost impossibly difficult, and there's no sign of it getting better, and that's the point when people quit. But some don't.

Critical situations encourage us to show the best part of ourselves, all of us are capable of doing much more than we imagine.

73. I've always felt like almost every role I've played has been part of the character. I mean, I see it that way. I can't help how I look or how people see me.

His roles do not represent who he really is, acting is only a job for him that has allowed him to stand out.

74. When people start to think of you more as a person, they are less inclined to allow you to move into different areas. Sometimes they are wrong. Sometimes they are very stereotyped or restricted in their own thinking of what they will allow you to do.

Some people have false expectations about him, but that has never deprived him of being the person he really is.

75. I think documentarians need as much protection as possible under the privilege of journalists. How else can the public know what is going on?

The audiovisual media are a great tool for the dissemination of information, as many of us currently know, the written press is submerged in a great decline.

76. I think that independent filmmakers, documentarians, are journalists.

Filmmakers can also convey useful information about a topic in a certain movie. The dividing line between a film and a documentary is actually finer than many of us usually think.

77. I'm not a lawyer, but I know this: We need to protect our ability to tell controversial stories.

Freedom of expression is a frankly important fundamental right, because if in the future abridge that freedom, there would come a time when we would not be able to pronounce ourselves on any issue relevant.

78. I have no regrets, because I did everything I could to the best of my ability.

We must all live in such a way that we never have to regret it, because we only have one chance to make things right in life.

79. I am not a person of the left. I am just a person interested in the sustainability of my country.

This actor does not clearly identify with any political ideology, what we can be sure of is that he is concerned about the well-being of everything that surrounds him.

80. I have the freedom to take risks, to say no. I have the freedom to be who I really want to be, instead of having to settle for this or that just to stay alive.

When we achieve success, that's when we start to be able to do what really excites us. Success can be the path to life that we have always dreamed of.

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