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The 90 best phrases (and reflections) of Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty is an adult animated television series by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, created in 2013 for Adult Swim and Cartoon Network. The plot focuses on the strange adventures of a scientist and his impressionable grandson., who can't resist a crazy new challenge like time travel, robot fighting or interstellar travel.

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Iconic phrases from Rick and Morty

To learn more about this pair's crazy journeys and the lessons they bring with them, we bring you the best Rick and Morty quotes below.

1. I'm sorry, but your opinion means very little to me.

There are times when it is better to turn a deaf hater to malicious comments.

2. It is a new machine. Detect things up to your butt.

Showing a bit of the humor of the series.

3. Be good, Morty. I know better than me.

No one wants others to make the same mistakes we do.

4. I'm a version of your brother you can trust when he says "Don't run away."

It is always better to face problems instead of running away from them.

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5. Listen, Morty. Sorry to say, but what people call 'love' is just a chemical reaction that motivates animals to mate.

Not everyone has a good concept of love.

6. I see what happens here. They are both young. They are both insecure about their place in the Universe and both want to be Grandpa's favorite. I can fix this.

We all want to please our loved ones.

7. Sometimes science is much more art than science, Morty. A lot of people don't understand that.

Science and art should not be at odds.

8. But the speeches are for campaigning. Now is the time for action.

There are times when actions are more necessary than our words.

9. What about the reality that Hitler cured cancer, Morty? The answer is: don't think about it.

We shouldn't worry about everything. Because we can't always be in control.

10. Think independently, don't be sheep.

Encouraging to be independent people.

11. I'm too busy to help you.

Sometimes the only person you count on is yourself.

12. You are as dumb as I am smart.

A peculiar way of insulting.

13. School is not a place for smart people.

The reality is that we must seek our knowledge beyond school teachings.

14. I know this situation can be intimidating. You look around and everything is scary and different, but you know what... you have to face these situations, move against them like a bull, that's how we grow as people.

The only way to overcome fear is to take risks.

15. Bitch, my generation is already traumatized by the time it's time for breakfast!

A damaged generation that learned to get ahead.

16. Life is made of small concessions.

We all have to sacrifice something to get something else.

17. When smart people are happy, they stop recognizing themselves.

Happiness can blind people.

18. Every hospital has a doctor who they say is the best doctor in the whole galaxy.

Everyone seeks to be the best at what they do.

19. I'm not the nicest guy in the universe because I'm the smartest.

A way of saying that smart people aren't always nice.

20. You are making this matter more out of dimension than it really is.

When we worry more about something, that problem grows unnecessarily.

21. Praying mantises are the opposite of field mice, Morty. They decapitate and eat their mates after mating. Love doesn't exist after all.

A very specific analysis to say that you do not believe in love.

22. Have fun with empowerment. It seems to make everyone who understands it really happy when they are with friends.

All people want to feel useful.

23. Life is better with friends.

Friends are the family we choose to have.

24. You know what, Morty? This was all a test. A very complex test to make you a more assertive person.

Tests make us work to be better.

25. I hate this place Morty, I can't stand bureaucracy.

Politics is exhausting.

26. Come on Morty, luck had nothing to do with it. I'm cool, that's why.

Do you think luck doesn't exist?

27. Take your finger off Morty, I told them it means there is peace between worlds. What is hilarious?

About the irreverent and sarcastic attitude of Rick.

28. Lots of people running around bumping into each other. A guy in the front saying "two plus two" and people in the back saying "four."

Criticism towards the indoctrination of schools.

29. Run Morty! This bastard is willing to risk everything to defeat me! He is completely crazy!

The actions of some affect others.

30. My whole life has been a lie!

When we lock ourselves in our beliefs, it is difficult to accept that other different things exist.

31. You are the worst, your gods are a lie! To hell with you, to hell with nature, to hell with the trees!

Religions are taken as an excuse for people's bad acts.

32. Hello Mr. Jellybean, I'm Morty. I'm on an adventure with my grandfather.

A phrase that hides the emotion of spending time with the family.

33. You know, we've done something big today. There is nothing more noble and free than the heart of a horse.

The animals are happy in their habitats.

34. Life is an effort and I'll stop doing it when I die!

Life is learning every day how to be better.

35. To live is to risk everything.

When you don't risk you can get stuck in your comfort zone.

36. How many of these are horrible mistakes that I made? I mean, maybe he'd stop making so many if he'd let me learn from them.

Failures come when we make the same mistakes over and over again.

37. There's a lesson here and I'm not going to be the one to figure it out.

There are teachings that we do not want to know.

38. Having a family does not mean that you stop being an individual.

Having a family shouldn't stop you from achieving your goals.

39. I am a scientist; because I invent, transform, create and destroy to live, and when I don't like something in the world, I change it.

The way Rick is perceived.

40. There is no God, Summer. I had to rip off that Band-Aid now. You'll thank me later.

Perhaps God is not as reflected in religions.

41. You should learn to have some respect for the fools of the universe.

All people are ignorant about something.

42. This man's planet was destroyed, put yourself in his place.

Empathy is understanding a person's situation even if you have not experienced the same thing.

43. We are created to serve a single purpose and we will go to any length to achieve it.

Will we all have a purpose to fulfill?

44. That's planning to fail, Morty. It's even dumber than regular planning.

Going straight to failure is when you give up trying what you love to do.

45. God? God is turning people into monstrous insects. I am the one who beats them to death. Thank me.

Are you a hero even if you behave like a villain?

46. What kind of monster do you think I am? I try to save his life.

On many occasions our intentions are misinterpreted.

47. You won't believe me, because it almost never happens, but I made a mistake.

The only way to amend a mistake is to accept it.

48. Do you have an entire planet generating electricity for you? That's slavery!

Power tends to corrupt a person.

49. Existence is a pain for a Jerry meeseeks, and we will do anything to ease that pain.

Not everyone sees life as something positive.

50. Now I realize that I am attracted to you for the same reason that I cannot be with you; you can't change. And I don't have a problem with that, but it clearly means that I have a problem with myself.

Loving is not enough when you cannot be at peace with a person.

51. Oh, so now we're supposed to sleep every night? Are you aware that night is like the middle of all time?

Sleep is important for our health.

52. I can't wait to embark on an adventure with you.

The best lesson in this series is to hope for a new tomorrow.

53. Do you know the best thing you can do for the people who depend on you? Be honest with them, even if it means setting them free.

Happiness is in letting those you love go free, even if it is far from you.

54. I think you have to think about the future and live in the moment.

Worrying about the past or the future prevents us from living in the present.

55. Stealing things is about things, not stealing.

When the need overwhelms you, you tend to act desperately.

56. Is the evil real, and if so, can it be measured? rhetorical question. The answer is yes, you just have to be a genius.

Do you think we can measure evil?

57. This pickle doesn't care about his kids. I'm not going to take away your dreams. I'm going to take your parents.

Children have the right to pursue their own dreams.

58. Thank you, Mr. Cagarruta. I could always count on you.

Surround yourself with those who always support you.

59. When will the next time you see something as crazy as this?

There are things that only live once.

60. God is dead! The government is a farce! Thanksgiving is all about killing Indians! Jesus was not born on Christmas. They moved the date, it was a pagan celebration!

Beliefs that have a darker origin.

61. I'm sick of all these crazy adventures! That was too traumatic!

The unknown always terrifies us.

62. Now I can't go anymore! Everybody hates me!

The best way to regain the trust of others is to improve the way you act.

63. The universe is like an animal, it feeds on the nondescript. Create infinite idiots and then eat them.

A very strange way of explaining the nature of the universe.

64. I don't know Morty, maybe I hate myself or maybe I think I deserve to die. We need vacations.

We all wrestle with demons within.

65. I don't like being told where to go or what to do, it's an outrage.

No one should control your life more than yourself.

66. Oh boy, so did you really learn anything today? What is this, a true friendship?

Friendships teach you valuable lessons.

67. For friendship, for love and for my greatest adventure that is yet to come...

A way to express optimism for what is to come.

68. So what if he's the devil, Rick? At least the devil has a job. At least he is active in the community and has friends.

You can't judge a book by its cover.

69. The young will prey on the old if you let them, Jerry.

Not all young people appreciate the teachings of the elders.

70. I'm trying to repair the portal creator weapon with parts from a sex doll and I have to do it with one hand!

From strange to being able to make something work.

71. Being nice is something stupid people do to improve their chances.

When kindness is seen as an impediment.

72. I can't take this anymore! I'd rather breathe poison than spend another minute living with you!

There are relationships that feel like cages.

73. Don't let the name fool you, I'm in charge.

Leaders always stand out in some way.

74. It is possible that we have been establishing relationships between some things that were not related at all.

Everything can have a connection.

75. You are simply the youngest son. You are not the cause of your parents' sadness, you are just a symptom of it.

Children are never responsible for the decisions of their parents.

76. Mr. President, if I've learned anything today, it's that sometimes you have to say fuck you.

It is better to get rid of toxic people than to put up with just being a good person.

77. There are pros and cons to all alternate timelines.

In all timelines there will be problems to face.

78. Look, you choose to take it personally.

Everyone is responsible for taking the things they are told.

79. If I've learned one thing, it's that before you get anywhere in life, you have to stop listening to yourself.

We won't get very far on our own, especially if we need help from others.

80. You're growing up, Morty. Growing like a huge thorn inside my butt.

A compliment or an offense?

81. School is not a place for smart people, Jerry. I know that it is not a popular opinion, but that is what I contribute on the subject.

School can be restrictive for some.

82. Those guys are into you building a piece of shit Ethan!

Manipulated people lose their own essence.

83. When you realize that nothing matters, the universe is yours.

You grow when you stop caring about the opinion of others.

84. It hits hard, Morty, and it slowly fades away leaving you stranded in a failed marriage. I did. Your parents will.

When you lose hope in love, no relationship is worth it.

85. No one exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. We are all gonna die.

We are passing through this world.

86. We all remember you as a friend.

A beautiful way to be remembered.

87. Weddings are basically funerals with cake.

A very depressing way to view weddings.

88. Father, am I bad? you are worse You're smart.

Smart people always get away with it.

89. Break the cycle, Morty. Rise above. Focus on science.

Trying to get Morty off the path of romance.

90. If you are killed in someone's dream, you die for real.

Dreams are dangerous.

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