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The 80 best phrases (and reflections) of Coco Chanel

Gabrielle Chanel, who took the pseudonym Coco Chanel, was a French haute couture designer and the founder of the company and brand Chanel, which currently makes haute couture clothing, handbags, makeup and perfume. She was one of the most prominent personalities of the well-known 'Belle Époque' of France, due to her risky designs, which defied the standards of the time.

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Best quotes from Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel offered us great outfits, such as the classic black mini dress, the two-piece suit and the wide and loose pants, as well as the famous perfume, Chanel N° 5. But she also left us a selection of great quotes and reflections on fashion and life.

1. Fashion claims the individual right to value the ephemeral.

Fashion is changeable and we must embrace change.

2. There are no ugly women, only women who don't know how to fix themselves.

Self care makes a big difference in how we look and feel.

3. Simplicity is the key to true elegance.

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The 'fashion' that Chanel established.

4. I don't do fashion, I am fashion.

A woman who became an icon.

5. Dressing up is lovely; Letting one be disguised is very sad.

A reference to that we must take the reins of our life.

6. Luxury is a need that begins where the need ends.

Luxury is something we can give ourselves when there are no needs.

7. My life did not please me, so I created my life.

When we don't like something, it only remains to change.

8. How many worries disappear when you decide to be 'someone' instead of 'something'.

Many unhappy people are those who failed to be who they wanted to be.

9. Difficult times awaken an instinctive desire for authenticity.

Difficulties can fill us with a lot of inspiration.

10. You only live once. Make it fun.

Life is enough if you do what you love.

11. Fashion is not something that only exists in dresses. Fashion is in the sky, in the streets.

Fashion is a lifestyle for every person.

12. The best color in the world is the one that suits you.

There are no rules for what makes you feel good.

13. Be fancy, be anything, but don't be cheesy.

For Chanel, elegance is the best cover letter.

14. Ornaments, what science! Beauty, what a weapon! Modesty, what elegance!

Having a balance of everything, it is a total success.

15. A woman can give everything with a smile and get it back later with a tear.

On the manipulative nature of women.

16. I imposed black. It is still a strong color today.

She managed to place black as a symbol of feminine elegance.

17. Elegance is not a privilege of those who have passed adolescence, but of those who have taken possession of their future.

Elegance goes hand in hand with self-confidence.

18. Fashion is architecture, a matter of proportions.

A relationship that many designers make.

19. It triumphs with what you learn.

It is useless to learn everything, if you will not put it to the test.

20. Everything that is fashion goes out of style.

Fashion is never static.

21. Fashion has two purposes: comfort and love. Beauty comes when fashion succeeds.

For Coco, having internal well-being is paramount.

22. A woman should be two things: elegant and fabulous.

Characteristics that make it attractive in a simple way.

23. I'm not young but I feel young. The day I feel old, I'll go to bed and stay there. I feel that life is a wonderful thing.

We are only as young as we feel on the inside.

24. During my childhood I only longed to be loved.

Coco Chanel had a very lonely and deprived childhood.

25. Women have always been the strong ones. Men look for them as a pillow on which to rest her head. They always long for the mother who had them as children.

An interesting analogy about relationships.

26. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

When you are not afraid to be you, you stop caring about the opinion of others.

27. Some people think that luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity.

Luxury is a way to express confidence and simplicity in a neat way.

28. There is nothing worse than loneliness. It can help a man to fulfill himself, but it destroys a woman.

The worst loneliness is when we are not comfortable with ourselves.

29. It's probably not just by chance that I'm alone.

Despite having several romances, most of her life was not in a stable relationship.

30. Freedom is always elegant.

Freedom to be able to do what we like the most.

31. Good taste is good for certain spiritual values: like taste itself.

It must come from within.

32. Fashion is like architecture: it is a question of proportions.

Many associate fashion creation with architecture.

33. A woman who cuts her hair when she is about to change her life.

Do you think this is a fact?

34. Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside.

The true representation of beauty.

35. A woman does not have to be beautiful, she has to believe it.

It is useless to have internal beauty, if you do not have confidence in yourself.

36. Keep your head, heels, and principles high.

May your pride be a representation of your self-confidence.

37. May my legend follow my path, I wish him a good and long life.

Without a doubt, he left an indelible mark on the history of fashion.

38. Arrogance is in everything I do. It is in my gestures, in the hardness of my voice, in the brightness of my gaze, in my vigorous, tormented face.

A shield that became her personal image.

39. Only those who have no memory insist on their originality.

Originality has to do with having your own style.

40. There is nothing quite as comfortable as a caterpillar and nothing quite as adorable as a butterfly. We need dresses that drag and dresses that fly. Fashion is both a caterpillar and a butterfly. Butterfly at night; caterpillar in the morning.

The way we should dress, according to Chanel.

41. Great loves must also be endured.

Every relationship needs work in order to stay.

42. Women think of all colors except the absence of them.

A time where black or white clothing was not highly appreciated.

43. I am neither smart nor stupid. I have been in business without being a business woman, I have loved without being a woman made only for love.

A woman who decided to follow her passion and found her world.

44. Since everything is in our heads, it is better not to lose it.

A piece of advice on taking care of our way of thinking.

45. Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death.

Guilt is a weight that is difficult to shake off.

46. Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.

Failure is in not pursuing our dreams.

47. Men always remember the woman who caused them concern and concern.

Who awakens a great passion in them.

48. Sin can be forgiven, but being stupid is forever.

People insist on their stupidity when they don't have an open mind.

49. Silly women try to impress men by dressing eccentrically.

Men notice everything except extravagance.

50. The perfume announces the arrival of a woman and makes her departure happy.

For Chanel, perfume should be a fundamental part of a woman's wardrobe.

51. The best things in life are free. Second best things are very, very expensive.

Never a middle ground.

52. Jump out the window if you are the object of passion. She runs away if you feel it. Boredom follows passion.

Tiredness can also come when success is achieved.

53. Look for the woman in the dress. If there is no woman, there is no dress.

You should always wear the dress, never wear the dress to women.

54. Dress today as if you were going to meet your worst enemy.

Dressed to kill.

55. Beauty should start in the heart and soul, otherwise cosmetics are useless.

If you don't feel good on the inside, you will never feel good on the outside.

56. As long as you know that men are children, you know everything.

A harsh opinion on the character of men.

57. Black has it all. And also white. The beauty of him is absolute. They represent perfect harmony.

Explaining why he decided to use only those two basic colors.

58. Not the appearance, is the essence. It's not the money, it is education. Its not the clothes, is the class.

Everything is inside us and in what we project abroad.

59. It would be very difficult for a man to live with me, unless he is terribly strong. And if he's stronger than me, I'm the one who can't live with him...

Perhaps the reason why he was never able to have a long-term relationship.

60. You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life.

Age should never take away from a person's charm.

61. I don't know why women are interested in having what men have, when one of the things that women have is men.

Coco never wanted to imitate any man.

62. Women are always overdressed, but they are never elegant enough.

It is a mistake to view extravagance with elegance.

63. Elegance is not about putting on a new dress.

Elegance is an attitude.

64. She every day she thought about how to take my life; although, deep down, she was already dead. Only pride saved me.

A dark past, which she was able to leave behind because of her perseverance.

65. If you're sad, put on more lipstick and attack.

It's okay to cry, but never stay locked in suffering.

66. A woman is the age she deserves.

Age should never be an impediment to beauty.

67. Women need beauty so that men love us and stupidity so that we love men.

A peculiar belief of the time, is it still valid?

68. There is time to work, and there is time to love. From there, there is no time for anything else.

Love what you do and don't limit yourself to loving someone.

69. Nature gives you the face you have at twenty. It's up to you to deserve the face you have at fifty.

Taking care of ourselves is what makes the difference in our body as time goes by.

70. Black destroys everything around it.

The color that became the insignia of the house.

71. A woman should wear perfume where she wants to be kissed.

Chanel's recommendation on where to put perfume.

72. Fashion passes, style remains.

Fashion is changeable, but each person creates their own personal style.

73. A fashion that does not reach the streets is not fashion.

For Chanel, it was not just about dressing, but about offering a lifestyle.

74. Youth is something very new: twenty years ago nobody mentioned it.

Youth is a mental and emotional state.

75. If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing.

Nobody is born with life as it turns out, we make our way while we learn to use what we have at hand.

76. Fashion has to do with ideas, with the way we live, with what is happening.

What for Chanel implied true fashion.

77. Don't waste time crashing into a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.

When something doesn't work for you, change.

78. The only way to be irreplaceable is always to be different.

You will never stand out on your own if you insist on following others.

79. The bravest act is to think for yourself. Aloud.

Never be afraid to give your opinion or make yourself stand out.

80. Dress vulgar and they will only see the dress, dress elegant and they will see the woman.

Remember that your wardrobe should highlight you, never overshadow you.

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