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10 characteristics of UPPER Egypt

Upper Egypt: characteristics

Characteristics of Upper Egypt They are that it was a polytheistic region, that they were related to the Nubians, that they had a hierarchical society, that they were great architects... Keep reading in a Teacher!

The history of egypt It has always been one of the most interesting in the history of humanity, especially for being one of the cultures that remained in power for the longest years. Before being known as Egypt, the region was divided into Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt, and their unification created what we now know as Ancient Egypt. To talk about the origin of one of these regions, in this lesson from a Teacher we must talk about the features of theupper egypt.

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  1. What are the characteristics of Upper Egypt
  2. What was Upper Egypt?
  3. Brief history of Upper Egypt

What are the characteristics of Upper Egypt.

To continue with this lesson on the characteristics of Upper Egypt, we must talk about the main elements that define this civilization, being key to fully understanding it. We must understand that

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there are not too many sources on Upper Egypt, so we do not know too many characteristics, although everything suggests that it was a region quite similar to Upper Egypt.

The main features of Upper Egypt are the following:

  1. It was a multicultural region, since it was a civilization created through the fusion of numerous cultures of the area.
  2. It was a polytheistic religion, since their religion considered that there were numerous gods, and that each one represented a different element.
  3. were closely related to the nubian culture, so they took many elements from them, and they became a great ally of this people.
  4. They had an important territorial division, being divided into nomes, which were a kind of cities located throughout a large part of the region.
  5. Their society was very hierarchical. Politicians, priests and soldiers occupying the upper classes, and slaves, who began to emerge at this time, being at the bottom of the pyramid.
  6. They were great architects very advanced for their time, and were the main cause of the first pyramids, thus being the parents of what we know as Egyptian architecture.
  7. The figure of ruler of Upper Egypt was very similar to Pharaoh, being its precursor. Upper Egypt is generally considered to have had much more of a hand than Lower Egypt in the founding of the Ancient Egypt, and for this reason it is thought that the figure of pharaoh was born directly from the ruler of Upper Egypt.
  8. The Nile played an important role in the society of Upper Egypt, being the main area to trade, and therefore one of the main reasons for the enormous growth of this region. It is thought that the main reason why Upper Egypt was able to grow so much is because it has the main connection areas with the Nile.
  9. The economy of Upper Egypt was basically subsistence, cultivating what is necessary to live, but at a certain moment they were able to produce more than what was necessary, being one of the reasons that they began to trade their products.
  10. They were great craftsmen, and those who dealt with this trade were highly respected by the population. It is thought that its economic growth could have been produced by the great sale of ceramics and handicrafts, since it was quite advanced compared to other nearby cultures.
Upper Egypt: characteristics - What are the characteristics of Upper Egypt

What was Upper Egypt?

Now that you know the characteristics of Upper Egypt, let's get to know better what this stage of Egyptian history was.

Upper Egypt was the southern area of ​​what we know as Egypt, having possessions on both sides of the Nile River, and occupying an important space from Lower Egypt in the north to Nubia in the south. Its capital was in the city of Nekhen, where tribute was paid to the goddess Nekhbet, who would later have great relevance in unified Egypt.

We can say that his position was very strategic, since it controlled to a great extent the commerce of the Nile, and at the same time it had enough distance with the enemy nations as to be able to respond in time before any attack. For this reason we can understand that the region will prosper so much, achieving an incredible evolution.

Current theories consider that initially the area of ​​Upper Egypt should have consisted of various tribes with little relation to each other, but with the passage of time these were united, until creating a powerful culture that could rival any of the nearby civilizations.

In unProfesor we leave you a review of the stages of ancient egypt.

Brief history of Upper Egypt.

To understand what we mean by Upper Egypt, we must talk briefly about its history, since this will allow us to understand many things about this region. Treating the history of this region briefly will also help us understand its great later influence on Ancient Egypt.

We can say that the beginning of Upper Egypt It takes place about 3600 B.C. C.., Being the time in which some peoples of the Nile left their nomadic life to learn the mechanisms of agriculture and livestock, thus achieving the necessary knowledge to be able to establish their residence in a place permanent.

During this time there were many cultures that tried to seize power in the region, but finally it was that of naqada the one that had the greatest influence, especially due to its great relationship with the border nation of Nubia. This culture made Upper Egypt prosper rapidly, bringing the first kings and with it the birth of Upper Egypt.

Over time, the region of Upper Egypt clashed with Lower Egypt, in a long war for control of the region. The victory of Upper Egypt brought the birth of what we know as Ancient Egypt, so we can say that what we know as Egypt, is to a large extent what Upper Egypt was.

In unProfesor we discover you how was the unification of Egypt.

Upper Egypt: characteristics - Brief history of Upper Egypt

If you want to read more articles similar to Upper Egypt: characteristics, we recommend that you enter our category of History.


  • Molina-Flores, B., Velasco, G., Camacho, M. E., Martinez, M. A., & Delgado, J. v. (2019). Socio-economic characterization of cattle breeding in family farming in Upper Egypt. animal husbandry archives, 68(261), 146-156.
  • Rodriguez-Sanchez, R. (2019). Paleoenvironment in Upper Egypt in Predynastic times based on anthracological studies.

Ortiz, J. m. Q. (1998). The predynastic period in Egypt: a working synthesis. II. Upper Egypt. Bulletin of the Spanish Association of Egyptology, (8), 15-50.

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