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4 stories infantis to sleep

At the end of a tiring day, the infantile stories can be creative and fun resources to help children to enjoy themselves.

This is because, many times, little ones have difficulties in relaxing and simply numbing, requiring the attention of two caregivers.

Also, the bedtime stories can be told in order to induce the sound, the same time that stimulates imagination and fantasy.

1. Sleepy Bela

In a very long kingdom, there was a king and a rainha who were very happy, we awaited the arrival of her first filha.

One day, a rainha deu à luz à linda menina, who received or gave me Aurora. No day of batismo, you country fizeram a festival and invite you to the place. Each one of them offers as a present a gift, a bênção.

In the meantime, a fada was not invited, and the ficou muito zangada. Assim, no day of the holiday, she resolved to appear in surprise and launched a feitiço at a little girl, saying that when she completed 15 years she would be mischievous or finger on a trustworthy rock and morreria.

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All ficaram very assutados. More than one fadas boas ainda não tin has granted his bênção and managed to alter maldição saying:

- Eu não posso disfazer completely or enchantment, but posso muá-lo. Assim, Aurora will sting her finger at the rock, but she will not die. She will go to sleep for years and will only wake up like a prince.

The country of Aurora will be afflicted and will command to destroy all the rocks of the kingdom. O tempo passou e tudo seemed calm.

Até no day of the 15-year anniversary of the princess, she resolves to give a volta hair to the castle and enter the forest.

She finds a cabin and decides to enter. You see, she found an object that she has never seen before, a rock!

Aurora then, very curious, places her finger on the agulha and itches herself, falling in deep sound.

Uma das fadas boas that pass through the place, enter the cabin and see a sleepy garota. She then goes to bed or casts him in his bed. Or feitiço ends up lulling all the inhabitants of the castelo too.

Over the years, we spent time in the forest taking place in a limited number of places. A history of bela drowsy physics conhened by all as a lenda and many princes tentam chegar até la, sem successso.

I said that, after several years, a courageous prince managed to overcome all obstacles and find a sleeping girl. She beija and she awakens, as well as all do cast it.

You two turned off and married, living happily ever after.

Em A Sleepy Bela, we have a story that tells us about a transition to a new phase of life. Here, a person is lulling for a long period, or symbolizing that she is growing psychologically.

Assim, when she feels ready, the princess wakes up to find a masculine side of her psyche and can finally pass into adult life.

2. A princess and ervilha

Many years ago, there was a prince who lived as his country in a very distant kingdom. O boy is sad, because he tried everything or singing, but he did not find a princess to marry.

Assim, in a cold and chuvosa night, bateu à porta de seu castelo, a very pretty girl. She was flooded and supposedly to be a princess who had landed prey in the storm, she will be able to turn for her kingdom. For isso, a young man asked for help and shelter for that noite.

Or rei, that to recebeu, ficou schism was ela was same a princess. Then, for certainty, she prepared a room with seven mattresses, one envelope or another, and placed a small ervilha for them.

A girl was raised to the fourth and strange that the bed was different, but no question, because she was very tired. Still, I can't get to sleep directly.

Na manhã follows, o rei e o prince perguntaram à jovem as passou a noite e a moça responds:

- Thank you very much for staying, but unfortunately I did not get a quiet night. I felt something coisa making me uncomfortable a noite inteira.

With this response, it was confirmed that she was dealing with a true princess. Assim, or prince turned off, asking for his hand in marriage. Princess Aceitou and they will live happily ever after.

A princess and ervilha is a story that tries to look for someone to get enforce as coisas for além do material world. Isso because the prince wanted as companion a true princess, ou seja, some soul name.

So, when a young person is able to feel a small ervilha embroiled by seven mattresses, how did he manage to capture "essence" gives life, as things that apparently have not been seen. The mattresses represent various litters and distractions from the material world.

3. Cachinhos dourados

Numa forest very distant, carefree walk, a menininha with loire and frisked hair.

A menina was quite curious when she saw a house, she entered to see what it was like. Cachinhos dourados, as it was known, I did not know that this house belonged to a family of courses. The residents are here to stroll and deixaram their tigelas with mingau going on top of the table.

When Cachinhos saw you pratos with mingau, she provou um por um. Either first it was cold, or second it was cold. Já or third, ela comeu tudo, pois estava morno e muito gostoso.

Depois, a menina viu três cadeiras. At first it was uncomfortable and hard, at second it was very big, and at last it was the seu size. But when he sat down, he ended up breaking.

Tired, Cachinhos goes to tie up the rooms at home and experience three beds. Again, the first bed did not serve her, but it was very hard. Second it was mole demais. A third way she was perfect, then she settled down and slept deeply nela.

When voltaram do passeio, mamãe ursa, papai urso e or filhinho urso, viram que seus mingaus have been mexidos. O ursinho was sad because there was no more food in his tiger

Then, you will see your cadeiras out of place and more once or you will chat because of its broken area.

You three run então for you rooms. Mama and papai urso viram that your beds were twisted and or filhinho began to crash or see that tinha uma garotinha slept in your bed.

Ao out of confusion, Cachinhos woke up and, ashamed, said that she would never again enter the house two others without being invited.

Em Cachinhos dourados, or theme that is behind the narrative or growth, Saída is the first childhood. Through metaphors, she tries to experience the role of two countries, but she sits comfortably occupying the space of filhinho.

Despite disso, she sees that there is no room for more than a place for criancinha, you can sit on a small cadeira, it breaks. Assim, when the family chega, she, who was asleep, absorbing these experiences, wakes up and tells that she is living a new moment in her life.

4. Branca de neve

There is a lot of time, morava in a castelo a rainha who was embroidering in front of a janela. Ao see a landscape covered with snow, espetou or finger na agulha.

She then fez um request: that she has a white filha like neve, like vermelhos lips like or sangue the pretos hair like or ebony wood.

Little time you give Rainha engraved and you have a cute girl with the characteristics that she had wanted.

More unhappily, the morreu depois de nascimento de Branca, who took care of the pai.

Pasado um tempo, o rei got married again. A stepmother was a pretty and vaid woman who tinha muito ciúmes and inveja da beauty da menina.

By isso, she consulted an enchanted spell and always asked:

- Espelho, espelho meu, is there someone more beautiful than eu?

O espelho replied that no, that Rainha was the most beautiful woman in the whole kingdom.

More one day, year to year, I asked, the answer was different. Ele disse:

- Ó minha rainha, você não é mais a mulher mais bonita do Reino, pois Branca de Neve é ​​a mais bela.

Then the evil stepmother decides that Branca should die. Ela orders that a gentle caçador a menina tie a forest and start her heart, tracing-o as prova.

Or the caçador obeys the order, but checking the forest, sentencing menina and saying for the escape. He then kills a vein and hits his heart to bring rainha.

From that moment on, Branca de Neve went to live in the forest. One day, very tired, she enters a house and falls asleep in two beds. Donos da casa eram seven years and ficaram delighted to see it asleep.

No fright, Branca remembers the friendly face of them. She goes on to take care of the house, while you pay homage to trabalham.

Certa noite, to rainha finds out that her knowledge is still alive, to ask or ask for it. A wicked woman then disguised herself as Velha Camponesa and went to Branca de Neve to offer him a poisoned maçã. Ao biting into fruit, Branca fell into a deep sound.

The years, I will see a young person disagreeable, to place in a glass box does not give me the forest.

Uma bela afternoon, a prince who walks by the place, see a pretty girl in a glass box. He then agrees. You two married and live happily ever after.

Branca de Neve told us that he also worked with moments of transformation of life. A garota, ao go to the forest, and how is she looking within if new worlds you have, devastated from the castle and the stepmother.

In this way, she gains autonomy to live in another house, where she faces herself for seven years, which can be interpreted as her psychological resources to go through difficult times.

Ao sleepy, Branca is assimilating her new abilities before waking up again for another moment of her existence.

Curiosity: lenda do João Pestana

There is a lendário personage of Portuguese origin that leads or is named after João Pestana. Second tells popular culture, that would be a figure that represents or sounds.

Likewise, João Pestana is a hooded boy who wanders when his babies are asleep and on his old days, leaving quickly. For that reason, he was never seen.

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