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Cinderela (ou A Gata Borralheira): summary, origins and meaning of history

A historia da Cinderela, also known as Gata Borralheira, is an extremely popular fade story. We can also affirm that this narrative is one of the most famous ever since it was influenced by the romantic way we see the world.

It is about a love story at first sight, which also deals with complex issues such as neglect and family abuse. Despite all the obstacles, Cinderela continues to dream and find happiness that is not final.

Or fairy tale illustrates the saving power of love and transmits the ideas of faith and hope, lending that Our lives we can change our magic passe.

Cinderela: summary of history


Cinderela was a young woman or father from my country who was a guardian of the stepmother, a cruel woman, who governed home with her help from her parents.

Among the garotas and the protagonist, there was not any carinho bond: contrary hair, they invejavam her beauty and humilhavam.

Cinderela cleaning home.

Known as "Gata Borralheira", a young woman wore velhas roupas and tinha that did everything or work at home, being excluded from all other activities. I eat a lot of life

instagram story viewer
lonelyShe could hardly tell how you animais da região, which arose for animá-la.

One day, either Rei announced that he would give a dance where or Prince would go procure his future wife and ordered that all the girls be released.

Irma rips or dressed as Cinderela.

As an aid to two animals, Cinderela fez dressed in retalia to wear not dance. Thus three women, intimidated by the dazzling image of menina, will end up tearing roupa, to prevent the fosse à festa.


There is nothing to wear, "Gata Borralheira" recolheu not a quarter of her, chorando and desiring that something wonderful it happened. Thus, an unexpected figure emerged: a mulher mais velha, who announced that she would be her Fada Madrinha and had been hired for ajuda-la.

Fada Mdrinha emerges to help Cinderela.

A Fada, shaking her varinha, dressed and arrumou Cinderela gives a more elegant shape, fazendo the crystal sapatinhos emerge us our serious condolences from her. Immediately afterwards, she will appear in a carriage and transform you to the animations that accompany Cinderela as they embark.

No final disso tudo, she barely placed uma condition: I would have to go home to young people before the meia-noite because nesse hourly the effects give magic terminariam.

Chegando na festa, "Gata Borralheira" was irreconcilable and everyone thought that she was an unknown princess. Assim that the Prince saw a girl, he was taken away by his image of her and a puxou to dance.

Cinderela losing or sapato.

Nessa noite, a climate of romance was growing between the two of you who talked and talked for hours. Suddenly, Cinderela perceived that we were ready to dream of twelve ballads of the clock and had to run.

I do not walk, she finished losing two serious sapatos of glass, that or Prince guardou, ha that was the only clue about the identity of the girl.


From that moment on, the Prince dedicated all his efforts to look for daquela mulher, declaring that all the young people from the region must experience the crystal sapato. Embora muitas tenham tempted to pretend that it was more donuts than the object, or magic toad never served us serious condolences from her.

When the royal entourage came to the house of Cinderela, the stepmother to the house, so that only his filhas fossem presented to the Prince. Same as very afinco, nenhuma got shoes or shoes. So I realized that "Gata Borralheira" was at home and sent chamá-la.

Cinderela experimenting or sapato.

Assim that the chegou, or Prince recognized the young man as she was dancing and when Cinderela was to experience or sapato, she was to perfect measure for or seu pé of her.

Upon reunion, Cinderela and the Prince will marry and move to or cast him, where they will govern and live happily ever after.

A verdadeira historia da Cinderela: origins do conto

Assim like other fairy tales, a historia da Cinderela tem hundreds of verses different and seems to have been influenced by various narratives of diverse origins.

Some of the first variants of the history emerged in China, in 860 BC. C. Depois, na Grécia Antiga, Strabo (63 a. C. - 24 d. C.) escreveu on a escrava forced to marry like Egito rei. This personagem also seems to be an initial version of "Gata Borralheira".

Quadro Cinderella, by Anne Anderson (1874-1930).
Quadro Cinderellaby Anne Anderson (1874-1930).

Já no seculo XVII, in Italy, there was a similar popular story that seems to have been inspired by the version published by Giambattista Basile em 1634.

Some decades ofpois, or French Charles perrault, appended as or "pai da children's literature", created a variant that became more known among the public.

I do not know XIX, you are incomparable Grimm irms, True authorities on the subject of fade stories, also write your version. Bem more somber, this story did not exist in the magical presence of Fada.

Cinderela com as pombas, illustration by Alexander Zick (1845 - 1907)
Cinderela com as pombas, illustration by Alexander Zick (1845 - 1907).

Contrary hair, when Cinderela's squat or choro, are the own pombas that part with her help. Perante or sofrimento da menina, the birds fly in the direction of the irmãs cross and end up being the serious olhos com bicadas.

Ao longo do tempo, a history of Cinderela I continue to be told in various ways. In some registers, for example, there is no Fada that arises more or more spirit than that of the garota who has descended two ceus to help her.

Or what does a historia da Cinderela mean?

In addition, the narrative of Cinderella is part of our childhood, and curiously we stop to think and question ourselves because it is behind all this popularity. Or count love fala e o do seu power incalculable, capable of transforming our internal reality in just a second.

However, history cannot be summed up to this romantic perspective, also failing to abusive family relationships, injustice and discrimination, among other timeless themes.

Despite the hard life that leads, the protagonist still allows himself to dream, hope and trust the magic of the world. A Fable of Gata Borralheira é, by isso, uma history of overcoming that passed through you.

Bruno Bettelheim was a North American psychologist who studied the symbology of two archetypes of this type of narrative, including not related to Cinderela. Na work To Psicanálise two Contos de Fadas (1976), or author explained or its meaning:

Borralheira, as we know, is a story where we have experienced the food and the hopes that constitute Essentially a brotherly rivalry, bem as a humble heroine's vitória, on so ir more than to mistreat them.

Adaptações para o cinema

It is impossible to list all the artistic representations of Cinderella that emerged, since history seems to be a reference that crosses the secula. Or fadas count on entering our culture, being recreated in literature, painting, not theater and opera, to name a few examples.

Contudo, two cinemas have been a major responsibility for the dissemination of history, counting with various adaptations. Among them, we need to highlight (obviously) the representations of Disney.

Walt Disney's "Cinderella" (1950) Trailer

In 1950, the company launched or animated film as the most famous crystal sapatinho in History, which starts from our childhood and continues to enchant children of all ages.

In 2015, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures released a live-action version of Cinderela, directed by Kenneth Branagh. Trust or trailer below:

Cinderela Official Legendary Trailer (2015)

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