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Conto Os três porquinhos: summary, film and backstage of history

Or count You three porquinhos belonging to English folklore and a fora transmitted orally attached to the famous verse written by Joseph Jacobs. A classic of children's literature, a history of two three porquinhos lives not our collective imagination and teaches us or value of work and perseverance.

I summarize

It was for the three time that we lived with me. Dois porquinhos do not help in anything at home, enquanto or third, because who felt sorry for the amount of work that me tinha.

Um beautiful day, to me, a hundred days after two years, orientou that you leave home to build your own lives. The fez um farnel for each one of them and provides some savings for you to buy material to build the houses.

Or first of all because, preguiçoso, I wanted to build a house that did not work. Despite giving two signs, he built a palm house.

Or second porquinho, less preguiçoso than or first, resolveu to build a house of wood. Despite being more certain that Palha's house, the wood was not cold or cold and it was not resistant or enough to prevent the entry of a wolf.

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Or third party, for once, cautious and patient, resolve to build your house with you.

you three porquinhos

As soon as you two will finish the construction of palha and wood in a manhã, or third party because we have been deceived in its delayed construction. In three days, or work, he was dead: he built a sturdy house with tijolos and cement.

Some time depois, a wolf emerged in the forest. Percebendo to presença two porquinhos foi logo bater na first casa, a feita com palha. Or first because of that, in panic, I fugiu to go home to or side, to do irmão who had worked with Madeira.

Or wolf headed for the second house and, as you say will not open a door, he will aspire to destroy the building. To Madeira's house, from fato, it fell like a cracked wind. Taking advantage of the lack of funds, the porquinhos will run home to irmão mais velho.

O irmão mais velho I shelter you and guarantee that you would run well. When the wolf soprou novamente, home, feita de tijolos, dry mexeu a millimeter.

Not the next day, or wolf returned to attack the house that remained, later he tried to enter pela lareira. Since he was very cautious, because he was very cautious, he deixou um caldeirão de soups holding positioned bem embaixo da lareira. O wolf, ao cair na caldeira, fugiu desperate and all three of us will continue safe and secure.

you three porquinhos

Discover more to fund a Moral da historia Os três porquinhos.

Conheça a history behind the creation of two três porquinhos

It is estimated that the first version of the story was raised around 1000 AD. C. (not known to authorship). In 1383, the children's story was adapted for the theater, but rather in 1890, it was popularized thanks to the writing of Joseph Jacobs.

joseph jacobs
Painting by Joseph Jacobs.

Embora he was born in Sydney, in Austria, not on August 29, 1854, Jacobs passed away from life in England. He moved to the age of 12 years, in 1872, and was a historian, professor, and specialist in literary history. He published, in 1898, or released English Fairy Tales, which continues to history two three porquinhos.

Na coletânea, Jacobs credits James Orchard Halliwell, one of the first two to write a version of the history of two three porquinhos. A version of James was published in 1849, not released Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales.

James Orchard Halliwell
Portrait of James Orchard Halliwell.

Some years later, in 1933, the Walt Disney studio launched an adaptation of the story in animation format (short-metragem).

Adaptation for animated drawing feita pela Disney

Launched in May 1933, Three little pigs (original name) is an animated design in a short metragem format released by Disney. Directed by Burt Gillett, a produção recebeu or Oscar de melhor curta metragem de animação no ano a follow (1934).

To original music, known in Portuguese as Quem tem medo do Lobo Mau?, was composted by Frank Churchill.

On occasion, or study achou for bem give no more than a year for those who at this time were not identified, you nominate escolhidos foram: Fifer Pig, Fiddler Pig and Practical Pig (not Brazil os nomes foram translated for Prático, Heitor and Pica).

Disney Desenhos - Os Três Porquinhos

Film Três porquinhos e um bebê

Produced in 2009 and directed by Howard E. Baker, or film is a 76-minute North American animation inspired by the classic story two three porquinhos.

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