Education, study and knowledge

Fables of Animais: Historias curtas com moral

The stories that you draw as characters are classic, not fabled universe.

These small contos are generally very old and constitute an important ferramenta for the transmission of ideas and morais values ​​of um povo.

Or writer Aesop, who lives in Grécia Antiga, forms an essential personality in the construction of narratives starring animais. Later, La Fontaine, a French belonging to the seventeenth century, also created other fabulous stories with several inter-agency critters.

Telling these stories can be a didactic and fun way to pass knowledge of children, raising reflection and questioning.

We select 10 fables from animais - unheard algumas - que são short narratives It is a "moral" theme as a conclusion.

1. A porca e o lobo

animal fable

A certain manhã, a porca, who was waiting for a ninhada de porquinhos, decided to find a place to give birth with peace of mind.

Since she finds a wolf and him, showing solidarity, he offers help without giving birth.

But because she was not silly and nothing, I distrusted the intentions of the wolf and I said that she did not need help, that she preferred to give birth to sozinha, because she was very ashamed.

instagram story viewer

Assim, or wolf ficou sem ação e foi embora. Because I thought I would be able to find another place where you can give birth to your filhotinhos sem run or the cliff of ter a predator by far.

Moral of history: É melhor suspeitar da boa vontade dos interesseiros, because you never know for sure what kind of armadilha they are plotting.

2. Or donkey is loaded with salt

o ass e o sal

A donkey is walking with a heavy load of salt. To stop-eat a river, or an animal needs to go through it.

He then enters with care not to laugh, but if he wants to unbalance and fall into the water. Dessa form, or salt that lifts, melts, relieving much or weight and leaving you satisfied. Or animal stay content.

Another day, I will carry a load of foams, or donkey has been wounded previously and resolved to fall into the water of purpose. It happens that, in any case, the foams are puddled with water, becoming a very heavy load. Or donkey is still in prison, he can't laugh if he can get through the muffled morreu.

Moral of history: It is necessary to take care so that we are not victims of our own artimanhas. Many times a "hope" can be our ruin.

3. O cão e o osso

o cão e o osso

A puppy had won a big bear and walked happy. When I came from a lake, I saw the water reflected in her image.

Achando that the image was another cão, or animal cobiçou or osso that saw, num impetus of abocanhar-lhe, opened the mouth and deixou was its own osso cair no lago. By isso, ficou sem osso nenhum

Moral of history: Quem tudo quer, ends up ficando sem nada.

4. A raposa e a cegonha

a raposa and a cegonha

It was late in the afternoon and the Fox decided to invite Cegonha to join us at his house.

A cegonha ficou animated and chegou not combined time. A bitch, wanting to fazer a brincadeira, I served soup in a low pratice. Nowadays, I can't drink soup, barely getting molhando or bico.

To "friend" he asked if she had not spent the time to engage in a disconverted cegonha, indo embora faminta.

No next day, and sometimes it gives Cegonha to invite Fox for a refeição. On the way, a fox is prepared with a soup served in a very tall jug.

A cegonha, of course, you can take soup by placing seu bico da jar, but a raposa not reached or liquid, getting barely lamber apart from the top.

Moral of history: Não faça for others or that you would not like to celebrate with you.

5. To fly e o mel

flies e mel

There was a pot of mel at the top of the table and, next to it, some drops of water.

A fly was attracted to hair cheiro do mel e começou a lamber e lamber. She was very satisfied, selling sugary food.

Passou much time delighting, I tied that his leg turned on. A fly then did not get to fly and ended up napping prey without roast.

Moral of history: Take care not to destroy us prazeres.

6. As rãs e o poço

as rãs e o poço

Viviam num pântano duas amigas rãs. Num summer day or sun was very strong in the water of the dry swamp. Assim, they will need to go looking for a new place to dwell.

Go for a long time to find me a little bit of water. Uma das friends disse:

- Nossa, this place seems to be fresh and pleasant, we couldn't live here.

To another reply:

- I don't think it's a boa ideia. E se o little dry, how will we go out? Melhor seek another lake!

Moral of history: É bom think twice before making a decision.

I also read: Fables with moral

7. O urso e os travelers

e o urso travelers

A certain time, two friends, who have been traveling to Pé for many days, we will be approaching the road.

At the same time, a two homens quickly climbed into a tree or another jogou-se no chão, pretending to be dead, they can prove that the predators do not attack that he is dead.

O urso chegou bem perto do homem que estava deitado, cheirou suas orelhas e foi embora.

O friend descended from the tree and perguntou or what or urso I have said. Ao passou que or homem responded:

- O urso me deu um conselho. Ele falou so that eu não walk more com quem leave your friends in moments of trouble.

Moral of history: In the hours of greatest difficulty for you to be true friends.

8. O leão e o ratinho

o leão e o ratinho

Um ratinho, ao sair de sua toca, deparou-se, once, with a huge leão. Mede paralyzed, or little animal thought he would be engulfed once and for all. Então ele pediu:

- Ó, seu leão, please, don't swallow me!

The feline responded, gently:

- Don't worry, friend, you can go quietly.

Or while I am satisfied and grateful. Eis that one day, or leão found-em perigo. Ele was walking and was surprendered as an armadilha, being imprisoned by ropes.

O ratinho, who also walks through Ali, ouviu os urros do amigo e foi ate la. I sell or despair of the animal, I have a thought:

- Leão, my friend, vejo that you are in perigo. Vou gnaw uma das cordas e libertá-lo.

At the same time, I was a little bit saved or laughed at the forest, which was very happy.

Moral of history: Courtesy gera courtesy.

For more stories, read: As fables of Aesop

9. To assemble two times

assemble two times

There was a group of times that lived very happy in an old house. I tied that one day a huge cat passed to live for the same.

O bichano não dava trégua years. Always on the spur of the moment, he would chase the little rodents, which will go on to ficar like a lot of sair every day. The times we are here are going to come to pass.

By isso, one day they will resolve to make an assembly and decide what to do to solve the problem. A lot of conversation and two animais deu uma ideia that seems brilliant. Ele falou:

- Ha ha! It's very easy. Do you think we have to do and place a guizo, I do not fish the cat, also, when he approaches we will know how to flee.

Everyone was satisfied with the apparent solution, I added that a while I said:

- A ideia é até boa, but what will it be or will it be to place or not cat?

All the ratinhos will avoid responsibility, no one wants to risk their life and the problem that continues to be solved.

Moral of history: Falar is very easy, more than attitudes that really contam.

10. To galinha two ovos de ouro

to galinha two ovos de ouro

Um fazendeiro tinha um galinheiro com muitas galinhas, that every day you bounce your eggs. Uma manhã, or homem was a galinheiro to collect your eggs and be surprised with something fantastic.

Umas de suas galinhas de he has launched an ovo de ouro!

Very satisfied, or farmer was attached to the city and sold or ovo for a very good value.

No next day, the same galinha botou another ovo de ouro, and also it was followed for many days. Or homem was enriching and each time more profitably, I told him.

One day, he had the idea of ​​investigating Galinha from the inside, thinking that his treasure was even more valuable not inside the animal. Ele levou a galinha tied a cozinha e, com um machado, a cortou. When he opened, he saw that she was like the others, a common galinha.

Então o homem was told of his stupidity and spent two days lamenting for being killed or an animal that brought him so much wealth.

Moral of history: Don't be dazzled. To gain it can lead to folly and ruin.

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Bibliographic references:

BENNETT, William J. O livro das virtudes: an anthology. 24th edition. Rio de Janeiro. Nova Fronteira. 1995

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