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Livro Triste Fim by Policarpo Quaresma: summary and analysis of the work

Sad fim by Policarpo Quaresma, by Lima Barreto (1881-1922), is an important work of Brazilian literature and is considered an example of pre-modernist work where we see a courageous social denunciation present.

Published in the format of a folhetim, in 1911, not Jornal do Comércio, the work became free in 1915, raising everyone to conhecerem or fanatic Policarpo Quaresma, a homem drowned out in his country.

Summary and analysis of Sad fim by Policarpo Quaresma

Or main personagem of the story told by Lima Barreto and Policarpo Quaresma, a common homem, a public official (Undersecretary of the Arsenal of War), who loves above your country or your country.

Physically he was described as being a homem low, lean, from cavanhaque, who always used fraque (preto, blue or cinza). When he completed his seniority, then he wanted to continue the military career, he stopped in the army administration because he did not pass a medical exam.

Not at the beginning of the day, we know more about or personagem, as their rotines, your habits and, mainly, to paixão by your country.

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Since I was a boy, I was twenty years old, or love from my fatherland, I took everything inside. Não fora or common love, palrador e vazio; For a serious, serious and absorbing feeling. No political or administrative ambitions; or that Quaresma thought, ou melhor: or that or patriotism or fez thought was internal conhecimento do Brasil, raising-o to meditações on your resources, in order to depois then appointing the remedies, the progressive measures, with full knowledge of cause.

Polycarp Quaresma knew what was related to or was his country of origin. He had a shelf only Brazilian authors, he studied everything or that he could about the natural riches of his country, he knew Animais, vegetais and mining species of Brazil and all of the history is known, apart from knowing all the rivers and borders of the country.

To the life of Polycarp not suburb

To narrate the life of Policarpo Quaresma, not a suburb of Rio de Janeiro, Lima Barreto ends by making a description of his social layer and the rotation of a public official.

Dessa maneira, Ricardo Coração dos Outros enjoys the general esteem of high suburban society. It is a very special high society that is only high in our suburbs. Compõe-se em geral of public servants, of small businesses, of doctors with some clinic, of tenants of different militias, nata essa That impa pelas esburacadas daquelas distant regions, as well as nas parties and dances us, with more force than the bourgeoisie of Petrópolis and Botafogo. (...) or the pride of the suburban aristocracy is on the whole day to eat and eat, a lot of feijão, a lot of dried meat, a lot of soaked

The romance of Lima Barreto faces a portrait of the suburb and of the time in which the writer lives, tracing to the public habits and problems of a specific social stratum.

Em Sad Fim by Policarpo Quaresma, apart from telling the personal story of an eccentric protagonist, Lima Barreto takes the opportunity to make a record, and a criticism, where he was inserted, with everything or preconceito, or racism and hypocrisy that was not attending day.

Or exaggerated patriotism of Policarpo Quaresma

A fanatic for his country - and also for his city, Policarpo was a convicted nationalist and rejeitava everything that was imported or those who only praised me or who came from fora.

"Ah! Meu Deus! When can I go to Europe! " Or better not be content: he raised or olhar, concert or pince-nez and fraternal and persuasive falou: “Ungrateful! Tens uma terra tão bela, tão rich, and want to visit two others! "

You are so proud of your country that, not every day, you tried to get closer to the roots of Brazil by only reading authors You are nationals, eating typical foods, learning to play the violão to sing the native modinhas and become literate in tupi-guarani.

A modinha is a more genuine expression of national poetry and or violão or instrument that it pede. We do not know that we have abandoned you or that I am a genre, but I am still honored, in Lisbon, I do not know the past, like Father Caldas who has an auditorium of fidalgas. Beckford, um English, very much or praise.
- More isso foi em outro tempo; agora…
- What is it, Adelaide? Convém that we do not die as our traditions, genuinely national customs ...

Polycarp was a creature ridiculed by many gentlemen, and was himself misunderstood because of his fanaticism.

Ingênuo and idealista, he transformed his life into a ritual of adoration in his country, despite being considered louco by many. One of the few friends that he was or professor Ricardo Coração dos Outros, who gave the violão classrooms.

Or radical Policarpo went on to learn to play tupinambás instruments and to write in tupi-guarani “com afinco e paixão”.

O conhecimento foi perigoso for Policarpo Quaresma

Solitary, Polycarp was a homem that was built basically from his readings, having had few friends for a long time. For establishing rare relationships (Polycarp “no recebia ninguém, lived no monastic isolation”), he was considered by Many as being louco and I ended up transforming your books into companions, inseparáveis ​​that or helped to constitute it as being human.

In some passages of the work, it is possible to observe the relationship that the personagem maintains with the books from two volumes that have At home: “it happened that, when I opened the room, janelas gives her free room, gives power-se-iam street to see the shelves peeled from the top down ”.

Essa presents two books, which was a very company for Policarpo, which looks like you are vizinhos or considered to be exquisite.

Lima Barreto clarifies the work as it was, not his tempo, in relation to the reading: burning and how it was seen in society by maintaining that habit (“a unique challenge that he deserves, a fora to dooutor Segadas, a famous clinician, not a place, who could not admit that Quaresma was free: ‘If he was not trained, to what? Pedantism!'").

No romance by Lima Barreto, therefore, a reading has a double role: the same time that characterizes or characterizes, it also fails on the way in which it is inserted in society.

In another passage of freedom, a number of conversations between a public official and an engenheiro who commented on the situation of Quaresma, said that they were free and that they were enlightened or patriotic:

- Those livros, that reading mania ...
- Why is he doing so much? Indagou Caldas.
- Telhas de menos, disse Florêncio
Genelício atalhou com autoridade:
- He was not trained, why put-be in livros?
- É verdade, fez Florêncio.
- Isto de livros é bom para os sábios, para os doutores

Or fanaticism of Quaresma or cam for or hospício

Deeply believing us his ideas of him, Policarpo Quaresma chega to write a request for the president gives Chamber of Deputies to provide a change to the constitution by transforming Tupi-Guarani as a language official. Should not be raised to serio, he enters the crise and chega same to write a job in tupi.

Here you have ideas about Quaresma entered into conflict as his professional side for the first time because his job was written in service. For this reason, an administrative official who has been discharged and, sometimes crise, ends up being admitted to a hospice.

Lima Barreto discusses this episode to have a border between a personal and professional life and how the beliefs of a little subject may have repercussions not in his work environment.

A saída do hospício

After completing the months of internation, Policarpo returned home and managed to convince Irmã, Adelaide, to move to a distant place in the city. Adelaide was the only relative of Polycarp, a moça não tinha husband nem filhos.

It is for the site "I do not suspect", not inland of Rio de Janeiro, that you do move and where or Major comes to stop agriculture.

Despite being more afflicted with people, Policarpo encounters problems no matter when he is vizinho, or because of Antonino Dutra, who may or may not be the Major at the Festa da Conceição.

For being against politicagem, or Major refuses to help and breed inimizades na region.

How Revolta Armada moved into the life of Policarpo Quaresma

Policarpo Quaresma decides to participate in the Revolta da Armada in order to protect and support the government of Marechal Floriano Peixoto. All enthusiastic about the idea, Policarpo effectively enlists himself as Major alongside other combatants and spends months performing.

When the rebellion ends, Policarpo Quaresma joins two victors - from Marechal Floriano - and receives the prison position of two insurgent mariners.

Even though he was on duty, Policarpo sees prisoners who will be randomly escorted to be shot.

She agrees with the situation, she escreveu for Marechal Floriano Peixoto denouncing the situation. Possibly for that reason - o livro não deixa of course - or Major é prisoner.

Either you are his only friend, or Professor Ricardo, tempt or release, it happens. Olga, the only affiliate of Polycarp, also tentou libertar or Major sem successso.

How you will enjoy the life of Policarpo Quaresma

Or better spend the days reading and certifying that it was written, we will free you to think twice. Thanks to reading, his companionship in life, he deeply understood Brazilian themes.
But this deep knowledge does not bring happiness for the personagem, before contrary hair. The world that he has given us will not reproduce itself in reality, and it has been increasingly distancing itself from the real world to give birth to an alternative center. Misunderstood, or conhecimento fez that Polycarp isolates himself more and more and becomes more and more because of a pity not to bathe and not to work.

Whenever other people from history use books as a way of ascending both socially, economically and professionally, Polycarp uses books as a source of knowledge.

A story written by Lima Barreto is also a critique of his own time that sent you books to Serem a kind of social catapult, linking or conhecimento to a hierarchy of power in no pure year prazer.

Ler, not the context illustrated by Lima Barreto, from a mostly illiterate society, was deeply linked with the maintenance of a network of social power. A leitura was turned for the doutores e potentiais doutores, a small elite that ruled or country.

Envelope or book title

O hero from Lima Barreto escorted him not down to the head, not down to his superiors and opted for the path of a student of a company that called to be a simple bureaucrat. He wanted a habit of doutores without a diploma or a challenge, causing discomfort and discomfort, to the society where he was inserted.

By consequence of his escorts, fora do seu tempo, Polycarp has a sad fate. Not so, in spite of everything or that he has been a long-time prisoner for two times, or the protagonist of Lima Barreto, deceived, he continues to be a patriot and defender of two serious nationalist ideas.

Or own book title - Sad fim by Policarpo Quaresma - He gives clues to readers of the tragic destiny of the protagonist of romance. We accompany the pages of fiction over the years with the adventures and difficulties of a person who never tires of fighting against Maré. Considered other hairs as being a strange creature, Polycarp Quaresma never managed to fit in thanks to his nationalist ideas.

A biographical inspiration of Lima Barreto

Theoretical Muitos apontam that Lima Barreto teria was inspired not own country to raise Policarpo Quaresma. João Henriques, father of the author, has had some delusional, nervous crises, a long time of life, beginning when he was still new and trying to be hospitalized.

My last crisis, even more serious, was the father of a writer who was twenty years at the top of the bed, and died in 1922.

Além de ter sofried personally with psychiatric teaching, João Henriques worked for years in two colonies of doentes mentais (Count of Mesquita and São Bento), located on Ilha do Governador, Rio de Janeiro, where they exercise their positions administrative.

Lima Barreto teve, therefore, a very close contact with this universe of loucura through the country.

His own writer also had problems related to alcoholism after being hospitalized in 1914. In a letter, Lima Barreto confesses “Tenho, since you were nine years old, I have lived no more than loucos. Já same passei three months mergulhado no meio give them. "

Because of being or filho more velho, a writer or writer will deal with all the bureaucratic process of the country, from a room to all questions related to medical treatment.

Nas suas works of him-including em Triste Fim de Policarpo Quaresma-we see portrayed, and criticized, bureaucracy do the Brazilian State, as to which author needs to address his personal life to resolve questões relatives.

Sad fim by Policarpo Quaresma in PDF

Leia agora or classic Sad Fim by Policarpo Quaresma in PDF format.

Brief biography of Lima Barreto

Afonso de Henriques de Lima Barreto was net of scramble and free country filho. Raised in a humble house - or country was a typographer and I was a primary teacher - Lima Barreto saw the world not on May 13, 1881, not Rio de Janeiro.

As I need to start working, I cede, or rapacious, I have not concluded my studies. He became a public official having worked in the Ministry of War and, in parallel, writing books and publishing our journals. Ao longo da carreira, or writer published five romances além de historia curtas.

Due to problems derived from alcohol, Lima Barreto was admitted a series of times in the National Hospital and died just 41 years (in 1922).

To literature by Lima Barreto

Lima Barreto's romances were characterized by courageously deep social criticisms. Many of them denounce the problem of racism, present in Brazilian society, and also pontifical questões do seu tempo, as or the urbanization project of Rio de Janeiro is done in a loving way. Lima Barreto was fundamental to Brazilian literature because he painted a portrait of a society where they live, unbelieving the suburban world and in the presence of an elite that abused power.

In terms of language, or writer creates his works as written more informal, more forthcoming from fala and accessible to the general public.

Be you gosta do Brazilian writer, take the opportunity to read also the artigos As major works of Lima Barreto explained and Livro Clara dos Anjos, by Lima Barreto.

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