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Rapunzel: history and interpretation

A children's narrative that conquered gerações, hair world inside, fala about a girl with very tight hair that lived locked in a tower, by order of an evil bruxa.

His first records suggest I do not know the seventeenth century, but the plot continues to be a number of favorite bedtime stories of many children, gaining new adaptations and interpretations at the present time.

Full Rapunzel story

It was once a bom coração casal that sonhava ter filhos e morava from a terrível bruxa. When the wife succeeded in getting pregnant, she began to feel that she was eating certain foods, which she asked for her husband. Uma noite, she wanted rabanetes, something that they didn't have on her farm.

Also, the only solution was to enter our bruxa lands and roubar some rabanetes that were planted in her garden. Or homem was sighted pela bruxa, já prestes to pular or wall to escape, e ela or accused of roubo. To deixá-lo go embora, she placed a condition: ele teria that I have delivered to the child, as well as that she is born.

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Some months later, I was born a beautiful garotinha that a bruxa raised for the longest time and batizou of Rapunzel. It is not his 12-year anniversary, a wicked girl has a huge tower that has just a little janela no mole. As a tempo, the beautiful hair of the lonely men was a crescendo and was never cut.

illustration by Walter Crane
Illustration by Walter Crane (1914) that says: "Rapunzel, Rapunzel! Throw your hair ".

In order to enter the tower, he would order the prisoner to throw his tranças pela janela and climb to tie the mole, securing Rapunzel's hair. A prince who was passing through that region, he heard a marvelous song and resolved to follow him, finding the girl imprisoned. Trying to go up, the passou to espia-la and viu or segredo da bruxa.

Little depois, I was attached to the tower and chamou Rapunzel, asking her to play as her tranças. A moça concordou and told her tragic story of her ao Príncipe. Stunned, they promise to flee Dali and marry. O young man, I will visit several times, picking up pieces of silk for Rapunzel to grow up as a corda.

A bruxa, which was very much esperta, percebeu or romance two dois e planejou a sua vingança. She cut the hair of Rapunzel and placed the tranças for fora da Janela, riding an armadilha. Naquela noite, or Prince rose and took a fright when I saw or faced the velha feiticeira, that he deu um empurrão.

Illustration by Johnny Gruelle
Illustration by Johnny Gruelle (1922).

Or squashed down the top, on top of a thorn bush. Embora he had survived, his eyes were bruised and lost to vision. A bruxa announced that she would take Rapunzel for a long time and that she would never meet again. Contudo, or Prince never gave up on procuring his beloved and path of destiny, for a long time, in search of his paradeiro.

Years later, I passed by a house where I was reconciled or Rapunzel's song. So then you two will meet again, realizing that he was blinded, a woman began to crash. When his tears will touch him, he will not face him, força do his love curou os olhos do Príncipe, that he returned to hold at the same time.

Finally united, Rapunzel and Prince will marry and move to his castle, where they will live happily ever after.

Irmãos Grimm e origins da narrativa

A history of Rapunzel já circulava pela popular tradition When it was recolhido irmãos hair Grimm. The famous German writers ficaram known by the dissemination of two fairy tales that have become true classics of literature and universal imagery.

Original layer of Contos para a Infância e para o Lar.
Original layer of Counts for a Infância e para o Lar, two Grimm signs.

An initial version of the narrative was released in 1812, not the first volume of Counts for Infância e para o LarI'll give it up later, ganhou or not Grimm Counts. A narrative included controversial elements, as a supposed pregnancy of Rapunzel, and was altered later, to suit a child audience.

O entanglement narrated hair irmãos Grimm was inspired by a work Rapunzel (1790), by Friedrich Schulz. Or free it was a translation of the story Persinette (1698), written by the French Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de La Force.

TO older version historical day, entitled "Petrosinella", can be found in Pentamerone (1634), a coletânea of ​​contos de fadas europeus that formed gathered Neapolitan hair Giambattista Basile.

Interpretation of history

O nome da protagonist is related to the German thermo that designates the rabanetes. Assim, a girl had been treated as a reference to the foods that I wanted for pregnancy. Na popular crençaThe fates of the crianças could be tragic, if the desires of the pregnant women are not attended to. For isso, or seu pai de ella runs so many cliffs and or roubo and punished as a curse.

Or the isolation of Rapunzel in the tower seems to be a metaphor for a closing days of moças before the marriage, permanently guarded and affastado two homens. Likewise, a bruxa symbolizes as mulheres mais velhas, responsible for maintaining a tradition and asserting or "good behavior", repressing freedom.

Not so much, to força do loveemerges as salvação, something that he common told us about. First, or prince fica tão apaixonado pela protagonist that he studies em jeito de visá-la e tiirá-la dali. Depois, even missing and losing sight, he does not give up looking for his beloved. Not final, as a reward for enormous efforts, her eyes are cured with Rapunzel's carinho hair.

Releitura and adaptation of Disney

A timeless narrative of romance and fantasy ganhou nova popularidade com o lançamento de Enrolled (2010), a Disney animation film that was acclaimed by the public of all ages.

Na plot, the protagonist tem magic hair She lives imprisoned by Gothel, a bruxa who claims to be her mother. Ha or Seu pair of her não é um prince, but a thief called Flynn, why does she turn off.

Enrolled - Trailer - Walt Disney Studios Brasil Oficial

Take the opportunity to see also:

  • Commented infantile histories
  • Stories infantis to sleep
  • Bela Dormecia: history and origins
  • Cinderela History
  • History of João e Maria
  • Conto Chapeuzinho Vermelho
  • Higher fade counts commented
  • Different infantile histories (from various parts of the world)
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