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Summary and analysis of Grande sertão: paths of Guimarães Rosa

Grande Sertão: sidewalks (1956), by Guimarães Rosa, is considered a classic of Brazilian literature and part of the modernist movement.

The work presents innovative writing, valuing the orality and linguistics of the sertanejo of Minas Gerais, Goiás and Bahia in the first goal of the XX century.

I do not free, with about 500 pages, a story and narrated by Riobaldo, a young ex-jagunço that recalls his costume, adventures and love feelings for Diadorim.

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Summary and analysis of the work

Or romance is written first person in a kind of monologue. In the meantime, we know that the personagem-narrator is telling his life for a homem that he saw visits-him and is called at the same time as "doutor", "senhor" or "moço".

Riobaldo, or protagonist, logo warns that his history of him is long and cheia de percalços, and that as people usually ficar three days not local for ouvi-la.

Assim, em meio a distrações de pensamento, or homem went back to the past and recounted how he became a jagunço year to know the side of Joca Ramiro through interações na fazenda em that he morava as Selorico Mendes.

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Nessa's work, Guimarães Rosa presents a narrative marked by typical regionalism of the second phase of Brazilian modernism or presents a scene and characters from the sertão.

Meanwhile, such regionalism has been placed as a background to make explicit great dilemmas of humanity, or that confer a classical position of universal literature also.

Or love for Diadorim

This is a group of gunmen who are the protagonist again against Reinaldo, also a group of gunmen. Riobaldo develops a different affection for Reinaldo, who later reveals that his true name was Diadorim.

You two personagens já haviam met years before (in adolescence), when we performed together a crossing in a small boat, leaving the barranca do Rio de Janeiro and entering the winding Rio São Francisco.

Here, we can understand this journey - that leaves from clear and calm waters and goes to revolt waters - as uma rite of passagem, a transition to adult and turbulent life.

Assim, with convivência, Riobaldo and Diadorim become more close and sentiment in Riobaldo cresce ainda mais, I added that the oil and admit that it nourishes um "love torto" my hair, colleague, something impossível of yourself concretize.

And all of a sudden he was spending it, I was not decomposing, spending even more than before, with my heart, we congratulate you, for pisável; Give him or her everything has been spent. Love that amei - daí então accitei.

As philosophical reflections of Riobaldo

Enquanto isso, many events, struggles and disputes oorrem até or protagonist will become the abnado chef.

It is interesting to observe how the writer built a jagunço improvavel, but Riobaldo was not a typical matador, with cold blood.

On the contrary, he was a person with sensitivity to, in an arid year, to elaborate philosophical reflections and to think without meaning in life. questioning about issues such as destiny, or power of escorts, as frustrações e transformações that we are subject to during our existence no world.

Or running gives life embrulha tudo, to life and likewise: skeptical and spherical, aperta and damage afrouxa, restless and restless. Or that she loves people and courage.

Or pact like diabo

Outra important questão present I do not leave the idea of ​​Deus e do Diabo. This opposition to the forces of “bem e do mal” permeate the entire narrative and the protagonist always places in dúvid a existence or not do cursed, as we can see this stretch of the work:

Or that no é Deus, é status do demônio. Deus exists the same when he has not. More or less does not need to exist to have - people knowing that it does not exist, so it takes account of everything.

At any given moment, Riobaldo sees himself as saida and it is necessary to kill the leader of the inimigous side, Hermogenes, to kill Joca Ramiro, who is Diadorim's father.

Assim, or pistoleiro gathers all his courage and brand a Faustian pact, ou seja, an agreement as a diabo so that he manages to carry out a hard task with success.

Or thermo "Faustian pact" appears in the lenda of Faust, in which the personagem sells his soul. O non-classical event and explored from German literature Doutor Faust (1947), by Thomas Mann and, by isso, or romance by Guimarães Rosa é frequently compared to Mann's work, as sendo um "Doutor Fausto do sertão”.

Em Great sertão or pact is described in a manner similar to what happens in Doutor Faust, trazendo a dream dinner, em that dream and reality are confused. Dessa form, fica uma dúvida fate, such an agreement occurs and remains uncertain given the existence of the demon.

Urutu Branco e a morte de Diadorim

Após o possível found the protagonist as a diabo, his mute behavior and his nome pass from Riobaldo Tatarana to Urutu Branco. This is the moment that he assumed leadership of the side.

Diadorim, also unhappy as the assassinated of Joca Ramiro, wraps himself around with Hermogenes and ends up killing him. More or I confront he pulls his life from him

So Riobaldo, about the death of his beloved, discovers his true identity.

Or abandonment gives life like jagunço

Finally, Riobaldo decided to give up life to jagunçagem and to follow you with his friend Quelemém, adoring a life of "definitive homem".

She then marries Otacília, described as an idealized woman, bem ao style dos cavalaria romances, common in medieval literature.

Personagens principais

Riobaldo: É or protagonist and narrator. Ex-jagunço, he tells his life story to an illustrious visitor who stays for three days at his home.

Diadorim: At first he appeared as Reynald, later he reveals his real name, Diadorim. Colleague from the side and great love of Riobaldo.

Hermogenes: Leader of the inimigo band, Hermógenes kills Joca Ramiro and wakes up or desires of vingança in Riobaldo.

Quelemén: Compadre and friend of Riobaldo.

Otacília: A mulher com quem Riobaldo is getting married. She is positioned as the ideal woman.

Guimarães Rosa video about Grande sertão: sidewalks

Trust the only audiovisual record of João Guimarães Rosa, who is missing on a German television channel about romance. There is also a declamation of a stretch of the work.

Novas Veredas: Guimarães explains 'Grande sertão'

Audiovisual adaptations of Grande Sertão: sidewalks

O romance ganhou adaptações no cinema e na televisão. Em 1965 foi feito o film Grande Sertão, directed by Geraldo and Renato Santos Pereira. A story told does not faithfully follow Guimarães Rosa's narrative.

Já a minissérie da TV Globo, born in 1985 as the same as a book, is presented in a way more similar to a literary plot.

Outras adaptações also foram feitas, as curtas-metragens e peças de teatro.

What was João Guimarães Rosa?

João Guimarães Rosa was a Brazilian writer born in 1908 in a small city of Cordisburgo, in Minas Gerais. Its literary production is part of Brazilian modernism, using elements from the second and third phase of the movement.

The writer was fluent in various languages ​​and atuou as a diplomat, residing in countries of Europe and Latin America.

Sua maneira de escrever impressionou seus contemporaries, pois trazia regionalist elements, mas tinha Also a magical realism, deep philosophical reflections, além of neologisms, ou seja, invention of words.

O writer died in 1967, 59 years after a sudden heart attack.

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