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What are the generations per year

Generations are groups of people who were born during the same period, lived through the same historical events, and received similar cultural influences. The Generation of Baby Boomers, the Generation X and the generation y either millennialare some of the best known.

For each generation, a start and end date is established that delimits the period to which it belongs. The years vary depending on the author, so these dates are indicative:

Generation birth period
baby boomers 1946-1960
Generation X 1961-1979
Generation Y or Millennial 1980-1994
Generation Z or Centennial 1995-2010
Alpha Generation 2011-undefined

Baby Boomer Generation

The name of this generation is associated with the increase in the birth rate experienced after the end of World War II in some countries. Included in this group are people born after 1945, the year the conflict ended, and the 1960s, approximately.

They are the generation that experienced social and cultural transformations. This period begins with the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Other revolutionary and liberation movements take place, such as the Hippie movement and its protests against the Vietnam War.

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The people who belong to this generation are characterized by their high dedication to work and their persevering spirit.

Generation X

This is the generation established between 1961 and 1979, a period during which events such as the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union, the dissolution of The Beatles and the birth of Microsoft.

They are considered more independent than the previous generation, due to the possibility that both parents worked outside the home or were divorced.

This independence and their non-conformist character caused them to devote more effort to their academic training. They are a better prepared group, compared to Baby Boomers.

Generation Y or Millennial

Millennials are those born between 1980 and 1994. Events such as the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe, the end of the Cold War or the Persian Gulf War occurred in these years.

Animation series such as The Simpsons and Dragon Ball were created. The use of video games was becoming more extensive, giving rise to some as famous as Tetris or Pac-Man.

Those born in this generation are individuals already accustomed to technology, consoles and computers, mainly. They have a greater ability to communicate with authority figures, such as parents or bosses. Their education is based on respect and tolerance, they defend cultural diversity, teamwork and respect for the environment.

Generation Z or Centennial

It starts in 1995 and runs until 2010. Some of the most relevant events of the time are the attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York, the introduction of the euro in the Eurozone countries and the Conclave that elected Pope Benedict XVI.

People who belong to this generation have grown up in a technological world, so mobile devices and the Internet are part of their day to day. They are aware of the need to have a good academic record, although their moment is marked by job insecurity. Worried about climate change, they have greater ecological sensitivity.

Alpha Generation

2011 is established as the starting year, although it has not yet been defined when it ends. Some notable events of this period are the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union, the intensification of climate change and the last blows of the economic crisis of 2008.

Those born in this time frame are still too young to be able to define their profile. They are located in the middle of the digital age, the age of information and immediacy. It will be this same instantaneity that causes them to be more consumerists than previous generations. They are also likely to be more engaged when it comes to issues of social equality and ecological culture.

Non-contemporary generations

Generation birth period
Lost generation 1883-1900
great generation 1901-1927
silent generation 1928-1945

Lost generation

Located between 1883 and 1900, a period in which there were great scientific advances such as the discovery of X-rays. Upon reaching adulthood, those born in this generation witnessed and fought in World War I.

The general feeling of bewilderment that prevailed at that time motivated the name of this generation.

great generation

Defined between 1901 and 1927, a period marked by the First World War, by catastrophes such as the earthquake that hit San Francisco in 1906 or the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. During the 1920s, an economic recovery took place that brought prosperity to certain countries, such as the United States.

Those belonging to this group lived a youth marked by economic changes and the rise of nationalism in Europe. For this reason, this generation that lived through the period between the two wars is considered the most resistant of all.

silent generation

Born between 1928 and 1945, a troubled period marked by the Crash of 1929 and the Second World War. Both facts pushed the members of this generation to lead a sober life without excesses.

The main traits of this group are austerity, conformity and submission, hence they are called the silent generation.

See also:

  • The evolution of man.
  • Technology evolution.
  • computer generations.


  • Strauss, William; Howe, Neill (1991). Harper, ed. Generations: the history of America's future, 1584 to 2069.

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