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The Last Judgment in the Bible - summary

The Last Judgment in the Bible is the decisive moment in which Jesus Christ values ​​human beings to take them, or not, to the new world. In unProfesor we offer you a summary.

Of all the texts that make up the Bible, one of the most important is the Final judgment, being the event that is supposed to bring the end of the christian world and being one of the most analyzed and repeated in terms of the study of the Christian religion. For all this, in this lesson from a Teacher we offer you a Summary of the Last Judgment in the Bible to understand this Biblical event deeply.

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  1. Where does it talk about the Last Judgment in the Christian Bible?
  2. What is meant by Final Judgment and General Judgment?
  3. When will the day of reckoning come?
  4. What does the Bible say about the Last Judgment? Summary

Where does it talk about the Last Judgment in the Christian Bible?

When talking about the Last Judgment it is important to talk about where in the

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bible texts This information appears, since we can understand in what context this event is being talked about, and at the same time be able to see which are the sources and which people are the ones who narrate these events.

The biblical texts in which the Last Judgment is spoken of are the Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Luke and the book of apocalypse. Generally, it is thought that everything related to the Last Judgment appears in this last book, but the The reality is that it is an event commented on in numerous biblical texts, although not in all of them in the same way.

We must understand that, contrary to many of the texts of the New Testament, the Last Judgment is not an event that has already taken place and is narrated by someone, if it is not a narration of an event that is going to take place in the future. Although at first the event had to happen many centuries ago, since it was considered that the Last Judgment was going to take place after the fall of Rome, which finally did not happen.

The Last Judgment in the Bible - summary - Where does it talk about the Last Judgment in the Christian Bible?

What is meant by Final Judgment and General Judgment?

An important element to understand the final judgment is the general judgment, since they are two elements closely related to each other, and although the second is well known and has been repeated many times, the first is not generally commented on by those far from the religion.

The general judgment is the way in which the event that happens at the end of life is called of all people. It is said that when people die they face a particular judgment, in which it is decided by their actions if they have to go to the Heaven, Hell or Purgatory. After that, it is said that when the final judgment arrives there will be a general judgment, which will decide the fate of all the people in the world.

Therefore we can say that there is a relationship between the final judgment and the general judgment, being different things, but the second being within the first. The general idea is that everyone, sooner or later, will have to be judged by what they have experienced throughout their life on earth, thus bringing their destiny for all eternity.

When will the day of reckoning come?

In the Bible it is said that the Last Judgment will take place in the last stages of the world and of the Apocalypse. Before that, there will be the second coming of jesus christ and the resurrection of the flesh, in which all the deceased people will come back to life to face the Final Judgment.

For this reason we can say that the particular trial commenting above is only part of the trial, since the people who are already deceased and who have passed the particular judgment must also finally pass the final judgment.

The Last Judgment in the Bible - summary - When will the day of reckoning come?

What does the Bible say about the Last Judgment? Summary.

To continue with this summary of the Last Judgment in the Bible, we are going to analyze what the Bible says about this event.

After all the events of the Apocalypse, the so-called Final Judgment takes place. In this situation, all the people are again judged by their actions, deciding who travels to the new world and who is not pure enough to pass. This new land where only the pure can go is known as New Jerusalem, being a kind of spiritual city.

As for the text in the Bible, it is said that the day of the Last Judgment, Jesus will be found on a great white throne and all the dead were standing before him. Jesus will open the book of life and in this text it is stated how he should judge people for their actions.

It is said that death and Hell were thrown into a lake of fire so that no one could die, and that all the people who did not appear in the book of life were also thrown into the lake of fire. This lake of fire seems to be the end of everything, as people who fall into it disappear forever, with no way to return.

Finally, all the people who do appear in the book of life travel with Jesus to the New Jerusalem, having an eternal life of happiness, joy and great spirituality, thereby ending the world as we know it.

This is considered to be the end of the Last Judgment and that, after that, nothing exists anymore, passing into eternity and the world as we know it disappearing.

If you want to read more articles similar to The Last Judgment in the Bible - summary, we recommend that you enter our category of History.


  • Garcia, M. (1992). The signs of the final judgment. Gonzalo de Berceo. Complete Work, 1035-1062.
  • Abboud-Haggar, S. (2000). Apocalypse, resurrection and Last Judgment. After the third millennium. Apocalyptic, messianism, millenarianism and history, 109, 43.
  • Piñero, A., & Segura, E. g. (2010). The Last Judgment: In Primitive Christianity and the Religions Around It (Vol. 1). Edaf.
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