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Beneficial effects for well-being of increased hours of sunlight

Exposure to sunlight increases with the arrival of the summer season. This can provide numerous benefits to our physical and mental health.

The summer season is approaching and with it the energy of the environment seems to change profoundly. The darkness of winter gives way to a more pleasant and bright climate, which leads us to feel more energetic and optimistic.

With the start of the good weather we all began to make more plans abroad, ranging from exercising to having a drink on a terrace. As you can imagine, This change has a more than positive effect on people's health.

What you may not know is how specifically sunlight benefits us and why. Therefore, in this article we will focus on clarifying this issue.

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the importance of the sun

In ancient times, our ancestors were already aware of the importance of the sun for life. In fact, this came to be considered a god that was necessary to venerate. Although today we no longer perform rituals in his honor, the importance that solar energy has for our existence remains the same.

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The sun is the main star of the Solar System. Thanks to the sun, plant and animal life exists on our planet. It is by his presence that we obtain light and heat, without which we would not possibly be here today.

The energy given off by this important star is what allows animals and plants to regulate their temperature, as well as that certain chemical reactions can occur in organisms, such as photosynthesis.

In the particular case of human beings, there is the ability to regulate body temperature at through metabolism, so that there is no absolute dependence on the energy emitted by the sun. However, this does not prevent their presence from greatly influencing how the body and mind work.

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Beneficial effects of increasing hours of sunlight

Next, we will discuss some of the most important benefits we can achieve by increasing our hours of sunlight with the arrival of good weather.

1. Strengthening of the immune system

You should know that sunlight is key for our body to synthesize vitamin D. this vitamin favors the functioning of our immune system, which helps us to be protected against diseases of all kinds. Among them, it is known that it reduces the propensity to develop different types of cancer.

2. Reduced stress levels

Do you feel more relaxed when the good weather arrives? It's not by chance. When we spend time outdoors exposed to sunlight, our body tends to adjust its levels of melatonin, a hormone that reduces our stress response. To this must also be added the fact that abroad we usually carry out pleasant activities that involve contact with nature and socialization, which also help us to disconnect and achieve a state of calm.

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3. Mood Enhancement

When we are exposed to sunlight, our body increases its levels of serotonin. This neurotransmitter contributes to a better mood, so people who are more exposed to sunlight may be less vulnerable to suffering from an emotional disorder. This also explains why during the winter season we tend to be more apathetic, since temperatures drop and there are fewer hours of light.

4. Increased concentration and performance

When the sun rises we find ourselves more awake and this helps us maintain better concentration. Therefore, a greater number of daylight hours can have a positive impact on the performance we have in our studies or work.

5. Strengthening of the bones

As we already discussed, the sun favors the synthesis of vitamin D in the body. In turn, vitamin D helps us better assimilate the calcium we consume. Therefore, increasing the hours of light to which we are exposed can be key to maintaining optimal bone health.

6. wound healing

If you have suffered a superficial wound lately, you should know that sunlight is a great ally for your healing process. Thanks to it, it is possible to eliminate certain microorganisms and speed up this process. This is particularly interesting for those people who suffer from skin diseases such as psoriasis or dermatitis. It seems that a small period of ten minutes of sunlight a day is enough to increase the healing of skin lesions. Sunlight can even promote the prevention of the dreaded acne, also helping to keep it under control in patients who are already suffering from it.

7. drop in blood pressure

Sunlight is also an excellent ally for people with hypertension. This is because exposure to the sun encourages dilation of the blood vessels, thus preventing the amount of concentrated blood.

Sun exposure yes, but in moderation

As we have seen, exposure to sunlight can offer us many benefits for physical and mental health. However, we cannot ignore the fact that the sun can also be a danger if we do not take precautionary measures when exposing ourselves to its light and heat.

It is key to limit the time we spend exposed, since abusing the sun can damage our skin and cause dermatological diseases., some of them serious, such as melanomas. Ideally, exposure is never direct and that sun protection is always used. Also, it is important to stay hydrated at all times.

By taking these simple steps it is possible to get the most out of sunlight, making exposure to it a health benefit rather than a risk.

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