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Apocalypse according to the BIBLE

Apocalypse according to the Bible: summary

One of the best known texts of the Bible is the Book of Revelation, being the part that talks about the end of the world, and therefore one of the parts that has the greatest number of theories and analysis. In this lesson from a Teacher we offer you a summary of the apocalypse according to the bible to see the events that happen in this part of the holy book.

The Apocalypse is narrated by John, being the person responsible for talking about what will happen in the last days of the world, having received this information from God. It is said that John entered a period of prophetic ecstasy, being the moment in which he received all the information that he exposes in the Apocalypse.

At first, Juan talks about the 7 great churches of the East, since he says that he has received a message for each of them, listing the main strengths and weaknesses of each of them. After that, he asks the churches to prepare, since the day of Final judgment is coming and all of them must set an example.

Then it is said that

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the throne of god appears which is surrounded by 24 other thrones, each occupied by a different elder. In this situation, God shows a scroll with 7 seals, Jesus being the only person worthy of breaking these seals, since he sacrificed himself for humanity and, therefore, he is the best person in the world.

  • At that moment, Jesus breaks the first 4 seals, which releases the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse They represent victory, war, famine and plague. These horsemen are the 4 that bring part of the apocalypse, each of them signifying an element of massive destruction.
  • With the opening of fifth seal occurs the awakening of the souls of the martyrs, who ask for justice for the punishments they have received, but God asks for their patience, since it is a long process, and many more people must be martyred.
  • By breaking the sixth seal u occura huge earthquake All over the world, meteorites fall from the sky against the planet, and destroy the planet, with only a few surviving the attack. After that, the angels go down to earth and mark 144,000 people, 12,000 for each tribe of Israel, who are the ones who survive what is to come.
  • finally breaks the seventh seal, but to do it you must touch the 7 trumpets, each one of them causing a great problem to the world, such as fire, locusts, or a cavalry that kills a third of the population. After blowing the trumpets, the world of God and the earthly merge, initiating the reign of God throughout the world.

In a Teacher we tell you who wrote the apocalypse.

Apocalypse according to the Bible: summary - What does the Bible say about the Apocalypse?

To continue this summary of the Apocalypse according to the Bible, we must talk about the second part of the Apocalypse, being the moment in which the world of God and the earthly merge to form a single world.

In the first moment, spiritual figures appear which are:

  1. A woman pregnant with a boy
  2. A dragon with seven heads and ten horns that wants to eat the woman's child
  3. A beast that starts the war on the saints
  4. A false prophet trying to convince people to follow the beast
  5. A beast with horns like a ram that marks people with the number 666

To destroy the wicked, heThe angels drop 7 bowls on the world each bringing a different plague. The wicked do not repent of their actions, but blame God for suffering the plagues. These plagues kill many of the wicked of the world, but many others are able to survive, and they get involved with the Beast and his false prophet, cursing God for punishing them in this way.

Finally, there is the final battle in which Jesus leads the hosts of heaven in a war against the beast and his evil allies. Jesus achieves victory over the wicked, managing to have a peaceful reign of about 1000 years. After these years, Satan gathers his warriors to face the saints, but they are defeated and killed in the fire.

to finish, takes place on Judgment Day in which everyone is judged for their actions and those who survive are taken to a new world forever. People say that John saw a new world, a kind of New Jerusalem, in which all good-hearted followers of God could live forever, ending the evil that has always plagued the world.

Apocalypse according to the Bible: summary - The second part of the Apocalypse: God's world on earth
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