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Psychologist Addiction Center Galen Institute

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Detoxification and rehabilitation center with highly trained professionals for the treatment of addictions.

At Instituto Galeno we have experience in overcoming addictions, which is why our motto is "If I could, you can"

Private detoxification center run by Pepe el Marismeño and Isabel Mota Mesa specializing in the treatment of addictions for patients who have a disorder due to dependence on alcohol, cocaine, psychotropic drugs, cannabis, designer drugs or other addictive substances and gambling So we treat ADDICTION, both with and without substance. Treatments for different types of addictions. In our center in Seville we attend to patients with addiction problems and we will provide any type of information you need, also optionally offering a series of concerted floors for the internment and admission of patients during their process of recovery. INSTITUTO GALENO has a multidisciplinary team, made up of both psychologists and therapists, social workers and monitors specialized in addictions, as well as with the collaboration of doctors, psychiatrists and clinics specialized in detoxification and the treatment of addiction. Our vital motto is "If I could, you can", because there is no better approach to empathy than knowing the effects and causes of the disease of addiction than having experienced them firsthand. You can make an appointment any day of the week.

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