Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Itziar Villalba Carrascosa

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Health psychologist with extensive experience. Degree in psychology, clinical psychology itinerary from the University of Granada. University Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the European University of Madrid. Postgraduate in limited-time psychotherapy and health psychology. Time-limited European Institute of Psychotherapy: expert in psychodiagnostics and legal expertise, traumatic emotional memory and long-term psychotherapy. Master in Treatment in Child and Youth Psychology. It works in Spanish and English.

How to express feelings and connect with someone, in 6 steps

Many times we forget that, when it comes to developing a healthy way of relating to our emotional...

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The Theory of Uses and Gratifications: what it is and what it explains about society

The Theory of Uses and Gratifications: what it is and what it explains about society

The uses and gratifications theory proposes that people use the media and consume audiovisual pro...

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The 7 best thanatologists in Monterrey

Monterrey is a large city located in the well-known Mexican state of Nuevo León, which currently ...

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