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What is it and how to reach joy?

On days when we feel invaded by joy, we walk down the street embellished and brilliant by its presence.. It impacts for an instant and permeates the people we come across, it has the power to change the face of a total stranger. It could be said that it is “contagious”. It is also "generous" because we naturally want to share its rays of exuberance with another. At times it becomes a giant blanket that could cover more than an entire room and expand through its windows.

Joy can be annoying at times because it takes us by surprise and we don't know what to do with it. Many times they tell us "don't get so excited", that has to do with the social convention of retaining it, as if it were more intelligent to show indifference or wear a poker face. With the presence of joy, we forget about daily worries, it serves as a tool to that the obstacles that we have to face day after day do not cost us, or weigh us down so much, all beings humans.

  • We recommend you read: "What is not happiness? Unhappy joy and happy sadness"
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What is joy and how can we achieve it?

The problem with joy is that it is as pure and fragile as glass. The charm of joy is broken, as soon as one tries to take control of oneself, or when we remember the problems we have that cause us anguish., from our fears, or from our black clouds that menacingly surround us every day, it ends the joy when we remember the “giant” that we must face and we believe that we do not have the strength to do it.

This action of "taking control of ourselves", when we realize that we are overflowing with joy, is reflected with a movement of rigidity that is inscribed in our body, we straighten up and return to our state usual. In this sense, joy is a temporary exaltation, which culminates when we remember the weight of being alive.

It's true that we could not stay forever in a state of joy, this would lose the meaning, since it would not stand out against any background plane, and we would see ourselves wrapped in a cloud of constant euphoria, which could lead us to vanity and an excess of sensuality.


Joy and conformism

Joy is not a state, but a passing appearance. One refers to a "happy" person, but this is tied to a character trait. Joy breaks in and disappears. Sometimes we prefer the tranquility of conformism and routine to the shock of joy, many times we take refuge there, in our safe little place since we usually go from joy to sadness, from ecstasy to anguish, or from light to darkness.

The triumphant accent of joy, the ability to be joyful and the importance of therapy to be happier, because that's what therapy is all about, getting to live in a happier way. Joy also comes from the success of a long and hard work on oneself, where we can come to understand and heal our fissures, our wounds, our ancestral fears, our limitations, as well as being able to believe and own our strengths and follow our path to what we want be.

We are beings that must have a destination, know where we are going, many times we lose our way and What many believe is depression appears, but it is not that we are depressed, but that we are distracted. We got off track where we're going. Psychotherapy is crucial to be able to reach this state of self-knowledge and understanding..

At some point joy also marks a victory, all joy has a triumphant accent and is repeatedly shared by several. For example, you can share the joy of having won a soccer game, the joy of a birth, of an anniversary, or the joy of a recent graduate's triumph. What does not take away from the fact that you can feel joy when you are alone, and this, I think, is the maximum state to which we can reach.

For joy to be inscribed throughout life, it is important to achieve a match between what one is and what one wants to be. A coincidence in a state of continuous renewal, and permanently active between thought and desire for the future. We will be able to experience and feel joy as well as happier moods in general, if we commit to treating ourselves better, which we can achieve through therapy.

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