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The 5 most popular types of braids (and how to do them)

Although long hair gives a lot of versatility to achieve different looks, sometimes it becomes a problem because we don't know how to style it and we end up picking it up in a ponytail, wearing it loose or in a bun, or we even end up thinking about cutting it and avoiding the trouble of combing it daily.

A good way to help us with this eternal dilemma is use different types of braids. Sometimes we avoid them because they seem difficult or laborious, but the secret is to learn the types of basic braids to, with a little practice, have in 10 minutes a hairstyle that adapts to the style that is seeks.

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The easiest types of braids to do

One of the advantages of braids is that they can look casual, elegant, sporty, and even romantic. Given their versatility, it is worth knowing several ways to wear them. Below we will look at the easiest types of braids to get started and achieve amazing looks.

1. The “base” braid

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Almost every woman in the West knows it and has done it. It is the base for all types of braids. You only have to divide the hair into three parts and go passing the strand from the right to the middle part, then the strand from the left to the center and so on. It can be tied first in a ponytail and then braided or start from the nape.

2. Twist Braid

It is the simplest braid, but not all types of hair can be styled like this, since it is not so tight, it falls apart easily if your hair is very thick and heavy. First you have to tie a ponytail, either high or low; then it will be enough to divide into two sections and twist to one side. At the end you have to tie the end of the braid.

3. French braid

Of all the types of braids, this is the most complex, but It is the basis for many types of braided hairstyles.. In reality it only requires a little practice, do not despair and you will see that in less time than you think, you will achieve a perfect braid.

To start, you need to take a section of hair from the top of your head. You have to divide into three sections and start braiding as we do with the base braid. So a couple of times.

The next step is take a section of the excess hair from the right side, add it to the strip on the right and pass it over to the left, adding it to the strand that was left in the middle of the base braid.

Subsequently, we take a strand of the excess hair from the left side and also add it to the left strand and pass over to the middle strand. In this way it will be braided until it reaches the nape of the neck, from there it continues braiding normally.

The strands that are added to the hair can be thin, very thick, tight or loose. Each of these alternatives achieves different effects depending on the look you want to achieve.

A good option to start practicing is to braid one side of the head and not necessarily in the middle. In this way you will tire less, you can see in front of the mirror how it is turning out and you will have a different type of braid that you can also use.

Side braids are more romantic and elegant and can be combined with a ponytail at the end or twisted towards the center of the neck. Without a doubt, the French braid is one of the most popular types of braids.

4. Dutch Braid

The procedure for this braid is almost identical to that of the French braid; the only difference when combing is that the strands and sections are not passed over but under the other strands. This little difference achieves a different effect because the braid is "bulky", standing out from the rest of the hair and the head.

As with the French braid, you can experiment with making the strands looser, tighter, thinner, or thicker to achieve different looks.

5. herringbone braid

This braid is made using only two strands; Two main parts of the hair are divided and later a small lock is taken from the right side to pass it over and join it to the left lock. The same with the left side: take a thin section, pass it over to the right side and join the rest of the hair. This braiding forms thinner segments which can look great in elegant hairstyles.


You can combine any of these braid types with ponytails or experiment with leaving them looser, tighter, do two braids or take just one small one. lock to one side and leave the rest of the hair loose, form a headband, make several braids together, tighten the sections and then loosen them to give another effect. Anyway, once you have mastered the base braid types, you can experiment to achieve different hairstyles to suit your look for the day.

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