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Elisabet Rodríguez Psychology: the reference center in Granollers

Elisabet Rodríguez - Psychology and Psychopedagogy It is a multidisciplinary center which has professionals in the field of clinical psychology, neuropsychology and psychopedagogy, sexology and forensic psychology.

Currently the team is made up of specialists who offer psychological care services children, adolescents and adults, both individually and also work with couples and/or families of joint way. In addition, social skills and self-esteem workshops are held in group format on a monthly basis, a tool that becomes an essential complement to individual interventions.

Elizabeth Psychology

The center was inaugurated in 2016 by its director Elisabet Rodríguez and, After almost 7 years since its inception, the team has been progressively expanded to date, there are 4 health psychologists for the adult population, one of whom is also specialized in couples, family and sexology therapy; 3 child and adolescent health psychologists and 1 neuropsychologist and forensic psychologist. During this period, the professional activity of the team has increased fivefold compared to the initial stage, counting on the trust and recognition of a large number of patients and families who have passed through his consultations since so.

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Elizabeth Psychology

One of the hallmarks enjoyed by the Elisabet Rodríguez - Psicologia i Psicopedagogia center is the professionalism and rigor on which its work methodology is based. The team is oriented in the cognitive-behavioral current, one of the clinical psychology approaches that has the most scientific support to date. In addition, this team of professionals is characterized by an organized and structured work style, as well as being warm and close. Thus, the person who comes to consult always goes through an initial stage of in-depth assessment of the problem exposed, after a first informative visit at no financial cost.

In this protocolized manner, it is possible to carry out an adequate diagnostic orientation, as well as a psychological treatment proposal adapted to the needs of the case. After delivering a results report and therapy proposal, the person begins the psychological intervention stage. knowing the origin and causes of their discomfort, as well as the therapeutic objectives to be addressed in the sessions of treatment.

It should be noted, due to the essential nature that new technologies present in today's society, that all the professional services described can be offered both face-to-face and online, a fact that has allowed the center to carry out therapeutic monitoring both nationally and internationally. international.

On the other hand, one of the values ​​that underpin the work methodology of the center is that corresponding to coordination with other agents and professionals (such as mental health and primary care centers, educational centers or other social agents, etc.), as well as with families, in order to to be able to carry out a coordinated and adequate follow-up of the evolution of the person who is receiving the psychological or psycho-pedagogical intervention in question.

Another of the pillars that define the work of this professional team refers to the relevance given to the therapeutic bond between the patient and the therapist, for which reason the establishment of a comfortable, welcoming and trustworthy clinical work climate is substantially emphasized, guaranteeing a higher percentage of success in the intervention.

Finally, The center dedicates a large part of its activity to generating online content that it publishes daily on its website and on its social networks, where very diverse topics in the field of psychology, neuropsychology and forensic psychology are addressed, which allow these fields of knowledge to be brought closer to the general public.

Elizabeth Psychology

In the field of clinical psychology, both at the child and adolescent level and in the adult population, the center deals with problems related to disorders of mood and anxiety, as well as difficulties in social skills, deficits in emotional management and in the face of problems of self-esteem; It also addresses more specific areas such as eating disorders, obsessions and compulsions, post-traumatic stress or dissociative symptoms. Additionally, we work with addictive disorders and personality disorders. Finally, couple problems, dysfunctional family dynamics and sexuality disorders are addressed.

Additionally, in the child and adolescent population, interventions are made in cases of conduct disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, addictions to technology, as well as parental advice and accompaniment is offered, in order to provide these figures with educational guidelines effective.

In the context of neuropsychology and psychopedagogy, evaluations are carried out to detect learning difficulties or disorders, attention deficit, etc., as well as to carry out reeducational interventions that allow to compensate these cognitive difficulties. In addition, effective study methods and techniques are taught and school reinforcement spaces are offered.

Finally, in the area of ​​forensic psychology, psychological and/or neuropsychological assessments are carried out with the aim of certify in an expert report certain aspects that must be legally and judicially proven, such as divorce proceedings and parental training, situations of workplace harassment, assessment of testimony in criminal proceedings or personal incapacitation or labor.

One of the evaluations most highlighted by people who have carried out therapeutic work at Elisabet Rodríguez - Psicologia i Psicopedagogia refers to the diversity of resources, strategies and tools learned during the intervention process, a fact that defines the treatment proposals of this team as essentially practical and dynamic.

In this way, this cabinet has become a reference psychological care center in the city of Granollers, since It is committed to emphasizing the scientific value of clinical and health psychology while prioritizing offering an affable and attentive; both essential ingredients for achieving greater therapeutic success.

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