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Who was Hatshepsut and what did she do?

Who was Hatshepsut and what did she do?

Hatshepsut was one of the most important pharaohs of Egypt., although she tried to be erased from history by Thutmosis II. In a Teacher we tell you who she was and what she did.

One of the most interesting elements of Egyptian history is the existence of pharaohs, being strange during that time that women took positions of power. There are numerous women who came to occupy the position of pharaoh, but one of the most important was hatshepsut. So, in this lesson from a Teacher we are going to talk about who was hatshepsut and what did she do.

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  1. Who was the most famous queen of Egypt? hatshepsut
  2. What did Hatshepsut do in Egypt?
  3. Hatshepsut's end

Who was the most famous queen of Egypt? Hatshepsut.

Hatshepsut's birth is a matter of debate, although most historians agree that the most logical and normal thing is that her birth took place in Thebes, capital of Egypt at that time, during the last years of the government of Amenhotep I.

Amenhotep I had no issue,

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so the position of pharaoh passed to Thutmosis I, father of Hatshepsut. Thutmosis had numerous children in addition to Hatshepsut, but all the males died as children, never reaching adulthood.

After the death of Thutmosis I, the best placed to succeed him was Hatshepsut, but there was a conspiracy in the royal palace so that she would not be the successor of her father. The conspirators succeeded in placing Hatshepsut's half-brother, who was named Thutmosis II, on the throne.

After that, Hatshepsut was forced to marry with her half brother, making her the Big Royal Wife, a position with hardly any power, being a blow to Hatshepsut's pride.

Little by little, Hatshepsut began to have greater influence in the Egyptian court, getting many followers who considered that she was the one who should be queen. During these years she had two daughters, but no son, Therefore, when Thutmosis died, the kingdom once again had no direct male descendant.

The Egyptian nobility tried to place an illegitimate son of Thutmosis II and name him Thutmosis III, but he was too young and Hatshepsut was appointed regent until the son's majority.

In unProfesor we discover the most important pharaohs of egypt.

Who was Hatshepsut and what did she do-Who was the most famous queen of Egypt? hatshepsut

What did Hatshepsut do in Egypt?

Hatshepsut took advantage of her regency years to further increase her power and influence, until she had the chance to name herself pharaoh before Thutmosis III. The act of the new pharaoh took place in front of the priests, whose leader Hapuseneb had been promoted by Hatshepsut herself.

Since her appointment as pharaoh, Hatshepsut began to use masculine attributessuch as carrying a fake beard. She also named herself as born of the god Amun, creating a kind of very important deification to endorse her role as chosen by the gods. Her idea is that Egyptian society would consider her the same as any other pharaoh, and even she wanted to be she respected more than the other pharaoh, Thutmose III, who still held her position even though he had a lesser role than his stepmother.

During her rule, Hatshepsut promoted large constructions and, especially, he carried out the restoration of the main monuments destroyed by the Hyksos during the wars that pitted the Egyptians against this people. Also he built numerous temples in Nubia, an African region that had been at peace with Egypt for a few years, thanks to the military campaigns of Hatshepsut and her husband.

The pharaoh too she was a great diplomat, managing to improve the relations of Egypt with peoples of North Africa or the Arab regions. These diplomatic relations also improved trade of the Egyptian nation, obtaining important materials and innovative products from these regions, while selling the main Egyptian products. The sources speak of Hatshepsut he created the largest fleet Egypt has ever had, using it to generate a huge flow of trade, and thereby making the region grow economically to levels rarely seen before.

On the other hand, Hatshepsut also had failures in managing him, and especially in the military case. During his administration, he neglected his troops in Asia, causing the king of Mitanni to take advantage of it in order to grow his kingdom. At the same time, riots broke out in syria, causing great confrontations between the peoples of the region, and a general rebellion in the Asian region was born from it. It is said that at this point it was Thutmosis III who took control of the troops, managing to stop the rebellion. And this is why Hatshepsut's point of least power is reached.

In unProfesor we leave you a review of the different stages of Ancient Egypt.

Who was Hatshepsut and what did she do-What did Hatshepsut do in Egypt?

The end of Hatshepsut.

To end this lesson on who Hatshepsut was and what she did, we must talk about the end of one of the most powerful women in human history. Hatshepsut's life was filled with rises and falls in power, going from powerless to powerless. being one of the most powerful people in the world, and therefore it is interesting to know how his final.

Hatshepsut died in about 1483 B.C. c. for unknown causes. It is thought that it could be Thutmosis III who could have intervened in her death, in some kind of attack from the court or a poisoning, although there is no evidence to prove this. It must be taken into account that the military and a large part of the clergy wanted Thutmosis III to be the only pharaoh, and that they could be the ones who caused the death of the pharaoh.

On the other hand, some subsequent studies have analyzed the possible diseases that the pharaoh could have had, and many agree that Hatshepsut had been suffering from pain and illness for years, so her death must have been the consequence of these illnesses and not any attack.

After Hatshepsut's death, Tutmosis III tried to destroy all memory of the pharaoh, annihilating her buildings in her memory and even removing her from the list of pharaohs. Even so, and thanks to subsequent studies, Hatshepsut's name has been kept in history.

If you want to read more articles similar to Who was Hatshepsut and what did she do?, we recommend that you enter our category of History.


  • Rohrig, C. H., Dreyfus, R., & Keller, C. TO. (Eds.). (2005). Hatshepsut, from queen to Pharaoh. Metropolitan Museum of art.
  • Panagiotopoulos, D. (2006). Foreigners in Egypt in the Time of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III.
  • Creasman, P. Q. (2014). Hatshepsut and the Politics of Punt. African Archaeological Review, 31, 395-405.
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