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The psychologist Yolanda Segovia talks about depression

We have all felt sadness at some point in our lives, something that can be normal in situations that cause us a lot of pain. For example, when our partner leaves us or when we don't pass an important exam for us.

But when sadness lasts for a long time and seriously affects our lives, we may suffer from depression, a psychological disorder that must be treated in order to regain our mental and emotional well-being.

  • Related article: “The 6 differences between sadness and depression

We interviewed the psychologist Yolanda Segovia

At present, depression is spoken of with total normality, and statistics show that it affects 2.4 million people in Spain.

In today's article we interview Yolanda Segovia, Collaborator of the Mensalus Institute of Barcelona, ​​considered one of the best psychology clinics of our country, to help us understand what depression is and what we can do to overcome it.

Jonathan García-Allen: According to data from the World Health Organization, depression has increased remarkably in the last decade. What do you think is the cause of this fact?

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Yolanda Segovia: That's right, it has increased remarkably, being one of the most prevalent mood disorders today. I believe that there is not a single cause, but the interaction of biological, psychosocial and personality factors. If we are talking about the last 10 years, it may be due to the economic crisis that has led to job losses, generating numerous associated difficulties, but also the increase in life expectancy, the higher level of stress we experience and the consumption of substances toxic. These could be factors that explain this growth, in addition to stressful life events, medical alterations or neurological disorders, among others.

What is the difference between sadness and depression?

Sadness is an emotion that arises from the feeling of loss, which can be of a loved one, a job, a breakup, a personal capacity... Depression, however, is a frequent mental disorder, where the constant manifestation of sadness is a characteristic, in addition to the loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, inability to carry out activities of daily living, for a period of time continued.

Being able to manifest some of the following symptoms, loss of energy, altered appetite, changes in sleep habits, Difficulty concentrating, memorizing, and/or paying attention, feelings of guilt or hopelessness, and thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

How can we identify if we are depressed?

We must present core symptoms of depression, such as pathological sadness, loss of interest and ability to enjoy, as well as a decrease in energy that conditions the level of activity and produces exhaustion excessive. In addition, we can observe irritability, pessimism about the future, loss of self-confidence or the aforementioned symptoms.

We must also observe the persistence of symptoms over time and their severity, to differentiate a change in our usual functioning, of the clinically significant discomfort that deterioration in some area of ​​our life entails.

It is common for many people to go to the GP when they experience the first symptoms of depression. However, scientific studies affirm that psychological help is key to overcoming this disorder. What are the benefits of going to the psychologist when a person suffers from a depressive disorder?

Exactly, it is common for depression to be diagnosed and treated in primary care, although sometimes the patient is referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist.

It is beneficial to go to the psychologist because the intervention allows a holistic treatment, addressing thoughts, emotions and behaviors and promoting changes that allow a more adaptive functioning to the person who suffers from a depressive disorder, also taking into account the work in the prevention of relapses. Another benefit that I think is important to highlight is that the process will be centered on the person, thus considering their individual differences.

How effective is psychotherapy in these cases?

Psychotherapy has shown a similar efficacy, even slightly higher, according to some studies, to that of pharmacological treatments.

Although combined treatment is frequent and effective, there are numerous analyzes that consider that psychological therapy should be the treatment of choice, since it shows a percentage of efficacy slightly higher than the pharmacological one, lacks the adverse effects of the latter and works in the prevention of relapses. While it is true that you have to take into account the severity of depression.

**When a person suffers from depression, is the consumption of drugs essential? **

It depends on the severity of the depressive episode. In severe cases, the combined approach seems the most appropriate, while in mild or moderate episodes, psychotherapy may be sufficient.

What types of depression are there?

I think a very broad, yet clear, way of differentiating types of depression would be to distinguish between endogenous or biological depression and non-endogenous or reactive depression. In the first, the genetic component influences mainly and external factors less, in the second, of psychological origin, the lack of adaptation to external stressors influences. We can also differentiate dysthymia, which is of chronic evolution and is related to personality characteristics.

In addition, another possible classification would be to specify in detail the different depressive disorders according to the DSM-5 diagnostic manual, which in its The latest revision considers various types of depressive disorders, assuming a differentiated diagnostic category for bipolar disorder and mental disorders. related.

Can we do something to prevent the onset of depression?

Some protective factors of depression can be enjoying a good assessment of ourselves, recognizing and trusting others own resources, appreciate the small details of our life, have a relational network that values ​​us, supports us and makes us feel good. Also, live in the present, valuing what we have and not paying all our attention to what we lack. As well as doing physical exercise and dedicating time to pleasant activities.

How can family members help a person with depression?

For a person with depression, the support of their close environment, understanding of their situation, respect and acceptance of their difficulties is transcendental.
It is important that family members recognize how depression manifests itself, what its symptoms and risks are in order to be able to care for them or request urgent help if necessary, it may also be necessary to know the effects of the medication, if the take.

Even if the symptoms that the family member presents make it difficult to live together, it is important that they trust that they will disappear with the appropriate treatment, and above all they should not think that they behave like this to attract attention or To bother. When in doubt, it is always better to consult a professional.

They can also help the family member by encouraging them to seek help and to follow the agreed guidelines in the therapeutic process that contribute to their improvement and/or. request family assistance to help you learn together effective ways to cope with depression.

What advice would you give to a person who is going through this situation?

I would suggest that you seek help to take the necessary steps to reduce your suffering. Also, I would encourage you to choose, introduce or keep in your life only what is good for you.

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