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I need to talk to someone: choose your psychologist and talk to him

"I need to talk to someone" is a recurring idea that arises in the minds of those who feel emotionally bad, either due to a psychological disorder of biological causes (such as endogenous depression) or by painful events that have occurred in their lives, such as a divorce, an episode of sexual harassment or the feeling of loneliness.

The truth is that it is normal to want to express what we feel when psychological pain wears out our quality of life. On the one hand, having someone to talk to helps organize our ideas, the system of thoughts from which we perceive and analyze what is happening. On the other hand, feeling someone's support and empathy is often something we need to overcome this situation and move forward.

In this article we will see some useful key ideas for those moments when we feel the need to talk to someone to listen to what we have been through and how we feel, an experience more common than it seems and capable of reaching anyone. Sometimes the help of psychologists will be necessary, and sometimes it will be enough with friends, the couple or relatives.

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Possible solutions to “I need to talk to someone”

That you feel that you need to explain to someone how you feel is not by chance. One of the most important aspects of overcoming bad times is to understand the sense of what upsets us, and this is often something that is very difficult to do alone, without aid.

Especially taking into account that sadness, melancholy or anxiety often does not let us think well, or do it in a sustained and systematic way, something necessary to reach conclusions coherent.

Now... what should we do when faced with that feeling of "I need to talk to someone about what is happening to me"? Here you will find several tips.

1. Don't cling to prejudices about others

The moment in which we open up to show our vulnerabilities and express how the discomfort we feel works through through different codes of behavior than what happens most of the time in relationships social. Maybe everyone usually tries to be the best version of themselves and act like they don't have serious problems, but if you show your vulnerabilities honestly and in a context of privacy, the chances are that others will reciprocate and fully support you in that action, and they will even show themselves vulnerable by talking to you about similar experiences.

For this reason, it is not necessary to assume that the reaction to what you are going to say is indifference or mockery; This only happens in clearly damaged relationships, which you probably already know how to recognize in your day to day.

So that, seek support from those you know appreciate or love you, and do not use the fear of non-acceptance as an excuse for not taking the step of saying what is wrong with you and how you feel. You would be surprised to know to what extent even relative strangers can be interested in your well-being.

2. Find the right context

Even if you feel very bad and feel a certain urgency to express yourself, It is important that you choose the right place, time and person. This is even more of a priority than starting the conversation with all your ideas in order and properly materialized (something you probably won't get in your state of malaise, at least before starting the conversation).

If you do not plan these three fundamental aspects, it is very likely that the first contact with someone who is there to support you will be slow and frustrating; for example, because there is too much ambient noise or because the other person has responsibilities to attend to and only has a few minutes.

Expressing how you feel is important: deserves that you take that moment seriously and plan for it just as if it were a formalized appointment noted on the agenda. Otherwise, you may even have to deal with an added problem: fears, insecurities and prejudices about what it means to open up to others. If this happens, you will tend to want to isolate yourself more and communicate less, so that you consider finding a solution to your psychological pain.

3. Do not seek to be fully understood

The point of talking to someone about what makes you feel bad is not that they understand you perfectly. This is something impossible, because each person is unique and experiences what happens to them in different ways.

What you should look for, in addition to the empathic connection, is precisely the plurality in the way of seeing things: points of alternative views that help you achieve a more constructive and less dramatic and defeatist perception of what you happens. Remember that the fact that you have experienced what has hurt you does not necessarily mean that you have a more objective perspective of reality; many times, just the opposite occurs.

  • You may be interested in: "Types of depression: its symptoms, causes and characteristics"

Find your psychologist

As we have seen, talking to someone about the problems that make us feel bad can be a great help, but often more is needed. Professional help given by psychologists specialized in psychotherapy and psychological assistance is a resource that helps to overcome situations of emotional pain and problems in our way of relating to the environment and to others.

In fact, There is even the possibility of going to couples therapy or family therapy, for those cases in which what is wrong is not found so much in us as in our interactions with other people in our closest social circles. Finding a psychologist means much more than having someone to talk to: it gives us the opportunity to have an expert professional in the human behavior that helps us learn new ways of feeling, thinking and behaving in a constructive way and according to our interests and values.

In other words, it is not simply a process of expressing feelings, but the information we give the psychologist serves so that it can help us make progress throughout a training session in which we modify our habits to become people better equipped to manage problems and sources of discomfort.

Going to psychotherapy is learning the theory and practice of how to regulate our emotions and our decision-making in difficult situations. In addition, it is not necessary to have a diagnosed disease or disorder to go to a psychological therapy consultation: in Sometimes, the discomfort that affects us does not fit with the definitions and labels used in health manuals. mental.

Now... how to find a psychologist who can help you?

Directory of Psychologists to obtain professional help

It must be taken into account that there are different profiles of psychologists specialized in therapy, and you must know how to choose according to their areas of specialization and location. Fortunately, there are relatively easy ways to quickly find a psychologist to talk to and who can offer us professional help.

In the Directory of Psychologists Psychology and Mind you can access the profiles of psychotherapists who offer therapy in your city. It is currently available in several countries, and allows you to see at a glance what are the specialties and titles of each professional.

Beam click here to access the Spain section of the directory, here to enter the section for users residing in Mexico, and here to access the Colombia section.

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