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The 80 best phrases (and reflections) of Meryl Streep

Mary Louise Streep, better known as Meryl Streep, is an American singer and television, film and theater actress. She has been active from the late 70's to the present day where she has been awarded 3 Oscars, 8 Golden Globes, 2 SAG Awards and 2 BAFTAs, in addition to 5 Grammy nominations and a total of 31 Golden Globe nominations, becoming the actress with the most nominations in film history.

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Best Meryl Streep Quotes

To commemorate her long career, in this article you will see a list of Meryl Streep's best phrases and reflections on her personal and professional life.

1. Acting is not about being someone different. It is finding the similarity in what is apparently different, and then finding myself there.

What it means for Meryl to be an actress.

2. True freedom is understanding that we have a choice: who we allow to have power over us.

Are you the one who runs your life or do you please someone else?

3. I'm really interested in collaborative. It's the scary thing because you never know how it's going to end. But you wait.
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A risk that can be worth it if everyone works for it.

4. If you have a brain, you are bound to use it.

Cultivating intelligence should be as important as pursuing fame.

5. Women: don't worry about your appearance. What makes you different or strange; that is your strength.

The appearance ends in the background with a strong personality.

6. If you think you can, then you can.

To achieve something, the main thing is to believe that we can do it.

7. I no longer have patience for some things, not because I have become arrogant, but simply because I reached a point in my life where I don't feel like wasting any more time with what I dislike or hurts.

When you decide what is really important in your life, you stop worrying about nonsense.

8. When the gods want to punish us, they answer our prayers.

We must be careful what we wish for, it may not be what we want.

9. You have to accept that you will grow old.

Aging is part of our life, it means that we have lived through good times.

10. Work is the most fun; it seems illicit how much fun it is.

When we work on what we love, it will never be a burden.

11. Always integrate your beliefs into every area of ​​your life. Bring your heart to work and expect the best in the world.

Never let go of your values, they will always be part of your life.

12. I believe that you should find your own way, set your own rules and have a broad understanding of yourself.

Only you are responsible for charting your destiny.

13. Don't give in or give in to condescending ridicule, amused scorn, or being ignored.

There will always be risks, but we must not stop because of that, because we can never move forward.

14. My actions are what represent me as a human being, not my words.

If your actions do not follow your words, you will never be someone to trust.

15. The interesting thing about being a mother is that everyone wants pets, but nobody but me cleans up the kitty litter.

An extra responsibility of the parents.

16. I want to feel my life while I'm in it.

That's why it's so important to look for fun and do what we love.

17. I think I'm not a natural artist; I think I'm an actress.

Being at peace with the career he decided to have.

18. I know what I do and what it means to me and where its sources are, and that's mine.

Placing his essence in each of his roles to interpret.

19. I always feel like I can't do it, that I can't go through a movie. But I do, after all.

Fear will always exist, but going through it is what helps us grow.

20. Put your heart into everything you do and don't be afraid to demand the most and the best of others.

Don't be ashamed to surround yourself with only positive things and people.

21. Everything we say means; everything we put out into the world counts. It impacts the kids, it impacts the zeitgeist.

Everything you do becomes an example for someone close to you.

22. It's strange that the product manager is more important to my children's health than the pediatrician.

A critique of the pharmaceutical industry and its inaccessible drugs.

23. Instant gratification is not soon enough.

Easy things are enjoyed, but for a short time.

24. I don't know why I don't watch many movies; I can barely keep up with the things my friends are into. There is not enough time in life.

About how busy she is in her day to day.

25. What does it take to be the first woman in something? It takes courage, and it takes grace.

Advice for empowered women.

26. I think your self emerges more clearly over time.

As we grow and mature, we are able to understand ourselves better.

27. There's no roadmap for how to raise a family: it's always a huge negotiation.

Each family has their own dynamic that works for them.

28. Nobody wants to see older people on screen. They are the least valued, least appreciated, least listened to and least interesting people in our society.

Age can be a big challenge for actors, in terms of staying active in Hollywood.

29. Hollywood studios seem hell-bent on discouraging smart people from going to the movies.

Very few resist going to the movies.

30. I believe in a world of opposites and that is why I avoid people with a rigid and inflexible character.

A person with a closed mind can never fully prosper.

31. Envy is a great stimulus for the development of creativity.

Remember that the best blow against the envious is to be happy.

32. Pay two thousand euros for a bag? I'd rather carry a cosmetic bag on my teeth!

It's incredibly absurd how expensive brand name products can be.

33. Love, sex and food are what really make us happy. Everything is very simple.

Happiness is in the details.

34. Develop what you want and what you work with your hands and give to the world.

Being grateful is giving to those who need it most.

35. Some people stay above the fashion business, but remain complicit and victimized by it.

Although some people seek to be original, they end up falling prey to trends.

36. I have a pretty good idea of ​​what I'm not good at and it's front and center of mind every minute I do it.

If we are good at something, that can become a doorway to future success.

37. The United States does not reward people my age, neither in everyday life nor for their performances.

A strong criticism of how demanding jobs are in the United States, which prevents the elderly from retiring as they should.

38. Acting is for me immersing myself in the possibility of a life I could imagine living, which is endlessly interesting to me.

It is expressing a world that only exists on paper.

39. Disrespect breeds disrespect. Violence causes violence. When the strong hurt the weak, everyone loses.

Evil only causes evil, the best way to combat it is by creating more positivity.

40. Winning an Oscar can double the audience you had before.

One of the perks of winning an academy award.

41. Sometimes we have to make our children do something they don't want because it's good for them.

It is always important to teach children valuable things, even if they think they do not need them.

42. I believe that you should find your own way, set your own rules and have a broad understanding of yourself. In the end, it's the only thing you can count on for sure.

In your life, it is you who matters most.

43. My family really comes first. It always has and always will.

Placing his family above all else.

44. The formula for happiness and success is to simply be yourself, in the most vivid way possible.

We will never be happy if we insist on being someone else or pleasing others.

45. It's amazing what you can get if you demand it in a calm, clear and authoritative way.

When you are firm and consistent, nothing is impossible.

46. I remember when I was around 40, thinking that every movie would be my last.

A latent fear that he managed to overcome.

47. Don't confuse having a college degree with having an education. The title is a piece of paper, education is responding when they say good morning to you.

Not all smart people are kind people.

48. You can't suppress the things that make us human. There's no point in trying.

At all times it is important to cultivate the values ​​that make us human.

49. Respect others, even if they don't agree with you. Always remember compassion.

We all have our opinions and they deserve to be heard.

50. The best role models for women are people who are fruitful and self-confident.

There is no better example to follow than a person who pursues her dreams despite everything and everyone.

51. I don't like to be away all weekend, especially at night. Because for 20 years, I've had children who are in school.

Talking about his more homely life.

52. I'd rather be a rebel than a slave. I urge women to rebellion.

Being rebellious in the face of society's expectations is what makes us unique and free.

53. You don't have to be famous. You just have to become someone your parents are proud of.

Parents always seek happiness for their children.

54. You cannot be afraid when you work, otherwise nothing will work out.

Getting carried away by fear is what makes things go wrong.

55. I am sure that the pursuit of excellence is what separates a good life from a successful one.

Success is in finding that harmony with you and with what surrounds you.

56. She no longer spends a minute on whom she lies or wants to manipulate.

It is better to stay away from those who only bring misfortune.

57. There were no interesting roles for women. I think it's a miracle that he's played so many amazing characters since then.

Without a doubt, a woman whose talent is so valuable, that she has made her career so long.

58. In a world of men, a woman who laughs is seen as a seduced, conquered woman.

Women have many reasons to smile.

59. For me, clothes are a kind of character, I don't follow fashion or understand trends.

Fads are trends that don't last long enough to spend that much on clothes.

60. Once they let me out of the barn, I know I wouldn't be happy if I was home all the time.

We all need to stay active in one way or another.

61. I am a nuisance to all the costume designers I work with because I have very strong feelings on the subject.

A woman who prefers comfort over appearance.

62. I have a very busy life, and not many people who have a career and four kids go to the movies a lot.

Talking about his little mood to watch movies at the cinema.

63. You can't spoil yourself if you make your own sandwich.

Enjoy the things you earn.

64. Enough people write about me every day without even interviewing me.

The dark side of fame, the misinformation generated by the press.

65. There are improbable things suspended in space, like the earth.

If that's possible, why wouldn't our dreams be?

66. The more you are in this business, the more humble you become.

Humility should never be lost, because it is what connects us with reality.

67. Life is valuable and when you have lost many people, you realize that each day is a gift.

Losses make us appreciate more intensely what we have with us.

68. You have to keep doing what you do. It is the most important lesson I have learned from my husband, he always says: keep going, start by starting.

A valuable advice for all those who want to pursue their dreams.

69. Expensive clothes are a waste of money.

It is buying a status that we really do not need.

70. It's good to push yourself and do things you don't necessarily want to do, and if you're not automatically good at it, you should try. It is essential to try.

Practice is what makes perfect, there is no other way.

71. The great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy.

A gift that we must put into practice more frequently.

72. In the end, what matters is what you feel. Not what your mom told you. Not what another actress told you. Not what everyone has told you, but that small but latent voice inside of you.

The only voice we must listen to is our own.

73. You put yourself in the hands of the best people you can find and are completely dependent on the kindness of strangers and their commitment. It's like this mutual deceit.

Talking about collaborative work and its challenges.

74. Grace, respect, reserve, and empathic listening are qualities now lacking in public discourse.

What the world needs most is to cultivate values ​​of empathy and responsibility.

75. Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. It all comes down to the essentials.

The way in which motherhood changes the perception of women.

76. I'm curious about other people. That is the essence of my acting. I'm interested in what it would be like to be you.

What motivates her to build her characters on screen.

77. All an actor has is his blind faith that he is who he says he is today, in any scene.

Self-confidence is the strongest tool of the actors.

78. My advice: don't spend so much time worrying about the appearance of your skin or your weight.

Beauty is fleeting, what matters is what we carry inside.

79. Some people are filled with compassion and a desire to do good, and others simply believe that nothing is going to make a difference.

The people who settle are the ones who surrender to everything.

80. I have an integral need to work and have great bonds of love in my life. I can't imagine avoiding one for the other.

Love as a fundamental part of every aspect of your life.

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