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Find out why CLEOPATRA was important

Why she was important Cleopatra

within the egyptian pharaohs, one of her best known was Cleopatra. She was the last ruler of Egypt before Roman rule and one of the Egyptian leaders most represented and valued in the history of humanity. But although many people know her name, not everyone knows why she was so important, and that is why in this lesson from a Teacher we must talk about why she was important cleopatra.

Cleopatra VIIher, although generally and popularly she is called only Cleopatra, she is the last pharaoh in the history of Ancient Egypt before Roman rule. She was part of the Ptolemaic dynastyher, since she was a descendant of Ptolemy I, being her the person who inherited the Egyptian throne from Alexander the Great.

Cleopatra was one of the most prepared pharaohs in history, since she worked as a diplomat, naval commander, doctor and also as a linguist, being the first of the Ptolemaic pharaohs who, in addition to Greek, was able to speak Egyptian. Even with that, part of the population of the time did not consider her fit for the throne, preferring her male brothers.

Why Cleopatra Was Important-Who was she and what did Cleopatra do?
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To know Cleopatra in depth we must make a brief summary of her life, to understand her evolution of her and all the events in which she was the protagonist of her, in order to understand her importance.

Cleopatrashe was born in Alexandria in 69 BC. C., being daughter of Ptolemy XII, pharaoh of Egypt at the time. Cleopatra was married to her brother, Ptolemy XIII, as it was considered the best way to prevent her from being pharaoh alone. Both her and her brother came to the throne in 51 BC. C., but the tensions between the brothers were so great that in a short time Cleopatra was removed from the throne.

Since then, Cleopatra sought a way to regain the throne, getting support both in a military and political way. It was then that the Roman civil war, pitting Julius Caesar against Pompey, reached Egyptian territory. Julius Caesar sided with Cleopatra, partly because they were her lovers, and this started the Alexandrian War, which pitted Cleopatra and her allies against Ptolemy XIII and her allies. In this war Pompey and Ptolemy XIII perished, the Library of Alexandria was burned and Cleopatra was placed on the throne of Egypt by Julius Caesar.

After being elected pharaoh, Cleopatra married another of her brothers, Ptolemy XIV, as it was a way to consolidate her throne. She still maintained her relationship with Julius Caesar, and even she had a son with him, named Caesarion or Ptolemy XV. Cleopatra's idea was to increase Egypt's influence, making her a strong ally of Rome, taking advantage of her close relationship with Julius Caesar.

The 44 B.C. C., Cleopatra's claims collapsed, when Julius Caesar was assassinated in Rome for her own allies of hers, being one of the biggest betrayals in history. But Cleopatra was not going to stop seeking her power, and for that reason she tried to repeat her maneuver by seducing Caesar's successor, the consul. mark antony, who at that time was fighting against Octavio Augusto for power.

Understanding that Egypt was Mark Antony's greatest ally, Octavio Augusto launched an attack against Egypt. The final battle took place on 31 BC. C., being known as the naval battle of Actium, in which Octavio's fleet annihilated that of Marco Antonio. After the defeat of Marco Antonio, Cleopatra also tried to seduce Octavian, but the new Roman leader rejected it and wanted to take it to Rome as war booty.

It was at this moment, seeing that it was going to be her final defeat, that Cleopatra decided to commit suicide, causing a poisonous snake to bite him, and ending his life. This was the end of Cleopatra, a pharaoh who tried by all means to have power.

To continue this lesson from a Teacher on why she was important cleopatra, we must list some of the main elements that make this ruler one of the most important in all of history.

Some of the reasons why Cleopatra was so important are the following:

  • She was the last pharaoh of Egypt, ending with a position that had been going on for centuries, and that had become one of the most relevant in the Ancient Age. After her death, Egypt became a Roman province, causing the end of one of the oldest civilizations in the world.
  • With it ends the Ptolemaic Dynasty., which was traced from the time of Alexander the Great, ending with it one of the few remains that remained of the descendants of the Macedonian emperor.
  • she got that Rome and Egypt join forces, something that the Egyptians had been wanting to do for years but had not achieved due to its diminishing importance in the ancient world.
  • she was a powerful woman She at a time when the greatest rulers were men, and therefore she had to face a series of elites who preferred her brothers to rule.
  • He had at his mercy the most powerful man in the world, who at that time was Julio Cesar, being a person who would change the history of Rome forever.
Why she was important Cleopatra-Discover why Cleopatra was important

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