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14 books on emotional intelligence and why you should read them

1. Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman

layer of the book Emotional Intelligence

Published in 1995, this book by the North American Daniel Goleman was a succession of sales and other perspectives on rational and emotional intelligence.

The author starts from practical cases to exemplify how the management of emotions can impact people's lives, both for better or worse.

It presents five important skills for developing in prolific mental health, contributing to a better quality of life.

Daniel Goleman has other important publications on related issues that can also help people who are trying to develop their psychological and emotional capacities.

2. The power of habit, Charles Duhigg

capa do book or power of habit

Many people fear or desire to revolutionize their lives, inserting good habits and leaving behind behaviors that cause them suffering.

It happens that it is not that simple and, many times, people repeatedly try to change their habits, but fail in a short time.

Charles Duhigg, an American reporter, decided then to study the subject and launched in 2012 two best-selling books on the subject.

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With a captivating and easy language, the author presents how habits shape our lives and traces interesting suggestions to promote significant changes in the routine and consequently in the life of general manner.

3. How to change your mind, Michael Pollan

capa do livro How to change your mind

The journalist and researcher Michael Pollan deepened our studies on the effects that psychedelic substances such as LSD have on the human mind.

Likewise, published in 2018 this book that provides relevant information on how these controversial composts can alter and help the psyche of people seeking a better quality of life, overcoming traumas and problems psychological.

Check out a highlight excerpt from this book that promises to transform our perception on the subject:

Our task in life consists precisely in a way of detaching ourselves from fear and our expectations, in an attempt to surrender purely to the impact of the present.

4. Loving yourself, a journey in search of oneself, Marcos Lacerda

The Paraiban psychologist Marcos Lacerda sees success on the internet to address issues of great interest such as relationships and self-esteem.

In 2021 release the book Amar-se uma voyagem em busca de si mismo, which traced an interesting path in the direction of self-love and emotional autonomy.

Check out a present excerpt from the book:

In order for you to feel motivated to transform yourself internally, you must have in mind that in order to remain In your comfort zone it must be greater than the risk of traversing your inner abysses to change your history.

5. The power of now, Eckhart Tolle

capa do livro o poder do agora

The power of now: A guide to spiritual enlightenment It is a book by Eckhart Tolle released in 2004 that contains valuable teachings on the importance of staying aligned with the present time.

The author studied various religions and developed a guide with concepts related to Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism and other practices to help people find their inner strength and potential. If you are looking for a reading that helps you on a more spiritualized path for an emotional transformation, this is a good indication.

Launched by the publisher Sextante, it sold more than 8 million units.

6. Everything about love, bell hooks

capa do livro All about love

With a simple and direct language, the American scholar and ativist bell hooks presented us with this powerful writing. all about love It is a book from 2000 that was released in Brazil in 2021 by the publisher Elefante.

Nele, bell hooks disagrees about the importance of love both in individual life and in collective life. The author seeks to untangle this sentiment that is so complex, drawing definitions that make us question them reasons that lead people to become involved in complicated relationships, where there is disrespect and misunderstanding.

For hooks, or love is feito of attitudes, being essential or active compromise two involved.

If you seek to understand a little more about love and develop a loving intelligence, this reading is obligatory.

7. Nonviolent Communication, Marshall Rosenberg

non-violent communication book cover

Non-violent communication: techniques to improve personal and professional relationships It is a book launched in 2006 by American psychologist Marshall Bertram.

After sales, the publication has become a valuable tool for all people who seek assertiveness and respect in their relationships, both personally and professionally.

Non-violent communication, also known as NVC, is a term that suggests a new approach to human relations, drawing up intelligent strategies to deal with other people. Therefore, reading this work can be a great way to improve your relationship with yourself and with others.

8. Aurora, or awakening of the exhausted woman, Marcela Ceribelli

book cape aurora or awakening of the exhausted woman

Marcela Ceribelli is the idealizer of Obvious, a community on Instagram that deals with female mental health, and do podcast Good morning, Obvious, that receives guests to talk about various topics that affect us women.

By the end of 2022, she will publish her first book, Aurora, or awakening of the exhausted woman, where it delves into issues relevant to the female public, such as the overload of work, the effects that the patriarchy exerts on women and men and many others.

Combining personal stories and the analysis of specialists, the book constitutes a good tool for self-investigation and the search for a better emotional understanding.

9. The things you only see when you slow down: How to keep calm in a hectic world, Haemin Sunim

book layer The things you see only when you slow down

The writer and Buddhist Zen professor Haemin Sunim published in 2017 this beautiful book that contains illustrations and teachings that trace appeasement and self-love.

Reading promises to help in the perception of mindfulness and in the search for a confident and joyful mind, or that significantly impacts emotional intelligence. In this way, this is a valuable book to always have by hand.

10. Antifragile, Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Antifragile book cape

em antifragile, Nassim Nicholas Taleb explores the concept of uncertainty as something potentially beneficial, which drives us to prosper.

The author has other success books, such as The logic of the Black Swan, and it became a powerful voice in the perception of how unpredictability can help us achieve significant transformations.

11. The courage not to please, Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga

layer of courage not to please

The full title of the book, The courage not to please: How philosophy can help you to be free from the opinion of two others, overcome your limitations and become the person you want, já gives us an idea of ​​what to expect from this reading.

The more than 3 thousand copies sold give us the dimension of the number of people who will benefit from the teachings of two Japanese philosophers and psychologists Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga.

The book presents important strategies and reflections on how to work on self-esteem, despite the expectations we create about others.

12. Women Who Run Like Wolves, Clarissa Pinkola Estés

book cover Women who run like wolves

Women who run like wolves, launched in 1989, became a classic of female empowerment.

With a poetic and sensitive writing, the Jungian psychologist Clarissa Pinkola Estés presents various stories and myths, drawing valuable interpretations on the instinctive nature of women.

The author shows in an odd way the possibilities of experiencing healthier and more satisfying relationships, both with herself and with the people around her.

13. Death is a day worth living, Ana Claudia Quintana Arantes

book cover Death is a day worth living

Ana Claudia Quintana is a doctor and lecturer specialized in palliative care for patients who are approaching death.

In his book A death is a day that is worth living, she presents this painful topic in a sensitive and intelligent way.

By treating death and aging as an inevitable destiny, Ana Claudia makes us reflect on how we live our days and on the importance of making the most of our existence.

14. Embracing her inner child, Stefanie Stahl

book cover Acolhendo his inner child

Childhood is a very important moment of life in the construction of our emotional health. It is in this phase that some beliefs are raised and installed in our psyche.

Many lines of Olham psychology for children pay special attention and seek to help people understand their traumas so that they can overcome them.

This is the approach of these books, a success of sales in more than 30 countries. Written by the German psychologist Stefanie Stahl, this work is an interesting tool for those who seek help for their wounded upbringing.

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