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Psychologist Kintsugi Psychology Barcelona

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I am Marian Carulla, I have a degree in psychology and I dedicate myself to psychotherapy, helping people manage their stress, better self-knowledge and personal growth, through the practice of Mindfulness and cognitive therapy behavioral. I have complemented my training with specialization courses in psychological counseling for person-centered therapies, personal growth, Mindfulness in a clinical environment, improvement of self-esteem, stress management and a master's degree in psychotherapy integrative. I am passionate about accompanying and showing people that our mind can be seen as a muscle, that we can train just like we train our physical body, and get it in shape. I have a great vocation for the knowledge of human behavior and I believe in the transformation of people to improve their quality of life, regardless of the place and circumstances that have touched them live. Consciousness is a priority in my therapies: working to understand what is happening to us is the first step to being able to change something that is damaging us. From the first moment the therapy begins, I focus on working on consciousness. That allows us to understand the situation and stop feeling lost. Sometimes working the mind, thoughts and emotions can be very difficult or painful. But if we do it the right way it doesn't have to be that way and the reward is worth it.

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I am specialized in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness. Mindfulness is applied with different procedures and concrete exercises that can be very diverse. The most widely used procedure includes cognitive elements (meditation) together with certain types of relaxation, process of self-knowledge and also different exercises focused on bodily sensations and the breathing. Mindfulness helps us to see clearly the many elements that are coming up in any experience and also to have more choice in how we respond. We can only work with what we are aware of. We cannot change something that we do not know if it even exists. Being conscious invites us to learn to listen to our innermost needs and learn to discern, paying attention to that knot that we now have in our stomach or the tension in our jaw. By distinguishing our true feelings we realize the usefulness of listening to ourselves more deeply and identify the root of our feelings that are the ones that feed our behaviors in our day to day day. When we are aware of what is really happening, then we can choose how to react to those feelings or beliefs.

My psychological counseling style applying Mindfulness is strongly influenced by the mindfulness, which is a non-judgmental, feeling awareness of what is happening in our experience. With just a few exercises you will be amazed at the power of this simple tool.

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