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46 weird questions you won't be able to answer

People have the ability to reflect and we are curious, so we are often questioning things about our environment or our person.

Even though there are many questions that make sense, there are also strange, curious or absurd questions that are difficult to answer.

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weird unanswered questions

Below you can find a list of weird questions that you will have a hard time answering.

1. Why were all kamikaze pilots wearing crash helmets, if they knew they were going on a suicide mission?

A curious question. But it doesn't make much sense for a pilot to put on a helmet when his goal is to blow himself up.

2. How far do people who have no hair wash their faces?

It is difficult to know where the border between the face and the scalp is when there is no hair to differentiate it.

3. Why is 'separate' written all together and 'all together' written separately?

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Language, sometimes, has this type of curiosities for which there is no need to seek an explanation.

4. Why is it impossible to sneeze with your eyes open?

A curiosity that surely has its answer in that when applying pressure through the nose, the eyes close as a result of exerting force.

5. Why is there no mouse-flavored cat food?

Few will have asked this question. But what does the rat taste like?

6. Why do we lower the volume of the radio when we look for a parking space? Are we going to find it better?

Actually, it favors concentration and, therefore, we can park better, without distractions.

7. Why in scary movies is there always a door from which light comes out? What are the spirits doing there? Will they be making photocopies?

Surely, because the afterlife is illuminated.

8. Why doesn't anyone want to pay the price?

An expression whose origin is not known for sure. However, it could come from the relationship between the Jewish and Christian people of the s. XVI and s. XVII. Well, the former claimed to have a pact with God, and the latter claimed that one day they would "pay the pact".

9. Why is the chest of drawers called that, if the bed is much more comfortable?

Another of those language curiosities, like many others.

10. Why are the packages of buns six units and those of hot dogs five?

Curious. But it would be ideal if the packages matched, as it would be better for hot dog lovers.

11. Why, when you buy a flat, don't they give you the marble that the other neighbors have and that they roll at night?

12. Why is our planet called Earth if what there is is a quantity of water?

Apparently, it's called earth after the ground we walk on.

13. Do infants of childhood as much as adults enjoy adultery?

A play on words that doesn't make much sense.

14. Why does the Incredible Hulk tear off all his clothes except his pants?

Why is he a science fiction character, not real.

15. Why do we press the remote buttons harder when the batteries are low?

Surely, it is an instinctive act of frustration at not being able to change the channel.

16. Why do we open our mouths every time we look at the ceiling?

The reason may be that the neck muscles are tense.

17. Why do we lift our shoulders when it rains? Do we get less wet?

It is a reflex action before the sensation of being wet.

18. Why is “abbreviation” such a long word?

Because language has these curiosities. There is no explanation for it.

19. Why does it seem so luxurious to us to have breakfast in bed, with how uncomfortable it is?

Due to the fact that they bring us breakfast and we don't even have to get out of bed to do it.

20. Why do we eat "the pot" and not what is inside?

It is an expression that refers to overthinking.

21. If money is the cause of all evil, why do we have to work?

An interesting reflection. But we work to survive in this society where money rules.

22. Why is the rope never found after a storm breaks?

Another classic expression, which does not refer to the literal meaning. There are no ropes that hold the storm.

23. If jail and prison are synonymous, why aren't jailer and prisoner?

There is no reason why they should be synonymous. Both roles have their origins in a prison.

24. An average Spaniard loses around three socks a year. If we multiply them by the entire Spanish population, that means a total of about 120 million lost socks. Where are those 120 million socks?

Something that invites the reader to reflect. Also, do these socks pollute?

25. Why can you find anything but gloves in the glove compartment of the car?

Because, when the first cars were built, the boiler was located in that area. So you had to touch that area with gloves.

26. Why do most of us look at the handkerchief after blowing our nose?

It's curious. Many find it disgusting and still look.

27. If it is always outdoors, why is the deck of a ship called a deck?

Maybe because it covers the inside of the ship.

28. What color will a chameleon look in the mirror?

It will still have the same color. A strange but curious question.

29. Why are needles for lethal injections sterilized?

For protocol reasons. Obviously, it makes little sense considering that the objective is to end the life of the person.

30. The world is round and they call it planet. If it were flat, would we call it round?

Well, it is not possible to answer this question, because the world is not flat.

31. Why do we call drink 'drink', even before we drink it?

Because they have nothing to do with the temporal moment.

32. If it turns out that a lawyer goes crazy, does he lose the trial?

A strange question and, moreover, quite absurd. Of course not.

33. Why do muffins get hard and cookies soft?

Because nature has these things.

34. Why is sliced ​​bread square if choped, salami, mortadella and chorizo ​​are round? Is it the fault of the tranchetes?

If we want to make sandwiches with the sausage, it would be ideal if they had the same shape.

35. Why are phones mobile and laptops?

Both devices are mobile and portable.

36. Why aren't the planes made of the same material as the black box?

Because they would weigh too much to be able to maintain flight.

37. What do you do if you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?

A rare question that may lead some people to doubt.

38. Why is Goofy able to walk on his two feet and Pluto goes on all fours? Aren't they both dogs?

It's funny, but that's how cartoons are.

39. How can I find out how many lives my cat has left?

Cats only have one life, so the question is absurd.

40. Why do they usually close the toilets at service stations? Are they afraid that someone will come in to clean them?

The reason is for use only by service station customers.

41. Can God create a rock that he himself is unable to lift?

A question with an intriguing philosophical content about the hypothetical omnipotence of God.

42. Where is the mind located?

The mind is a very important concept that we use many times, but it is paradoxical that we are not even able to attribute a space to it. The trick is, according to several philosophers, that the mind is not something material with specific limits, but rather a process.

43. Are birds reptiles?

On the one hand, we know that reptiles have scales, and on the other, we know that birds arose from the evolutionary branch of dinosaurs. For this reason, most biologists do not consider the category of reptiles as one that is valid when to talk about the taxonomy of species, that is, the way in which they can be classified scientifically.

44. Why do we sometimes feel watched?

Sometimes we notice that someone is looking at us, even without seeing that person. Why is this happening?

45. How do dolphins think?

We know that they are highly intelligent animals, but at the same time they lead lives that are very different from ours.

46. Is reality a simulation?

Technically, we cannot know if what surrounds us is real or not, since a perfect simulation would be able to recreate all kinds of situations making them believable.

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