Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Irene Tobias Fernandez

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I have spent years dedicating myself to one of my passions, Psychology. In these years I have helped numerous people, couples and families to improve their well-being and achieve personal goals. They have been gratifying experiences for them and for me. The key to my success is to focus on you, how you are, how you feel, what symptoms are affecting you, understand what you need, what you want to improve, what motivates you and what difficulties you are encountering in your day to day day. I rely especially on listening, empathy and unconditional support. I don't work with a specific branch of psychology, I consider myself rather eclectic. However, I do rely on cognitive-behavioral psychology, because I consider it effective and it matches my personality. I offer an active way of working, with a multidisciplinary team, collaborating with different professionals in psychiatry, psychology and nutrition.

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I love my profession and I am in constant training to be able to offer the best service.

All the professionals of the Ongizate Integral Center for Psychology team have extensive postgraduate training and a professional career, which allows us to offer a quality service. We have the collaboration of: - Elixabete Blanco who cares for children and adolescents. - Paula González, receives cases of eating disorders and couples therapy. - Elena Escudero, is the one who deals with addictions both with substances and without them. - Mikel Arranz, is the Center's psychiatrist. - Andrea SanJuan, our nutritionist.

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