Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Ana Maria Barb

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From a very young age I have been interested in the human psyche and the world of emotions. I consider that I was a very sensitive girl and, since then, I felt a lot of empathy for the most disadvantaged. This led me to study Gestalt Therapy, Family Constellations, NLP, Enneagram, Trauma Therapy and in the present study Psychology. These therapies helped me start a personal healing process while I started working with my own clients creating my own model. For the last 4 years I have been training psychologists and social workers who accompany adolescents in vulnerable situations and immigrant adolescents. I also give various workshops on Family Constellations, Theater and Gestalt and Meditation that are face-to-face in Barcelona. I am mainly dedicated to giving face-to-face and online individual therapy, training and group workshops.

I am accompanying processes with people who are going through moments of anxiety, stress, post-traumatic stress, emotional management, trauma, grief, loss, etc. From my experience, having migrated, I accompany many people who are going through a similar migration process. In this process there are many changes to which a person is exposed and they are not easy to manage. A duel is accompanied by emotions such as: sadness, anger, rage, pain. And these emotions need to be welcomed and integrated because if we don't carry them with us and these are transforming it into various symptoms: muscle pain, insomnia, eating problems etc

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The accompaniment has to go first with love because it is what heals us and it is what we need most today. Patience because the changes are taking place step by step. I always say that the therapy process is similar to when you are planting a seed, you see small changes until one day the plant blooms. Transparent is a quality that is needed in therapy both as a therapist and as a client. Flexible and even-tempered when handling issues within therapy. Compassionate and humble because it is important to know how to live with your feet on the ground, as the Dalai Lama says: with common sense.

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